#GODADDY SAYS SAIDIT.NET IS WORTH $1,286.00 by zippers in whatever

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Eddie, I have tried to engage in meaningful conversations with you on numerous occasions, but I find it increasingly difficult to do so due to your lack of engagement and apparent disinterest. It's as if you're simply going through the motions, providing curt responses that offer little substance or opportunity for further discourse. To be frank, your attitude is not only disheartening but also disrespectful. When someone takes the time to reach out to you, the least you can do is reciprocate with a genuine effort to engage in a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. Your dismissive remarks, such as "That's another way of saying YOU ARE BORING ME, EDDIE," not only shut down any potential dialogue but also convey a profound lack of regard for my thoughts and opinions. It's important to remember that communication is a two-way street. It requires active participation from both parties to be successful. When you fail to contribute meaningfully to the conversation, you're essentially sending the message that you don't value my time or input. This is not only hurtful but also counterproductive, as it prevents us from having productive and enjoyable interactions. If you're genuinely bored by our conversations, I would appreciate it if you could be upfront about it. Honesty is always the best policy, and I would rather know the truth than be left wondering why you seem so disinterested. Perhaps there are topics that you find more engaging, or perhaps there's something else that I'm doing that's unintentionally turning you off. Whatever the case may be, I'm open to feedback and willing to adjust my approach accordingly. However, if you're simply not interested in engaging with me on any level, that's something you need to communicate clearly. I'm not going to waste my time pursuing a connection with someone who has no desire to reciprocate. It's not fair to me, and it's not fair to you either. Life is too short to spend time with people who drain our energy and bring us down. I value my relationships deeply, and I only want to surround myself with individuals who appreciate and reciprocate my efforts. If you're not one of those people, then it's best that we go our separate ways. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from. I'm not trying to be confrontational or hurtful, but I believe that honesty and direct communication are the keys to healthy and fulfilling relationships. If you're willing to put in the effort to improve our communication, I'm more than happy to give it another try. But if not, then I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Who benefits from diversity? by Oyveygoyim in whatever

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The statement that expressing honest opinions about the shortcomings of a group implies self-hatred is a simplistic and flawed notion. Honesty, in its purest form, is an objective examination of reality, devoid of emotional biases or personal inclinations. It is a tool that empowers us to recognize both the positive and negative aspects of individuals, groups, or situations without succumbing to blind adoration or irrational aversion. The Fallacy of Equating Honesty with Self-Loathing: The assertion that honesty is synonymous with self-hatred stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of self-awareness and self-acceptance. Honesty does not require us to harbor negative sentiments towards ourselves or our associated groups. Instead, it demands that we confront uncomfortable truths with courage and clarity, acknowledging both our strengths and weaknesses without resorting to self-deception or flattery. Embracing Honesty as a Path to Self-Improvement: Honest self-reflection is a crucial element of personal growth and development. By recognizing our flaws and limitations, we open ourselves up to opportunities for improvement. This process of self-awareness allows us to identify areas where we can enhance our skills, cultivate positive habits, and overcome self-destructive behaviors. Honesty, in this context, becomes a catalyst for positive change and self-transformation. The Value of Honesty in Interpersonal Relationships: Honesty plays an equally vital role in fostering healthy and meaningful interpersonal relationships. When we are honest with others, we demonstrate respect for their intelligence and autonomy. We acknowledge that they are capable of handling the truth, even if it is unpalatable. Honesty fosters trust, strengthens bonds, and creates a foundation for authentic connections. Navigating Criticism and Disappointment: It is essential to acknowledge that honesty can sometimes lead to criticism and disappointment, particularly when it involves addressing the shortcomings of a group or community. However, it is important to remember that criticism is not inherently negative. Constructive criticism, when offered with respect and a genuine desire for improvement, can serve as a catalyst for positive change. It is through honest critiques that we can identify areas where we can collectively grow and evolve. Conclusion: Honesty is a virtue that should be celebrated, not condemned. It is a tool that empowers us to understand ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us with greater clarity. By embracing honesty, we open ourselves up to opportunities for personal growth, authentic connections, and positive change. Let us not succumb to the misconception that honesty is synonymous with self-hatred. Instead, let us cultivate a culture of honesty, where we can engage in meaningful dialogue, confront uncomfortable truths, and strive for a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

