How to respond to "what if human males have uteruses and can get pregnant, but because of social pressure they were never informed by the scientists and government"? by WhyAreYouSoDumb in GenderCriticalGuys
[–]WhyAreYouSoDumb[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun - 3 years ago (0 children)
But if born-male pregnancy was something that could be easily flipped on, our selfish genes would be using it to salvage their position when they find their male survival-machine out-competed. People would evolve to always be born "male", but spontaneously "transmaxx" themselves if celibate too long, even if the mind is revolted by the idea and the celibacy was a deliberate effort to avoid responsibility for kids.
I don't understand the second half of the comment ... Could you dumb it down for me?
How to respond to "what if human males have uteruses and can get pregnant, but because of social pressure they were never informed by the scientists and government"?
3 years ago by WhyAreYouSoDumb to /s/GenderCriticalGuys from self.GenderCriticalGuys
What to do with multiple personality disorders and different "alters"?
3 years ago by WhyAreYouSoDumb to /s/GenderCritical from self.GenderCritical
GC: Sex is a spectrum, perhaps even a social construct, and people are more than what's between their legs so we shouldn't reduce them to their genitals?
3 years ago by WhyAreYouSoDumb to /s/GCdebatesQT from self.GCdebatesQT
How to respond to "what if human males have uteruses and can get pregnant, but because of social pressure they were never informed by the scientists and government"? by WhyAreYouSoDumb in GenderCriticalGuys
[–]WhyAreYouSoDumb[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)