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[–]HiddenFox 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My sister got pregnant at age 15. She went to have an abortion behind my parents back. But on the day she was going to have it my father figured out want was happening and put a stop to it. My father has passed now and my niece does not know that he saved her life before she was even born.

My sister's "child" is now 26 years old and a mother of her own and I'm pretty sure she is quite happy to be alive.

My sister is an example of someone who just wanted a problem to go away and an abortion was an easy and quick solution. Shame on her. I wonder if she will ever look into her daughters eyes and tell her she was suppose to be an abortion? I wonder what she thinks when she sees her grand kids? This is my problem with the way abortion is administered.

Rape, incest, defects that should come down to the mother.