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[–]Questionable[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)


In this discussion on, I provided Greek original words from New Testament.

One of that ancient Greek word was "ἐξουσία" which is usually translated as "power" or "authority".

Something was strange about that Greek word when I pronounce it. You could articulate it as "exousia". And here comes strange thing. In Greek, "ἐξω"-"ekso"/"exo" is exactly "outer", "from outside" even "alien". And, suddenly, "ουσία"-"ousia" have distinct meaning too - "substance", "matter", "fabric" - physical matter, speaking shortly.

So, that "ἐξουσία", which is usually translated as just "power" or "authority", which have to be fought against by all good people as per Ephesians 6:12, is really a word consisting from two parts - "ἐξο"/"εξω" and "ουσία". It is "exomatter" literally, like in "exoplanets", "exobiology" and so on. And it is for some reason always translated as "power"/"authority"

"ἐξουσία" = "exotic physical matter" = "authority over people"

And good people should fight against this exomatter to not allow bad people own and use it.

Well, THAT is kind of things I account as really interesting. And it is right in plain sight for at least 2 thousand years. '