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[–]adungitit 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

There's a background idea here, that if it wasn't for the corruption of modern life, porn, the internet, decadence that men would be normal, straight conforming, good people. That they have been corrupted by culture.

This interpretation only works if you assume there was ever a time when men were normal, good people. This has never in history been the case. They have always abused women and peddled delusional ideas about them, both in day to day life, and to get their rocks off. Men have never had a sexuality that treated women as anything other than inferior sex objects. That they continue this corruption into modern life, spill it into porn and the internet, where it gets divorced from reality even more than your regular traditional misogynistic ideas, does not mean that the internet has twisted "normal" men. Like most things, the corruption was there all along, and the internet just intensified it and mutated it, though not at all beyond recognition. It's an extension of traditional male beliefs that never went anywhere and were never challenged. Most men never had an attraction to women as human beings. That's why, out of all sexualities, they're the worst at and least interested in satisfying their partners, and they're the only ones pushing for widespread supremacist, abusive systems aiming to control and subjugate their partners. So male "attraction" towards women remains in the realm of male supremacism, out-of-touch beauty standards (that actual women are seen to be only a vague approximation of) and delusional sexist ideas, and the fact that the internet morphs this into comically bizarre fetishes is the least surprising thing of them all.

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]adungitit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I grew surrounded by amazing women that accepted me for who I am and mostly toxic men that scared me and gave me a lot of grief for even small things such as piercing my ears.

    That's what gets me about men and boys. Female communities are accepting literally to the point of being self-destructive (i.e. liberal feminism) and STILL men rush to cover shitty men's asses even if said men ruin their lives. The levels of delusion are unbelievable.

    But honestly, I've completely lost faith in the GC crowd as well. It's filled with conservative straight women complaining about femininity being overtaken by men and talking about "sacred femininity". GC had a chance to genuinely criticise gender, not just in trans people, but the way it negatively effects everyone, but it chose to hop in bed with conservatives clutching their pearls over people not fitting their proper gender roles.

    I wish there was an actually feminist and actually gender critical community out there, but you just can't trust people to not end up licking patriarchal men's boots, so now we have a choice between liberals who are now actively trying to remove women's rights, and conservatives who have always been trying to remove women's rights.