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[–]WooWhoVintage[S] [score hidden]  (3 children)

LOL, careful there's a woman on this sub who has a husband that's more than twice her age. I hear she's a real tough cookie.

[–]ihaveyourdress [score hidden]  (2 children)

Oof. I meant it in a nice way. I've had a man 20 years older than me interested in me romantically but I don't think my parents would have been happy.

[–]WooWhoVintage[S] [score hidden]  (1 child)

Relax, I'm only pulling at your nose hairs. However, in the "Trad community" I've noticed that there is a noticeable number women that prefer much older men. Soooo, I'm guessing I kind of felt obligated to give your nose hairs a tug.

[–]ihaveyourdress [score hidden]  (0 children)

True. That's how it's been historically. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite movie so I definitely get it.

I don't mind my nose hairs getting pulled a little bit. 🥰