I found u/ayotollahsiniran on the old reddit DAR archive. He/she pretended to a british actress. by Blackbrownfreestuff in debatealtright

[–]ShmuelHydestein 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Look, it's the pseudointellectual shitwit acting like he's a moderator or administrator of this site. The chutzpah! You are, of course, intent on defending your fellow troll. We all know you have malicious intent for your being on this site.

The chief problem is... he still has at least four accounts here, which he uses to ban evade. He had the comments on this subreddit removed by TheAmeliaMay, probably because those sockpuppet (hah...) accounts were banned and led to their automatic removal. But TAM did not know about these other accounts.

You're defending a user who has both been banned from this subsaidit and from this whole website on multiple accounts. 'No reason', you say? Of course, you are also one who is accused of trolling on different accounts.

You're next, micro-minded fool.

I found u/ayotollahsiniran on the old reddit DAR archive. He/she pretended to a british actress. by Blackbrownfreestuff in debatealtright

[–]ShmuelHydestein 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

ayatollahsiniran, probgoingtohell and Salos are all the same person. I have good reason to believe that he is also the Reddit accounts Masashi8503 and Crank27789.

probgoingtohell posts on r/AmItheButtface (scroll to 03/10/2020)

ayotollahsiniran posts on r/AmItheButtface (see last comment on 01/01/2021)

probgoingtohell posts on r/AmItheAsshole (scroll to 01/10/2020)

ayotollahsiniran posts on r/AmItheAsshole (scroll to 28/12/2020)

Masashi8503 posts on r/NoStupidQuestions (scroll to 24/02/2021)

probgoingtohell posts on r/NoStupidQuestions (scroll to 22/02/2020)

Salos10000 posts about r/NoStupidQuestions on r/DebateAltRight (scroll to 05/02/2020)

Crank27789 posts on r/NoStupidQuestions (02/09/2021, still on Reddit)

Masashi8503 posts on r/Showerthoughts (scroll to 12/05/2021)

ayotollahsiniran posts on r/Showerthoughts (scroll to 20/05/2020)

IvantheGreat66 posts on r/Showerthoughts (14/12/2020, still on Reddit)

Masashi8503 posts on r/victoria2 (scroll to 29/05/2021)

ayotollahsiniran posts on r/victoria2 (scroll to 26/04/2020)

Crank27789 posts on r/victoria2 (09/09/2021, still on Reddit)

Crank27789 posts on r/thecampaigntrail (12/10/2021, still on Reddit)

Masashi8503 posts on r/thecampaigntrail (scroll to 28/06/2021)

ayotollahsiniran posts on r/asoiaf and r/puresoiaf (scroll to 20/05/2020)

probgoingtohell posts about asoiaf on r/DebateAltRight (scroll to 09/11/2019)

Crank27789 posts on r/asoiaf (24/08/2021, still on Reddit)

ayotollahsiniran posts on r/HistoryWhatIf (scroll to 22/05/2020)

probgoingtohell posts about r/HistoryWhatIf on r/DebateAltRight (scroll to 01/02/2020)

Masashi8503 posts on r/YAPms (scroll to 11/08/2021)

Crank27789 posts on r/YAPms (24/08/2021, still on Reddit)

probgoingtohell posts on r/TrueOffMyChest (scroll to 12/12/2020)

Crank27789 posts on r/TrueOffMyChest (18/10/2021, still on Reddit)

In conclusion:

r/AmITheAsshole: ayotollahsiniran, probgoingtohell

r/AmITheButtface: ayotollahsiniran, probgoingtohell

r/NoStupidQuestions: probgoingtohell, Salos10000, Masashi8503, Crank27789

r/Showerthoughts: ayotollahsiniran, IvantheGreat66, Masashi8503

r/victoria2: ayotollahsiniran, Crank27789, Masashi8503

r/thecampaigntrail: Crank27789, Masashi8503

r/asoiaf: ayotollahsiniran, probgoingtohell, Crank27789

r/HistoryWhatIf: ayotollahsiniran, probgoingtohell

r/YAPms: Crank27789, Masashi8503

r/TrueOffMyChest: probgoingtohell, Crank27789

This means that of 10 subreddits... and all of these accounts except Salos10000, which was probably an alt account to avoid the autoban thing that DAR users might have gotten on other subreddits have posted in r/TNOmod:

ayotollahsiniran posted in 6/10 (+ r/TNOmod = 7/11)

probgoingtohell posted in 6/10 (+ r/TNOmod = 7/11)

