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[–][deleted] 50 insightful - 2 fun50 insightful - 1 fun51 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

And they know it's all bull, or else they wouldn't go "but.. but what about the black transwomen from third world countries?" As if they give a f*ck. It absolutely infuriates me when they go using my country (Brazil) to show how much in danger they are (yes.. tots in danger an american straight white male probably upper class, so oppressed). These transwomen here are victims of homophobia, (I think the government even counts it as homophobic/LGBT hate crime) and many of them are involved with prostitution or drugs, increasing the risks of violence.

Now, the high numbers we might have here are nowhere close to the numbers of women that die everyday. You don't even need to dig, we have crime tv shows that give that info every day. One of these shows even had this thing where they would write the name of all the women that died that week, they stopped doing it after a while, it was basically just to show how many women die everyday victims of femicide and criticize the fact that their aggressors didnt stay in jail. Most are victims of domestic violence; some were killed by their neighbors, school or work friends, and even by complete strangers. Why they were killed? Simply for being women.

If TWAW then why not talk about the women being murdered in their own homes too? Suddenly there's a distinction that disappears when transwomen commit crimes and get arrested?

[–]LasagnaRossa 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

These transwomen here are victims of homophobia

As always have been. In conservative countries trans people are hated for the implications, not their lifestyles.

In the same way of gay men, trans women are seen as a threat for male straightness.