If you think I’m going to read a three page bot post, you’ve got your head up your ass. by GuyWhite in whatever

[–]serious 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the owner of this site is /u/neolib, his nickname is "maggie"... (tranny?)

04:33 The topic is: AssHat i am the fat lady.
04:33 Topic set by ZomBee on 24 January 2024, 01:18:31
05:14 ZomBee has kicked FATLADY (fatso)
05:15 ZomBee has kicked WHALEDICK (dick)
05:15 ZomBee has kicked PRETTYBOYFLOYDJR (N)
05:16 ZomBee has kicked SERIALPOSTER (gay)
05:17 ZomBee has kicked CRACKHEADS (ugly)
05:18 ZomBee has kicked anotherpop (boat-nigger)
05:19 ZomBee has kicked STEVEMILLER (jew)
05:19 @ZomBee Well that was fun
05:21 @ZomBee has changed the topic to: And so came forth the knights of saidit who commenced the cleansing of Edwards, to forever rid the land of his petulance and inflicted suffering
05:21 @ZomBee ⚔️
05:23 neolib so I saved this enormous chat log to read later, and it's fucking 61kb, are you nuts people?
05:36 @ZomBee 😄
05:37 ZomBee has kicked DOGCOCK (annoying)
05:41 @eddys-shitbucket здарова neolib
05:41 @eddys-shitbucket slaps neolib around a bit with a large trout
05:41 neolib превед
05:42 @eddys-shitbucket ты деанон эда пропустил
05:42 @eddys-shitbucket slaps neolib around a bit with a large trout
05:44 neolib нуу я частично прочитал, просто я читал и читал, а скроллбар двигался не особенно заметно, и я уже начал скроллить и скроллить лол, а потом схоронил
05:44 neolib деанон был в комменте в приватном сабе до этого же?
05:46 @eddys-shitbucket да
05:46 @eddys-shitbucket ну саб этот 3,5 человека читают
05:47 neolib я как то писал в чате, что представляю себе эда как героя рутгера хауэра из попутчика ) но он оказался больше больше похож на макафи, да
05:48 @eddys-shitbucket ну с Хауэром в старости тоже есть небольшое сходство
05:49 @eddys-shitbucket прям совсем небольшое, мизерное
05:50 @eddys-shitbucket хотя не, нету. сегодня чёт в глаза ебусь
05:51 neolib ну я больше по его рассказам представил типа как сегодня "socks-is-a-nigger years ago, i beat a man with a pipe wrench until he fell over dead." "i grabbed a hacksaw and started sawing off his arm."
05:52 neolib диалог из попутчика: John Ryder: Because I cut off his legs... and his arms... and his head... and I'm going to do the same to you.
05:53 @ZomBee 😳
05:54 @eddys-shitbucket ah don't mind us
05:54 @eddys-shitbucket we're talking about Fedward
05:55 @Gravi She wants to do me
05:55 @Gravi Am scared
05:55 @Gravi help
05:55 @eddys-shitbucket slaps Gravi around a bit with a large trout
05:55 @ZomBee Man up Gravi
05:55 neolib the convo is about that I imagined ed as Rutger Hauer's character in the hitcher, and he turned out to be like McAfee
05:55 @ZomBee Let her do you
05:55 @Gravi lol
05:56 @Gravi Everyone thinks Ed is McAfee
05:56 neolib did you see that video where mcafee does various drugs?
05:56 @ZomBee I reckon John McAfee faked his own death to avoid being Epsteined and now hides on a boat in new Mexico
05:56 @Gravi New Edwico
05:56 @ZomBee And now his name is ed
05:56 neolib it was in his twitter somewhere, years agp
05:56 @ZomBee Lol
05:56 @ZomBee New medwardico
05:58 @ZomBee Maybe this was all a game, to see how long it took to figure out McAfee
05:59 neolib found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWqDC7p102c
05:59 neolib it was 7 years ago
05:59 @ZomBee I'm telling you that's Eddie alright
05:59 @ZomBee Just add 7 years aging, and add some boat years
05:59 @ZomBee Boat nigger McAfee
06:03 The topic is: And so came forth the knights of saidit who commenced the cleansing of Edwards, to forever rid the land of his petulance and inflicted suffering
06:03 Topic set by ZomBee on 24 January 2024, 05:21:16

06:04 @Gravi maggie is here

06:04 neolib here's the original video "How To Uninstall McAfee Antivirus" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKgf5PaBzyg
06:04 neolib 2013 even
06:04 @Gravi maggie, I offer u mushroom soup for admin gib
06:05 @detty maybe Ed's AI spam is a punishment for uninstalling mcafee
06:05 @ZomBee So the conspiracy theory stands as follows: John McAfee did a deal with the Belize police force to fake his own death, give him free passage to Mexico and to purchase a small boat. McAfee now goes by the name Edward and terrorises Saidit in a crude attempt to retain some connection to humanity without building any true friendships which could jeopa
06:05 @ZomBee rdize his safety from the UD government
06:05 @detty we all did that at some point right
06:05 @ZomBee I never installed McAfee
06:06 @Gravi Eddy's awfully quiet now
06:06 neolib McAfee loved boats too btw
06:06 @ZomBee o:
06:07 neolib "John McAfee boat" -> google images
06:07 neolib you'll see
06:07 @detty never installed it either, one of my laptops had pre-installed win10 with lots of bloatware lol
06:07 @ZomBee Ed also exhibits signs of recreational stimulant abuse, I would know, I too have taken copious amounts of MDPV and other similar thongs
06:09 @Gravi You wore a thong?
06:09 neolib Edward in better times: https://i.ibb.co/SPcnwVd/Screen-Shot-2022-08-19-at-1-28.jpg
06:09 @ZomBee Idk why my phone always wants to say thong instead of thing
06:10 @Gravi projecting
06:10 @ZomBee Lmao neolib
06:10 @ZomBee shows Gravi his thong
06:10 @ZomBee 🩲
06:11 @ZomBee Kek
06:11 neolib lol or this one https://cointimes.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/boating-accident.jpg
06:12 @ZomBee The interior of that boat looks like the one ed showed
06:12 @ZomBee Ed's McAfee alright 

Saidit appreciation thread. by Zapped in whatever

[–]serious 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Now why don't you go full fledged and stop showing sneak peaks of said adult content before asking them to login? Because you simply don't actually give a shit about protecting children from adult content. Your implementation of child protection is not only useless, but PREDATORY. It should be completely restricted, period.

For those that don't know, reddit has finally made it so you need to login to view adult content on reddit, but this is only after the user has been given a 30-60 second preview of said adult content, in a predatory way to encourage the user to login. This is downright predatory behaviour. You aren't just pretending to care, you are trying to encourage someone to climb over a wall to see what is on the other side again. Oh, and you can bet kids will be very curious and put more effort into being able to peak at what YOU showed them again.

ProjectFarm compares stainless steel drink flasks by iamonlyoneman in whatever

[–]serious 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)