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[–]MarkTwainiac 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

OP, I'm not from the QT side, so I guess there's a good chance you'll ignore a post from someone "GC" like me, but still I have to ask: exactly which "gender affirming medical treatments" do you think are easier to access for people you'd label "cis" than for people you'd call trans?

I think it's important to point out that just because certain medical treatments are performed and obtained for "gender affirming" reasons in people who identify as trans doesn't mean that everyone who seeks or gets those same treatments is doing so for reasons of "gender affirmation" - or for reasons that have anything to do with gender, gender presentation, or identity at all, for that matter. Similarly, just because most people either don't have a gender identity, or identify as as "cis," doesn't mean we have easy access to all the kinds of drugs and medical procedures that people who identify as trans view as "gender affirming medical treatment" for themselves and others who identify as trans.

For example, a great many people take exogenous testosterone to get a leg up in sports - not to affirm their gender identities or accentuate their sense of masculinity. In most countries, getting exogenous testoterone legally prescribed by a HCP is much more difficult for people who don't have a gender identity, or who identify as "cis," than it is for female people who identify as trans, nonbinary, masc, trans-masc, etc and seek testosterone to affirm their gender-identities and change their outward gender presentation.

Similarly, the vast majority of surgeries done to remove breast tissue, ovaries, Fallopian tubes and the uterus are done for medical reasons having to do with the patients' physical health, not to affirm their self-images, social identities and inner sense of femininitity or masculinity. In the absence of serious physical medical conditions that have an objective reality that can be observed and diagnosed - like breast cancer, gynecological cancer and disease, uterine fibroids, uterine hermorrhage, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine prolapese, and debilitating chronic pain and dysfunction - these surgeries are actually much harder to get, and far harder to get insurance coverage and payment for, if a person is a "bog standard" patient than a trans-identifed one.

In fact, even when a female person seeks a breast reduction or hysterectomy for sound medical reasons that have been extremely well-documented over many years, in most health care systems the surgery she seeks will be routinely denied to her - or insurance coverage will be denied her. If she does eventually get the surgery she seeks, and insurance pays for it, it will only be after she's spent years begging and pleading, getting tests and jumping through hoops.

For a number of years now, it's been much easier for male adults and adolescents who identify as trans to get prescriptions for estrogen - especially high-dose estrogen - for reasons of "gender affirmation" than it is for female adults to get estrogen prescribed to relieve the physical symptoms of menopause.

Moreover, male people who take exogenous estrogen to affirm their opposite-sex gender identities are routinely prescribed this hormone as long as they want - even well into old age. By contrast, female people fortunate enough to snag a prescription for exogneous estrogen to relieve symptoms of menopause are usually prescribed estrogen in low doses and for the shortest time possible - a couple of years at most.

There are tons of women in their 50s, 60s, 70s and and beyond who would love to be able to get prescriptions for estrogen to prevent common health problems like the recurrent UTIs, painful vaginal atrophy, bone density problems and massive hair loss that typically come with being a female person past menopause. But estrogen prescriptions are routinely denied to older women long past the age of menopause. By contrast, older male people who identify as trans like Caitlyn Jenner, Rachel Levine, Jennifer Pritzker and Renee Richards in the USA, and their UK counterparts like India Willoughby, Jane Faye, Kellie Maloney and now-deceased Jan Morris, are routinely given prescriptions for high-dose estrogen throughout their senior years - until they die, in fact.

Lack of access to medical treatment they seek and feel would be of benefit to them is not a problem unique to trans-identified people like you seem to think. Indeed, in many countries and medical systems today, people who identify as trans have much easier access to the kinds of drugs and surgeries that are considered "gender affirming treatment" for/by the trans community than the rest of the population does. Today, trans-identified people are also far more likely to have the costs of such treatments paid for by private insurance, government insurance like the USA's Medicaid, and by government health systems such as the UK's NHS, too.

[–]EliLeFey 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I remember some of the Travistocked f-ms complaining of the long wait for 'top surgery' due to those HORRIBLE terfs who DARE TO DEMAND surgery for BREAST CANCER!