It happened guys. r/debatealtright was just banned a minute ago. by eth0 in debatealtright

[–]TheMythof_Feminism 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

HEY HARD-CUCKS, they didn't like you, they never liked you.

I was permabanned from r/debatealtright twice simply for being annoying. That was totally fine, I know that I'm annoying as fuck on top of NOT being neither white nor a member of the alt-right, the userbase of the subreddit largely supported me getting permabanned which is fine. But when the subreddit itself is banned for basically the same reason, suddenly it's outrageous and fucked up...... I was never a member of the alt-right but I used to broadly support your cause up until I realized you are leftists. You have no consistency, you will talk a big game but cuck out when it matters and your self-awareness is shit. You want the same things as other leftists but whine when they get their way. Pathetic.

The wildly misnamed 'alt-right' is a disappointment and an embarrassment. No, not because 'muh racism' but because you are too stupid to be effective on your own and you are too cowardly to be used for a greater cause. 0/10, gg.

It happened guys. r/debatealtright was just banned a minute ago. by eth0 in debatealtright

[–]TheMythof_Feminism 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is why I enjoyed spending time on r/debatealtright , you are completely wrong about every single point you tried to make but you presented actual arguments in an attempt to make your case. Though you are wrong, I respect the fact that you made your case, I wasn't going to respond again but I will do so.

We have far right social .....

Mmmhmm, that's why you demand for welfare/feminism/leftism for things like attempting to boost fertility rate..... what type of insanity is required to claim that that's on the right? and more to the point, that doesn't work and will never work. The only way to boost fertility rate and strengthen families is by taking women's rights away which you hard-cucks are staunchly opposed to and in fact support the opposite. Oh but you want to take men's rights away further because...... well, you're cucks. This is easily the worst part of the alt-right, you have no consistency because you're actually leftists trying to pretend otherwise.

Strong social programs like incentives for having children and long maternal and paternal leave (omg so leftist!).

Those things are in fact, leftist, especially the second bit. Using government force to subjugate businesses by stripping them of meritorious earnings, siphoning it away to fuel parasitism is exactly the opposite of what the right stands for. You do NOT punish someone for working hard and then reward someone for not working. That's retarded as fuck and incentivizes the creation a massive welfare state that will inevitably collapse.

Promotion of family values, traditional gender roles and a traditional European morality via media and education.


You cannot support the above quoted while calling for welfare and supporting feminism.

Tell me in what way we are the same as leftists

I already told you but okay I will tell you again. You support absolute government overreach, you want the same things as the other leftists (Ex : Rampant censorship, government fueled propaganda, welfare, feminism, etc.) and advocate a totalitarian system of governance that subjugates the nation's citizenry to the extreme, I.e. socialism.

It is worth repeating that socialism is complete shit for whites. I believe whites are the most meritorious race, they don't work the hardest but they sure work the smartest. In terms of productivity and innovation they are unmatched. A totalitarian system of governance cuts everyone's legs off, destroying productivity and innovation and therefore making everyone worse but especially the top dogs. This means whites will always take the biggest hit. Do you understand? no of course not.

Through a fascist state

Fascist socialism is just socialism which is LEFTIST. It is very clear in 'The Fascist Manifesto' (1919) and 'The Doctrine of Fascism' (1932) that it is no different than any other form of socialism in practical terms with the text explicitly calling fascist socialism a 'revolutionary movement' and a system of governance intended to bring about social justice . It's leftism. Both Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile were staunch socialists for their entire lives, with only a rejection of marxist socialism specifically.

FUN FACT: I learned this precisely by talking to people that claimed to support 'fascism' but clearly knew fuck all about it, prompting me to fact check the things they said.

You have a warped understanding of the world, like all lolberts/minarchists/ancaps.

That is not correct. You are projecting. I'll give you a practical example; The only way to boost fertility rate in a meaningful way is to take women's rights away. This is irrefutable..... what does the alt-right think about this? they shy away from it and instead demand more welfare for women (parasitism/feminism/leftism) despite it being counter-productive (Makes the problem worse). It is you that has the warped understanding of the world.

Given that the alt-right wants to institute a totalitarian system of governance, I was shocked when they actively argued against taking women's rights away. That's what makes every member of the alt-right a hard-cuck.

Learn about the third position.

Actually I have learned a lot about it and I am thankful for the alt-right at large for helping me with that. Though argumentation like this I know enough to recognize that what you are saying is nonsense.

This was actually quite fun, you put up a much better 'fight' than the marxist socialists with their pure unadulterated retardation. I'm out, best of luck to you all.

It happened guys. r/debatealtright was just banned a minute ago. by eth0 in debatealtright

[–]TheMythof_Feminism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I remember you. Why were you banned?

For being annoying, I just told you..... or specifically, for getting on WaltzRoommate's (Top mod?) nerves. I was not surprised to be banned at either time.

you were annoying.

Yep, though I would change that 'were' to 'are'. I am annoying but also I am correct.

Why were you continually hanging around with a movement that's for a different group?

Because being correct is unrelated to nonsense like 'groups'. Facts, logic & reason cut through all and I incorrectly believed that groups like 'the alt-right' were finally rising up to act against the grand-scale subjugation and brutality that whites were and still are suffering. Turns out I was the only person that cared about that.

I should have realized that when 'the alt-right' was bizarrely uninterested in ways to raise the white fertility rate around the world and still uninterested when I provided evidence of actual government coordinated efforts to flood the U.S. with foreigners by Mexico's president. The so-called 'alt-right' is full of shit, it's just a bunch of cowardly leftist cucks.

yes, the alt-right is just identity politics pandering for white people

No it is not.

It's just leftism which is shit for whites and the direct cause of many of their problems. The 'alt-right' is worse than a dead end, worse than shills, worse than controlled opposition. I've said what I wanted to say, that is all, gg.

It happened guys. r/debatealtright was just banned a minute ago. by eth0 in debatealtright

[–]TheMythof_Feminism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

speaking for the alt-right

Oh for fucks sake....

I never once did what you are saying and in fact, I would very frequently say almost verbatim "I am not a member of the alt-right, I am not white and I do not represent the alt-right in any way" at the beginning of comments that I made. My subreddit flair typically mentioned that I was not from the U.S. or something similar and I made no secret about not being politically aligned with the subreddit (Libertarian). I went way out of my way to always clarify that I was not doing exactly what you accuse me of.

What a joke, you leftists are all the same and always try to pull the same bullshit, gg.

It happened guys. r/debatealtright was just banned a minute ago. by eth0 in debatealtright

[–]TheMythof_Feminism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We are socially far right.


That means you're a leftist, dipshit. There is no 'socially', there is only government. Your political alignment is derived from what you believe the proper role of government is. You support absolute government overreach to achieve exactly the same ends as other leftists and you support a totalitarian system of government, I.e. socialism. Tell me in what way you are different from the other leftists [SPOILER: There are no differences]. Thanks for proving my point.

At least be honest mate.

I am honest, always. The problem is you're stupid and have no idea what you're talking about, couple that with zero self-awareness and that leaves you identical to the other leftists. I am more so annoyed that I ever supported any of you or your cause, I should have realized immediately what you are.