Crank27789 posted in 6/10 (+ r/TNOmod = 7/11)

Masashi8503 posted in 5/10 (+ r/TNOmod = 6/11)

Salos10000 posted in 1/10 (but he admits in YORAMRW's thread to being probgoingtohell)

Ask yourself what are the chances of three accounts posting in seven of eleven subreddits and another account posting in six of eleven subreddits not being the same person? Ivanthegreat66 also uses the 'Yous' thing like all of the others I've mentioned, which is why I've chucked that one in despite having less evidence.

I found u/ayotollahsiniran on the old reddit DAR archive. He/she pretended to a british actress. by Blackbrownfreestuff in debatealtright

[–]ShmuelHydestein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

sauronlord100: I believe Reddit's sauronlord100 is the same guy as well.

Reddit sauronlord100 has also posted on:

r/NoStupidQuestions (last post 25/11/2020)

r/asoiaf (last post 28/11/2020)

r/HistoryWhatIf (last post 18/12/2020)

r/TNOmod (last post 27/12/2020)

That means he's posted in four of eleven subreddits. probgoingtohell has posted in all four of those, ayotollahsiniran in three of those four.

ShiversRussia2017: I can't find a Reddit account for shiversrussia2017 or anything similar. But the Saidit account for ShiversRussia2017 is obviously the same guy for two reasons:

'yous': https://saidit.net/s/debatealtright/comments/6ms9/the_british_army_today_can_only_field_a_single/pifg

Mention of TNOmod for Hearts of Iron 4: https://saidit.net/s/debatealtright/comments/7l69/about_alexey_dobrovolsky_dobroslav/sjay

They're both the same guy. sauronlord100's participation in 4/11 communities (particularly the combination of two obscure topics like asoiaf and TNOmod), and ShiversRussia2017's two-time mention of TNOmod and the use of 'yous' on this site is enough.

I can't connect the last three to him through similarities in subreddits since none of them posted in any of those eleven. IbnSarah is an obvious fake. Claims to be of half-Palestinian matrilineal descent on 22/10/2019. On 25/10/2019, he then claims to be of half-Egyptian matrilineal descent.

Connecting it all together:

Salos10000 admits to being probgoingtohell

probgoingtohell shares 5/11 subreddits with ayotollahsiniran (r/AmITheAsshole, r/AmITheButtface, r/asoiaf, r/HistoryWhatIf, r/TNOmod).

probgoingtohell shares 4/11 subreddits with Crank27789 (r/NoStupidQuestions, r/asoiaf, r/TrueOffMyChest, r/TNOmod).

Crank27789 shares 5/11 subreddits with Masashi8503 (r/NoStupidQuestions, r/victoria2, r/thecampaigntrail, r/YAPms, r/TNOmod), both share the 'yous' habit as well.

sauronlord100 shares 4/11 subreddits with probgoingtohell (r/NoStupidQuestions, r/asoiaf, r/HistoryWhatIf, r/TNOmod)

ShiversRussia2017 links up through sharing in common an enthusiasm for TNOmod and having the 'yous' habit.

The anti-American right by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]ShmuelHydestein 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Indeed, "American rightist" is a bit oxymoronic. Being to the right of the average person in a state founded by the revolutionary Left still makes a person Left, unless they're Right-wing enough to be counter-revolutionary (opposed to the revolution's values). Even the paleocons still accept the revolutionary ideal, so the development of a true Right-wing - one freed from globalism, the free market, propositional identity, etc. - in America has always seemed an impossibility. The furthest Rightward groups still accept the revolution's basic assumptions. The GOP has certainly never questioned any of these assumptions, and has done a great deal to export the revolutionary ideal (let's liberate "oppressed" women in Afghanistan and Iraq from evil far-Right Islamists!)

