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[–]Penultimate_Penance 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

  1. If it's not about humans, it's irrelevant. Cats have a tail. That does not mean that humans also have tails.

  2. Scientists can also be ignorant. Especially when they step out of their lane. Ex. A physicist isn't the person you should be going to when asking questions about biology. Saying some scientists support x isn't a good argument.

  3. Bad scientists exist. Bad studies exist. You need to use your best judgment to determine if a scientific study, theory or conclusion is reliable. As more data is gathered scientists throw out old theories, ideas and conclusions on a regular basis. Generally the most reliable information can be found by looking at scientific consensus. There is scientific and public consensus that human sex consists of males and females, because it is an easily verifiable objective fact.

  4. Scientists can lie and can be paid to lie by big industries. This spectrum nonsense is coming from a few outliers. There are scientists denying climate change, there are scientists that were paid by the tobacco industry to deny the adverse health effects of cigarettes and there are scientists today that have a vested money motivated interest to legitimize transgenderism. So if you want to convince us that human sex is a "spectrum" you need a better argument than a couple nut job scientists say so. Give us some solid evidence that it's a spectrum. Ex. Junk Science and the Tobacco Industry

  5. Even if you did manage by some miracle and it would have to be a miracle prove that human sex is a spectrum how does that relate to transgenderism? Even if a human hermaphrodite was discovered that would not negate the fact that 99.99% of humans are unambiguously male or female. It does not negate the fact that all transwomen are male. That does not give any credence whatsoever to males who claim to be women. They're still male.

Male bodied people are not female bodied people. It impossible to turn a male bodied person into a female bodied person. Why should we treat male bodied people the same way we treat female bodied people? Why should male bodied people who claim to be women be given access to women's single sex spaces, shortlists, sports and so on? Why should they be allowed to define what womanhood is instead of female bodied people? Trans activists are the left's version of young earth creationists. They're arguments are equally unconvincing. Stop grasping at straws and come at us with a real argument.

  1. So let's assume the premise for a bit. Let's assume that human sex is a spectrum. Why should male bodied people be put in the same category as female bodied people? If you don't have an answer to that why are you wasting your time trying to claim that human sex is a spectrum? What exactly do you have to gain by doing this?