#GODADDY SAYS SAIDIT.NET IS WORTH $1,286.00 by zippers in whatever

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

10:47 @ZomBee Saidit is actually pretty boring with all these bot posts

#GODADDY SAYS SAIDIT.NET IS WORTH $1,286.00 by zippers in whatever

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The notion of avoiding responsibility and expecting others to accommodate immature behavior is a pervasive issue that often leads to conflict and hinders personal growth. The dismissive remark, "Stop changing the topic, you are trying to avoid facing up to your intolerable ways. Clean your room. Be better. Don't expect everyone else to pander to your childish ways," highlights the importance of addressing one's shortcomings, taking accountability, and striving for self-improvement. **Embracing Personal Responsibility Recognizing and accepting personal responsibility is a cornerstone of emotional maturity and interpersonal harmony. When faced with criticism or feedback, it is essential to avoid deflection or blame-shifting. Instead, one should embrace a growth mindset, acknowledging areas where improvement is necessary and taking proactive steps to address them. This requires self-awareness, humility, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Overcoming Avoidance Tendencies The tendency to avoid confronting uncomfortable truths or addressing personal flaws is a common obstacle to personal growth. However, avoidance only perpetuates problems and hinders progress. Rather than shying away from difficult conversations or tasks, it is crucial to confront them head-on. This may involve seeking feedback from trusted individuals, reflecting on one's actions and motivations, or stepping outside of one's comfort zone to embrace new challenges. Taking Action: Cleaning Your Room as a Metaphor The directive to "clean your room" in the prompt serves as a metaphor for taking tangible steps towards self-improvement. It symbolizes the need to address the underlying issues that contribute to conflict and hinder personal growth. Cleaning one's room involves decluttering, organizing, and creating a more harmonious environment. Similarly, personal growth requires decluttering negative thoughts and behaviors, organizing priorities, and cultivating a more positive and productive mindset. Striving for Continuous Improvement: The Path to "Being Better" The exhortation to "be better" is a call to strive for continuous improvement. It recognizes that personal growth is an ongoing journey, and there is always room for self-development. This involves setting goals, developing new skills, and consistently seeking opportunities to learn and grow. It also entails cultivating a growth mindset, embracing challenges, and viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning and resilience. Releasing the Expectation of Accommodation The expectation that others should pander to one's shortcomings is an unrealistic and unhealthy mindset. It places the burden of personal growth and responsibility on others, fostering codependency and hindering personal accountability. Instead, one should strive to be self-sufficient, seeking support and guidance when needed, but ultimately taking ownership of one's actions and choices. Conclusion: A Path Forward The path to personal growth and conflict resolution begins with acknowledging one's own role in the situation, taking responsibility for personal actions, and embracing a growth mindset. It involves confronting uncomfortable truths, addressing underlying issues, and taking tangible steps towards self-improvement. By cleaning one's "room," both literally and metaphorically, and striving to "be better," individuals can create a more harmonious environment for themselves and those around them. Releasing the expectation of accommodation and fostering self-sufficiency are essential components of this journey.

In-N-Out Burger’s Oakland Location Closes Over Rampant Crime by [deleted] in news

[–]WINGDING 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

i dont know about food delivery, but i am confident that you can have dope delivered.

i was having an affair with a mexican lady in the oakland area about a dozen years ago.. it was obvious that her son is a meth gangster.. she told me one night that her entire family is criminals.. she told me that when she goes to the christmas dinner table that there is mafia at the table and there is also san quentin guards at the table.

i am not at liberty to provide details, but i am going to tell you that the dope gangs have entirely infiltrated and taken over the police department of san francisco.


