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[–]TurkishCoffee 35 insightful - 1 fun35 insightful - 0 fun36 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I've long lurked in GC subs and other places on Reddit before the ban. I have to keep my mouth shut in most places on most accounts, I live in a very liberal city and work in an industry full of TiMs (it's quite strange). But the other day was ..a new peak for me and enough to get me to post here. I tend to get into unrelated arguments with TiMs because they act aggressive and have to be right (honestly worse than most cis men I know. by a LOT), but then play the victim card and I won't bend to that and tend to ram logic down people's throats. I'm stubborn. It's why I've succeeded in a field where I am often the only woman in the department. Anyhow, there are still a few of the saner/less entitled TiMs in my social circle and I will play nice, and tend not to have any reason to make a fuss. Don't start none, wont be none. Well, turns out one of them isn't so sane. Apparently now the language has changed again and sex is a forbidden word entirely. It's not biological sex. It's "assigned gender". Didn't we just go through like 3-4 years of "Gender is a social construct and a spectrum and does not equal sex"? But it's pretty handy if gender=sex but sex isn't real and gender isn't either so do anything you want! It's fucking absurd and i'm tired of it. I'm critical of gender. and believe in biological sex. But other than that I'm very of the "you do you, just leave me alone" variety. Wanna wear a dress? You do you. Wanna be called a female name? Yeah okay. Dont care. I'll call you any name you have. Doesn't bother me. Have surgery? If you're over 18 you're a grown adult and it's your body. Do whatever you want to it, just don't come crying to me about the consequences. And that just really isn't enough these days. No no, we have to constantly change language, deny the existence of biological sex, pretend that transwomen are not only women but identical to cis women because everything else is offensive! I'm just fucking done and tired of it. I'm not here to play handmaid to whatever weird ass reality they think exists and affirm everything they say when I know it's wrong. Of course, the number of "cis" women who don't identify as nonbinary of some format is rapidly dwindling in my area to the point you'd almost think it's a socially motivated trend to be anything but a woman. I'm one of the only last remaining "bisexual women" standing who doesn't say "I'm totally pansexual and nonbinary" because frankly there are two sexes, and I am attracted to both, but not all of them! I'm not actually attracted to that many people to start with anyhow! But that's hate speech these days. I'm just exhausted. And i'm tired of every single thing and space being SUPER ABOUT THE TRANSWOMEN.

[–]yousaythosethings 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The only upside is that it’s now easier to separate the wheat (real bi women like you) from the chaff (attention-seeking posers) who will flock to the pan and NB labels.

On a similar note, we just lost another lesbian on YouTube to similar madness. With little to no substantive explanation, Laurology took back her coming out as a lesbian and said she doesn’t want to be put in a box and that she now identifies as “queer” because she she “doesn’t solely like women,” she “likes really good people,” and “gender isn’t [her] biggest thing whether they are someone who identifies as male, female, or non-binary.” Like what does that even mean? This is the problem with basing everything on “gender identity.” We have no clarity or understanding anymore.” Does she just like biological females or what? And why does she look like she’s being held hostage for the entire video?

Edit: In the comments laurology said that if she had to choose a label it’s Pansexual. Sigh.

[–]MonstrousRegiment 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh God it's everywhere! I will never get over having my young lesbian friend explain to me, an ancient straight woman, that she is not "lesbian" but "queer" (a word that still shocks me as much as any other slur) because – omg – her friends have basically bullied her into believing that lesbians are uncool. When I pointed out to her that one of her most admired friends was unapologetically lesbian, she said, "but my friend is too cool to be cool." Oh God. She didn't play the "my ex transitioned so I am queer not lesbian" card but it was in the air.