r/superstraight has been banned by Tarrock in MeanwhileOnReddit

[–]Torquemada1970 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Agreed - I think part of the problem is the default of making groups responsible for a small subgroups' actions.

This is evident in many arenas - for example, some Trump supporters storm the capital - everyone then acts as if ALL Trump supporters did the same (I'm not one, not even American, but you get the idea).

Have a look at /r/AHS and their triumphing over getting the sub banned - ALL of their examples are posts by individuals which they then attribute to EVERYONE that visited to the sub (who are, of course, 'all Nazis'). I think this is partly why they got so upset - the sub went out of its' way to remove bad posts, trolls etc were downvoted and so on....you really wouldn't think looking at their summaries that they were talking about the same people.

What's really annoying is that their members posted CP etc. in the sub, but we're somehow not supposed to hold them all responsible for it - so they're not even consistent.