Yes, There Is Such a Thing as Cancel Culture. Incredibly, the Harper's letter spawned a bunch of people saying that there is no such thing as cancel culture. As Steven Pinker has argued, cancel culture has parallels with the Chinese cultural revolution and the European witch hunts. by Chipit in politics

[–]VoiceOfTheMillenium 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

and what we are seeing here is unprecedented

You had your precedent during McCarthyism and 40-30 years ago as well, you tard. Hays code, do these words say something to you? The pendulum is swinging and now you are not the one holding the censorship stick. Let me play the most little fucking violin for your struggle.

Yes, There Is Such a Thing as Cancel Culture. Incredibly, the Harper's letter spawned a bunch of people saying that there is no such thing as cancel culture. As Steven Pinker has argued, cancel culture has parallels with the Chinese cultural revolution and the European witch hunts. by Chipit in politics

[–]VoiceOfTheMillenium 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

cancel culture has parallels with the Chinese cultural revolution and the European witch hunts.

Or rather, with bullshit from conservative folks about "Violent" video games, DnD, "Devil's lettuce" and "Satanist music". Something that conservacucks will conveniently not mention. People that enacted this shit have no moral rights to bitch about cancel culture.

Drone footage of Uighurs being taken away by magnora7 in WorldNews

[–]VoiceOfTheMillenium 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He is, at least, immutable in his beliefs.

All the others who suddenly became muslim-loving once it's talking about China are the ones who will gladly sell themselves to Shariah law if it will suit them.

Check out this white supremacist propaganda. by JamalGinsberg in whatever

[–]VoiceOfTheMillenium 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The individual is a primary unit

Unless you trigger the conservatard, then shit like "DnD is a Satan's game" hits the fan.

You get what you deserve

Same people also say "Life ain't fair, tough shit bro", once you question the "deserve" part.

Children should be independent

This one is not characteristic: in most "conservative" families, kids are low key considered properties of their parents.

Emphasis on scientific method.

Try to say to white supremacist that Chinese or Jews have high IQ, you will hear the same shit about "soul and creativity" that are used by nigs, and the same "Muh shoa... ahem, white genocide" rhetorics one hears quite a lot from Jews.


56%-ers focusing on the "heritage" is the cringiest part of alt-right/conservative ideology. The only thing cringier is pan-africans from the fucking Bronx or another shithole. Also, IIRC, most of the American settlers are krauts.

Protestant work ethics

More like "hard work is the key", "work without pay", and epic levels of cope in the third point. No fucking wonder some cuck in London branch of Bank of America kicked the bucket after working 72 hours in a row... FOR FREE. Just imagine giving your life... not for the country, not for the future, for some stuck up faggot in the upper management saving some money. Only in the America or American-influenced businesses.


Americans literally warped a religion into commodity. "Prosperity gospel" is unique to American religion.

Status, power, authority

If it was just that, kek, Americans literally are hellbent on building that fake image of success to shove smugly into other people. Also, funny how "respect authority" is tied into "individualism" mentioned earlier. An american is a fucking willing slave when it comes to being subservient to somebody rich/powerful. This also results in the expectation of being a military-grade cunt once you achieve success. (popculture references: House, Hell's Kitchen, Apprentice, Devil Wears Prada etc.)

Plan for future, delayed gratification, progress is always best, tomorrow will be better

Has the person ever saw a fucking boomer in their life? Also, only a complete idiot would consider that tomorrow will be better.

Competition is pretty accurate, that's why America is full of smug opinionated retards, but

Aggressiveness and extroversion
Avoid conflict
Don't discuss personal life
Be polite

Are contradicting each other.

In short, Americans (mostly white), are toddlers with a fucking self-restraint levels of a tard, who were not beaten into submission by actually civilised countries for two reasons: said countries being full of humanistic cucks (Soviets) and two oceans surrounding USA (everyone else).

Literally Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Have Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns Including a Nobel Prize-Winning Biophysicist. The Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know by scrubking in politics

[–]VoiceOfTheMillenium 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

“Child molestation is increasing at a severe rate. We can go over multiple cases of children who’ve been molested due to angry family members who are intoxicated, who are home, who have no paycheck. These things last a lifetime. They aren’t like a seasonal flu, they are going to follow these children and affect them in a negative fashion for their entire lives… Spousal abuse. We see people coming in here with black eyes and cuts on their face… Alcoholism…anxiety… depression… suicide is spiking… These are things I’m hearing from E.R.s, talking to my doctors, and talking to people across the country to find out what they’re seeing. [They will] effect people for a lifetime, not for a season.

"Don't tell us to stay home or we will fuck our kids and beat our spouses!"
These people bitch endlessly about left lacking personal responsibility, btw.

Drone footage of Uighurs being taken away by magnora7 in WorldNews

[–]VoiceOfTheMillenium 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Why America financed durkas in Afghanistan despite USSR being much better alternative to radical Islamists?

Because Americans are retarded.

Every time they whine about 9/11 I fucking laugh, because it's the bed that Amerifats have made themselves.

Drone footage of Uighurs being taken away by magnora7 in WorldNews

[–]VoiceOfTheMillenium 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

USA is lasting this long because it has only two bordering nations.

China is lasting this long because they have world market by the balls and are not afraid to beat any hostile element into a bloody pulp.

As for Russian Federation, it will collapse sooner or later - there is not much legacy of USSR infrastructure to parasite on and Russia are squeezed between corrupt government and no less corrupt randroids, both of which are interested only in their personal wealth at the expense of general population.