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[–]peakingatthemomentTranssexual (natal male), HSTS 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You earlier:

Gender abolition is going to take centuries.

This comment:

Allowing people to identify as whatever gender they choose for themselves would lead to less people being forced/prescribed a certain gender from birth.

You earlier:

I think it's unreasonable to think that people are going to change their way of thinking about gender and sex overnight.

So I’m confused about how you think that gender abolition would take hundred of years and people won’t change there views of gender and sex very quickly, but somehow allowing people to choose their gender would happen very quickly and we should focus on that instead? This seems like an extremely naive and unconsciously privileged take. Males choices are much more respected than those of females throughout the world. Allowing males to opt into womanhood naturalizes womanhood as being about something other then just being female for billions of females who won’t have the freedom that you have. I understand wanting volitional gender because you feel like it helped you, but you need to understand that this belief is coming from a place of privilege.

Even so, there's no harm induced by an individual identifying as a woman and going about their lives. So long as that individual does not demand conformity to gender roles for other women to be valid as their gender nor claiming to speak for all women's experiences, there is no harm.

There is harm though. That is the point I’ve been trying to make. If you accept it and you care about women, it will cause you very uncomfortable cognitive dissonance unfortunately. I’m sorry. I don’t see any way to avoid that. I can understand not wanting to accept it to avoid those feelings though so I won’t continue to restate it.

I would also argue making them about sex is unpragmatic in the linguistic sense.

Can you explain why? It seems like it’s worked fine so far.

Again, I'm not reinforcing gender roles, I'm in direct opposition to it.

If you are a male person who says you are a woman, you are reinforcing and naturalizing gender roles. Your behavior or presentation has nothing to do with it.