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[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

“A winning GOP message for 2022 [and] beyond”—is correct. At least it’s correct if it is expressed as a conditional: It would be a winning strategy were it adopted.

The problem with the GOP and their COVID messaging, is that while initially they had an advantage, because the case-mortality rate was over double amongst blacks and latinos, now nearly all the deaths are amongst the unvaccinated.

Anti-vax is traditionally a vice of the left. It goes with chiropractic, aromatherapy, meditation and middle class.

But now that it is being pushed through the social media channels that brought you Pizzagate and the NRA there is a partisan pattern starting to occur in the deaths.

States with Democratic Governors average 13.6 excess deaths per 100,000 people. States with Republican Governors average 24.3 excess deaths per 100,000 people[1].

Assuming that the people dying is also biased against republicans, this will affect the number of supporters each party has next election.

For instance in Florida, De Santis had a margin of 32,463 votes in 2018. There have been 39,179 deaths in the state. If 83% or more of those deaths are Republicans, he's lost his margin.

[1]: This is a crude average of the data linked from here. It is not population weighted.