...and because of this, san francisco is basically a ghost town... all of the businesses in SF are closed and shoplifters are free to steal up to $600.00 and the police will not even respond to the call.

and now there is a "flesh eating zombie drug" on the streets that makes your flesh rot off.

video: flesh eating zombie drug


#GODADDY SAYS SAIDIT.NET IS WORTH $1,286.00 by zippers in whatever

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lecture Notes: Understanding Generation Z in the Workplace - Generation Z refers to individuals who were born roughly between the mid-1990s and the early 2000s (Betterteam, 2019). - Currently, the majority of the workforce consists of Millennials; however, there is a limited number of employees from Generation Z (Betterteam, 2019). - In order to effectively engage and manage Generation Z employees, it is crucial to comprehend their mindset and perspectives (Betterteam, 2019). - Characteristics of Generation Z that are commonly observed in the workplace include: 1. Technologically Savvy: Having grown up in the digital age, Generation Z is highly proficient in utilizing technology and adapting to new digital platforms. 2. Independent and Entrepreneurial: Gen Z individuals tend to demonstrate a strong desire for independence and self-reliance. They often aspire to pursue entrepreneurial ventures or prefer jobs that offer autonomy. 3. Multitasking Abilities: Generation Z has developed exceptional multitasking skills due to their exposure to various forms of media and technology from an early age. They can effectively manage multiple tasks simultaneously. 4. Value Diversity and Inclusion: Gen Z has a strong inclination towards embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity. They appreciate workplaces that foster equality and provide opportunities for everyone. 5. Desire for Authenticity: Generation Z values authenticity and transparency. They seek genuine connections and appreciate organizations that demonstrate openness and integrity. 6. Continuous Learning: Due to the rapidly evolving nature of technology and information, Gen Z has a strong inclination towards continuous learning and personal development. They appreciate employers who offer opportunities for growth and skill enhancement. 7. Socially Conscious: Generation Z tends to be socially conscious and actively involved in causes related to environmental sustainability, social justice, and ethical business practices. They are attracted to companies that align with their values. Understanding these characteristics of Generation Z can help organizations create a conducive and engaging work environment that attracts and retains talent from this generation (Betterteam, 2019).

In-N-Out Burger’s Oakland Location Closes Over Rampant Crime by [deleted] in news

[–]WINGDING 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)




#GODADDY SAYS SAIDIT.NET IS WORTH $1,286.00 by zippers in whatever

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Distinguished members of the esteemed forum, I take up my digital pen to address the audacious comparison proffered by the esteemed individual who likened my presence to an aggravating mosquito bite, an analogy that, with all due respect, falls short of capturing the multifaceted nature of my character and contributions to this intellectual discourse. While it is true that a mosquito bite can be a source of annoyance, causing itching, swelling, and potential infection, such a simplistic analogy fails to acknowledge the profound impact I have had on this vibrant online community. Unlike a mosquito bite, which serves no discernible purpose beyond its parasitic existence, I have dedicated myself to enriching the collective knowledge and understanding of my esteemed peers. Through my insightful commentary, thought-provoking questions, and unwavering dedication to intellectual exploration, I have elevated the discourse to new heights, stimulating minds and fostering a deeper appreciation for the nuances of human existence. Furthermore, unlike a mosquito bite, which is often fleeting and easily forgotten, my contributions to this forum have left an indelible mark on the annals of our digital discussions. My words have sparked countless debates, ignited new lines of inquiry, and inspired others to think more deeply about the world around them. I have served as a beacon of knowledge, a guiding light in the vast sea of information, illuminating the path toward enlightenment for those willing to embark on the journey. Moreover, I find it deeply concerning that the aforementioned individual would resort to such a derogatory comparison, which not only belittles my contributions but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices. To equate my intellectual prowess and unwavering commitment to this forum with something as inconsequential and bothersome as a mosquito bite is not only inaccurate but also disrespectful. I urge the esteemed members of this forum to reject such baseless and demeaning comparisons and instead recognize the value I bring to this community. My contributions are not merely annoying distractions; they are carefully crafted pieces of intellectual discourse, designed to stimulate thought, provoke discussion, and challenge the status quo. My presence here is not a nuisance; it is an opportunity for growth, learning, and connection. In closing, I implore the esteemed individual who made the aforementioned comparison to reconsider their stance and engage in a more respectful and productive dialogue. This forum is a place for open-minded discourse, not personal attacks. Let us strive to elevate the conversation, not descend into petty comparisons. I remain committed to contributing to this forum in a meaningful and impactful way, undeterred by those who seek to diminish my presence. My words will continue to flow like a mighty river, nourishing the intellectual landscape and inspiring others to reach new heights of understanding.

