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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think the T part is super sinister, and there’s a huge overlap between how they see women and how the hard right traditionalists see women. It’s two sides of the same shit-coin, major upside to the left are abortion rights and birth control access.

I think there’s a group of gay men in particular who are right wing, particularly the wealthy ones. Not sure how much real risk gay people face if wealthy gay men are able to donate money to political campaigns and elections. I could be wrong about that, of course.

At this point, I can tell the left gives no shits about women if they seek out brownie points from the rich white male techie trans crowd and their misogynistic followers. Money is the bottom line. The trans agenda has a shit load of cash behind it, more than all the fundie US churches combined. Big tech loves trans women, as does big Pharma, medical, the beauty industry.

There will be people (not saying myself) who will veer right out of disgust for people who believe children should be allowed to independently butcher themselves/take hormones without parental consent— for example. If the right wing blasts those kinds of things in the T agenda, makes a point it’s happened in the UK, and that the US left supports it, many people who are centrist working class rural (etc) will react poorly to it.

Remember pizzagate? That story broke shortly before the 2016 election. This (or some scandal related to this) could be the kind of ticking info b0mb they could release right before the election.

Sorry I keep editing. I hate mobile.