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[–]Canbot 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nothing annoys me more than hypocrites

If that were true then you would not be a liberal because liberals have a double standard for literally everything. If you take any news story, literally any situation real or fake, that elicits some type of strong reaction and switch the races of the people around every single liberal will completely change their position on it.

What confuses you is that every time you hear something that disagrees with your brainwashed beliefs you immediately pull out all the lies you have been taught which contradict that new information. So when I tell you I'm not religious, rather than understand that you have been lied to about conservatives you pull out all the bullshit you have been told about how conservatives use religion for x y and z and claim I am a hypocrite because I use religious arguments for x y and z. None of which is true, it is all just lies you have been programmed with.