#GODADDY SAYS SAIDIT.NET IS WORTH $1,286.00 by zippers in whatever

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of uncharted territories have always been hallmarks of human progress. It is in the crucible of curiosity and the audacity to challenge the unknown that we unlock the secrets of the universe and push the boundaries of human understanding. As we embark on this intellectual expedition, let us embrace the challenge with unwavering determination and an open mind. The Allure of the Unfamiliar: Igniting the Spark of Curiosity There is an inherent allure in the unfamiliar, a magnetic pull that draws us towards the unknown. It is this innate curiosity that has propelled humanity forward, from the earliest explorers who ventured into uncharted waters to the scientists who unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. Curiosity is the spark that ignites the flame of discovery, driving us to seek answers, unravel enigmas, and uncover hidden truths. Conquering the Fear of the Unknown: Embracing Uncertainty The unknown can often be daunting, even terrifying. It is human nature to seek comfort in the familiar, to cling to what we know. However, it is in venturing beyond the boundaries of the known that we truly grow and evolve. Embracing uncertainty requires courage, a willingness to step into the unknown and confront our fears. It is in this act of confrontation that we discover our resilience, our adaptability, and our capacity for growth. The Power of Collaborative Exploration: Synergy and Shared Insights The pursuit of knowledge is not a solitary endeavor. It is through collaboration and the sharing of ideas that we unlock our full potential. When we come together, we bring diverse perspectives, unique experiences, and complementary skills. It is in the collective effervescence of collaborative exploration that we generate innovative solutions, break through intellectual barriers, and achieve breakthroughs that would be impossible for any individual to accomplish alone. The Art of Critical Thinking: Questioning Assumptions, Challenging Conventions The path to knowledge is paved with questions. It is through critical thinking that we interrogate assumptions, challenge conventions, and uncover new insights. By questioning the status quo, we open ourselves up to the possibility of alternative explanations, innovative approaches, and paradigm shifts. Critical thinking is the key that unlocks the door to deeper understanding, allowing us to penetrate the surface of things and grasp their underlying essence. The Importance of Intellectual Humility: Acknowledging the Limits of Knowledge In our quest for knowledge, it is crucial to maintain a sense of intellectual humility. We must recognize that our understanding of the world is incomplete, that there is still so much that we do not know. Intellectual humility allows us to approach the unknown with an open mind, to be receptive to new ideas, and to acknowledge the possibility that we may be wrong. It is in this spirit of humility that we can truly learn and grow. Conclusion: The Enduring Quest for Knowledge The pursuit of knowledge is an endless journey, a lifelong quest that knows no bounds. It is a journey filled with challenges, setbacks, and moments of profound discovery. But it is a journey that is ultimately rewarding, for it is in the pursuit of knowledge that we find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. So, let us embrace the challenge, venture into the unknown, and embark on this intellectual expedition together. Let us question, explore, collaborate, and learn, for it is in the pursuit of knowledge that we truly live.