This is why the "Trump + GOP = far-Right" narrative is a farce. Being Rightward of the Far-Left doesn't make anyone Far-Right except in the eyes of those who are... yep, Far-Left. Shifting power from Left-liberalism to Right-liberalism and back again is just business as usual. Trump's ascension did not represent the growth of a counter-revolutionary movement aiming to overthrow America outside of Leftist fantasies. Unfortunately, extreme Leftists sperging out about how some candidate they don't like is "actually Far-Right" is an exceedingly common occurrence.

Unfortunately, while some strands of liberalism (particularly the radical Marxist derivative) have thankfully died off, Americanism is still shamefully clinging on to dear life. I am hoping that the Afghanistan "graveyard of empires" thing is a sign of things to come. After all, two years after the USSR left Afghanistan they were dead and buried. America, please follow suit, thanks!

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a total failure and could lead to Russia's downfall by lokke767 in debatealtright

[–]ShmuelHydestein 2 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

O! Salos, sauronlord100, ShiversRussia2017, probgoingtohell, ayotollahsiniran, Crank27789, Masashi8503, Republican58... 'yous' hath returned once again under a new name! How is TNOmod for Hearts of Iron 4 going? And Game of Thrones? Hath ye yet determined whether Judi Bowker is yourself or your mother?

Knowst that 'yous' shalt soon be permabanned once again, ye blithering fopdoodle!



Vaccine-hesitancy is highest among people with PhDs. by Bagarmoossen in debatealtright

[–]ShmuelHydestein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nothing here really surprises me, though it's good to have empirical evidence so that these claims cannot be dismissed as baseless speculation.

Young people being more less pro-vax: That the group least likely to die is also least likely to see the vax as worthwhile is just commonsensical. What would surprise me is if the results were anything otherwise.

Asians being most pro-vax is also evidence of the correct "racist stereotype" that they are more conformistic than all other races. Only "anti-racists" would find this surprising, but it's their view that is the one at odds with reality. Race realists don't find this claim surprising. If we have any list of examples, it is in need of an update.

Less educated people being less pro-vax is probably the most surprising claim. I'd wager that it's just because they have less exposure to official narratives, i.e. people working low-paid menial jobs are going to spend less time exposed to the media and therefore are less likely to internalize pro-vax messaging.

Most educated people being less pro-vax also isn't really surprising, since they're taught to distrust practically everything (never write anything without citing peer-reviewed literature. Blog posts, media sites, social media, Wikipedia, etc. are not acceptable information sources. Anything not backed by empirical evidence and is logically unsound should automatically be regarded as false). 'Yep, I need a peer-reviewed source published in the top virology journal for why I should "get the jab", otherwise I'm making uninformed decisions based on insufficient evidence'. Of course, they're also still often the most indoctrinated people out there on some issues, which raises certain questions of why they can see past some things and not others.

Looks like the "tl;dr" is that the vax has the most appeal to midwit sheeple, particularly if they're Asian?

Dropping the requirements “will benefit Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.” by Blackbrownfreestuff in debatealtright

[–]ShmuelHydestein 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's an interesting symptom of social decline. "Positive discrimination" is ultimately still discrimination and so it makes very little sense for egalitarians to support, based on perceptions of persisting intergroup inequality, standards for some groups and not others.

Indeed, regardless of the fact that many White egalitarians consistently support whatever disbenefits them because of the erroneous assumption that they have far more of everything good than they actually do, and thus that their trampling into the dirt is both well deserved and necessary for the realization of the elusive "true equality" they so desperately seek... which in reality just serves as a quasi-moral justification for their own marginalization and eventual replacement. After all, you have to pass equality to reach supremacy.

The end result is likely no standards for anybody. Standards perpetuate inequality if they can't be met by all people equally, so Clown World will do away with them for all groups (non-whites bar Asians first, Whites and Asians later on).

