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[–]neovulcan 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is the kind of thing that just lowers one's opinion of women in general. If you don't like conservatives, don't date one, but begging others to join you? Sounds like she's trying to convince herself at the same time.

To OP's question, there's very few opinions that would get me to refuse a date, but the overall attitude on discussion is critical. If I have to listen to circular logic like "Trump is bad because he's Trump", there's little hope for the discussion to go forward.

Opinions that will find me looking elsewhere:

  1. Allowing/encouraging transgender children. If you're not competent to drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, vote, enlist in the military, own a gun, or any other significant decisions, you're not competent to irreparably opt-in to drugs/surgery.

  2. Allowing/encouraging transgender discussions in school-age children, especially the pre-pubescent. If you can't have that discussion amongst adults in the workplace, it certainly doesn't belong with the impressionable.

  3. Mandating that I convert to their religion. Spent too much time on a couple thinking this was just a coy ploy. Even bought the catechism of the catholic church to give the full benefit of my consideration. Could've saved so much time/effort not being so considerate.

While it hasn't been criteria historically, going forward I would insist on someone who is similarly categorically pro-life: no abortion, no suicide, no euthanasia, no death penalty. For all situations we have control of, imposing death is barbaric. Bonus points if she's pro-2A for those situations we don't have control of.