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[–]PostmodernJukebox[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

oh completely, yes. i took a red pill waaaay long forever ago, it's been a long time, and while i'm maybe not as intense about it as i used to be, i cannot just sit back and pretend the world isn't sucking liberal dick and pretending to be so woke and better-than-you by doing the same shit they've always done but repackaged under a queer umbrella. like it's so obvious to anyone who thinks about it for more than five seconds. i've maintained for nearly 10 years now that if someone on the inside fucked up and was lambasted and saw everything for what it was...they wouldn't be so quick to scream TWAW on twitter and suck up to people the way they do now. i was like that once but then I saw the light when they turned on me for NOTHING. now there's no damn way i'm going back. it literally IS just like the matrix.