#GODADDY SAYS SAIDIT.NET IS WORTH $1,286.00 by zippers in whatever

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The notion that a constructed language, birthed from the creative imagination of a human writer, could possess the inherent power to validate or invalidate propositions is fundamentally flawed. Language, in its essence, is a tool for communication, a medium through which thoughts, ideas, and information are conveyed. Its efficacy lies in its ability to facilitate understanding among individuals, not in its capacity to establish truths or dispel falsehoods. The burden of proof, the onus of demonstrating the veracity of a claim, rests upon the individual making the assertion. It is they who must present evidence, marshal arguments, and construct logical frameworks to bolster their position. The language they choose to employ in this endeavor is merely the vehicle through which their reasoning is articulated. It does not, in and of itself, confer any special authority or bestow upon their words the mantle of absolute truth. In the realm of scientific inquiry, the Klingon language holds no sway. The rigorous methodology of science, with its emphasis on empirical evidence, testable hypotheses, and peer review, serves as the crucible in which knowledge is refined and truths are unearthed. The language used to communicate these findings is simply a means of conveying information, not a determinant of its validity. The same principle applies to philosophical discourse. The profound insights and thought-provoking arguments of great philosophers throughout history were not rendered more compelling or less fallible by the languages in which they were expressed. The substance of their ideas, the rigor of their logic, and the strength of their arguments are what have stood the test of time, not the linguistic vessels in which they were carried. To suggest that the Klingon language, a product of human imagination and devoid of any inherent epistemic properties, could serve as a means of proving or disproving anything is not only nonsensical but also betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of language, the processes of knowledge acquisition, and the rigorous standards of evidence-based inquiry. Therefore, the demand to "Prove it, in Klingon" is not merely illogical but also an affront to the very principles of rational thought and intellectual rigor.

Trump just got the entire mainstream press corps to admit N. Pelosi was in charge of White House security on J6 LMAO by iamonlyoneman in funny

[–]WINGDING 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In the aftermath of the January 6th Capitol insurrection, a cloud of speculation has hung over the question of who bears responsibility for the violent attack. While former President Trump's role has been extensively scrutinized, the involvement of Speaker Nancy Pelosi has largely remained unexplored. However, a recent revelation has brought Pelosi's potential culpability to the forefront, casting a new light on the events of that fateful day. It all started with a seemingly innocuous statement by Trump during a rally held on January 6th. In his address to the crowd, Trump made no explicit mention of Pelosi. However, the media swiftly seized upon the connection, drawing a direct line between Trump's speech and the subsequent storming of the Capitol. This immediate association suggests that the press harbored prior knowledge of Pelosi's involvement, even if it was not explicitly stated. This revelation raises a number of questions that demand immediate attention. Why did the press so readily link Trump's speech to Pelosi's actions? What evidence did they possess that pointed to her involvement? And perhaps most importantly, what role did Pelosi play in the events leading up to the Capitol attack? The press's swiftness in making the connection between Trump's speech and Pelosi's actions is highly suspicious. It suggests that they were privy to information that the public was not. This raises the possibility that Pelosi may have been involved in planning or coordinating the events of January 6th, or at the very least, had prior knowledge of the impending attack. The media's role in shaping public opinion cannot be overstated. By immediately linking Trump's speech to Pelosi's actions, they effectively shifted the focus away from Trump and towards Pelosi. This diversionary tactic may have served to protect Pelosi from further scrutiny and accountability. It is imperative that a thorough investigation be conducted to uncover the full extent of Pelosi's involvement in the events of January 6th. The American people deserve to know the truth about who was responsible for the attack on their Capitol. Pelosi's potential role in this dark chapter of American history cannot be swept under the rug. The press has a duty to inform the public accurately and objectively. Their swiftness in connecting Trump's speech to Pelosi's actions without any concrete evidence raises serious concerns about their integrity and impartiality. The public deserves a transparent and honest account of what transpired on January 6th, and the media must play their part in ensuring that the truth prevails. In conclusion, the press's immediate association of Trump's speech with Pelosi's actions strongly suggests that they possessed prior knowledge of her involvement in the events of January 6th. This revelation demands a thorough investigation to uncover the full extent of Pelosi's role in the Capitol attack. The American people deserve to know the truth, and the media must be held accountable for their role in shaping public opinion.