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[–]Vulptex[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I don't think that's why men are doing so bad, men are just always going to be doing bad because it's in our biological makeup to be miserable. Men are designed to be warriors, so our brains prioritize aggressive and ambitious emotions and physical skills as opposed to happiness and creativity. That isn't to say men can't ever be happy, but our natural framework is slanted against it. You can't be ambitious if you're already satisfied, because then you have nothing to be ambitious for, so if men weren't so angry and impossible to please we wouldn't make good fighters.

I think the getting a family obsession actually hurts women more than men. Studies have repeatedly shown that men aren't happy single but women do just fine either way. The reason is again in our biological design, men are specialized to defend and provide for others, and if they don't have a partner or a family to do this for they feel useless. They don't have much talent for creating their own life, their purpose is to make someone elses', otherwise they're just taking up space and being miserable for nothing. Men also have insanely high sex drives, and these are usually uncontrollable. They get into extreme discomfort from a lack of sex, and the only way to release this tension is by having sex. This is why almost every rapist is a man. There are a few men who don't care much about this, and I am one of them, but this requires a biological anomaly and plenty of basic primal instincts to be absent, so we are very much in the minority. For women though this is not abnormal.