(Saidit) PEAK TRANS I: Please continue to share your stories!! by Irascible-harpy in GenderCritical

[–]SaltySkank 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's what I thought too. Before said friend got too "offended" we took the discussion to PMs, and best I could decipher, it is apparently "offensive" and "hurtful" and exclusive blah blah blah because referring to myself/ourselves as women (you know, since we're ACTUAL WOMEN) means so in the biological sense. Having female bits, the ability to reproduce, natal female bodies, the experience / social conditioning of being raised as a woman, etc. All things trans women have not had and will never have, and using "women" to only refer to ourselves "reminds them of that constantly" and "triggers their dysphoria" and just reaffirms to them that "they will never be women" and is thus exclusionary and evil and bigoted etc etc etc etc.

It plays into the whole.. delusion that we have to pretend that trans women ARE WOMEN!!111one!! and are exactly the same as real women in every way, shape, form, and sense. Apparently challenging or questioning that at all is a HUGE no no. And that's where the discussion died, because I refuse to erase biological sex / the existence of sex and evidently TRA friends think self id'ed gender full on REPLACES sex, and sex is therefore entirely irrelevant now and only refers to "your chromosomes" and nothing else. It sucks honestly, because I was trying to tell them that I am 99% okay with referring to trans women as women "socially" but I cannot make myself do it in a "legal/biological" definition sense because, sorry, they AREN'T THE SAME as biological women. But nope, I'm still a bigot and a transphobe because I won't ignore sexual dimorphism and biologic reality. I have no idea how to bridge that disconnect when honest to god they're just being.. ridiculous and delusional. That my friends, who are all fellow biological females and have all experienced varying levels of sexual discrimination/harassment (I've known them since I was a young teenager) are seriously taking a stance that sex doesn't exist AND doesn't matter..?

So... where are you on the transphobia scale? by Neo_Shadow_Lurker in LGBDropTheT

[–]SaltySkank 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

lmaoooo shit. Guess I'm chiling with the rest of the "overt transphobes" over in the acknowledging that humans are a sexually dimorphic species reality.

Sidenote though.. anyone else kind of freaked out by how straight up cultish the extreme other end of the scale is? GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY FOR MY MUTILIATION SURGERY / BE A MEAT SHIELD FOR ME and I will bless you with the title of "ally". No thanks, I'm good.

I'm gay. I like men. No, not THOSE men. But we're still men. I mean... um... er... by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]SaltySkank 14 insightful - 12 fun14 insightful - 11 fun15 insightful - 12 fun -  (0 children)


/r/lgbt confirms that raping ones mother is a much lesser crime than being misgendered by Chunkeeguy in LGBDropTheT

[–]SaltySkank 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Tch. How very telling. "Sure, SHE (HER IDENTITY IS VaLiD GUYZ!!11) raped and abused HER(!1!!) own fucking elderly mother with dementia, but that's not important right now - DON'T MISGENDER HER!!!!!11one!!!!1 YOU'RE VIOLATING THAT PREDATOR's R I G H T S!!!"
I don't give a flying fuck what this sack of shit thinks it is and is pretending to be. Thankfully, the TRAs are here to remind me that I am a bigger piece of shit than this scum of the earth fucker and literal rapist because I won't play the pronoun / self-ID'ed gender game. Because never forget, that's what REALLY matters here, apparently.

This makes me want to weep for humanity. These people are so fucking deranged.

Harvard biology prof attacked for rejecting term 'pregnant people' by BiologyIsReal in GenderCritical

[–]SaltySkank 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jesus Christ, how did we get here? Now even a place like Harvard is playing along that accepting reality and biology is bigotry?! I wish I could say that I was surprised. I don't C A R E if it hurts someone's feelings that only WOMEN can get pregnant, because it's T R U E. Once again, I cannot fathom how any female could look at this and not see it as natal men once again trampling all over women, taking our term for ourselves away because it 'offends them' and reducing us to 'pregnant people. Over my dead body.

Whatever you do, don't listen to the adult in the room by Chunkeeguy in GenderCritical

[–]SaltySkank 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Stuff like this would make me terrified to be a therapist. It would also make it so much harder to actually help people. Moreover, I feel like all of the comments in that thread just prove that these people aren't interested in actually working through their issues or achieving any kind of long term stability - they just want to feel validated 100% of the time and equate LITERALLY ANYTHING that goes against what they want to hear as hate speech and abuse. What makes these people think they're at all qualified to self diagnose?? Especially against a licensed and educated therapist???

Do any of these narcissistic idiots know how therapy actually works? Sometimes you have to hear shit you don't want to hear, and sometimes the truth hurts. Running from your problems does not help. I tried that. I had to go to therapy more than once for my raging anxiety and depression problems, and I can tell you that having to dig into my trauma and bullshit and face my issues wasn't pleasant in the least, but I came out of it better off and a stronger, better adjusted person. I cannot fathom going through life being THIS fucking fragile and easily offended with such a raging victim complex. It couldn't possibly be that this therapist is actually trying to help you! No, no, they must be an evil TrAnSpHoBe bigot! HOW DARE THEY NOT CONSTANTLY AND UNQUESTIONABLY VALIDATE YOU!!!

Literally makes me sick. I pity therapists who have to waste their time and resources on people like this who only want and will only accept one thing (VaLiDaTiOn and fucking hormones) instead of being able to actually help people who legitimately want therapy and help with their issues.

(Saidit) PEAK TRANS I: Please continue to share your stories!! by Irascible-harpy in GenderCritical

[–]SaltySkank 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)


Firstly, glad to see this community again. I'm fairly certain I found it and lurked around some just before the great purge of a year prior on reddit thanks to the TRAs. I missed y'all.

My peaking has been a long time coming, but I think my actual legit final Peak happened a few days ago. I have always had some concerns and issues with the whole Gender Theory thing, at least what I understood of it, but I was largely okay with just letting it be. Like some other people on here, I assumed that "I identify as X, so I am" was meant at a more personal level, as in self acceptance, and I was and still am entirely okay with that. What I didn't realize until much more recently is that the trans movement is obsessed with abolishing the concept of biological sex altogether and replacing it with self identified "gender", and in the process, means to redefine language AND law. That goes way too far, and is not only ridiculous but outright dangerous in light of how rampant sexism still is. If humans were not a sexually dimorphic species, this would not be an issue, but we are, and I am not about to ignore that just because reality may hurt someone's feelings.

Some of my friends have recently become some form of trans, and the vast majority of the rest of them fully support this. I was heavily skeptical at first, since a lot of these friends struggle with mental health issues and have for a long time, and I suspected it might play a role in this. However, I largely just tolerated it and tried not to say much until it started to get more and more extreme over time. Eventually, I started to raise some questions and voice some concerns when the relatively chill "I just don't feel like I fit into either gender very well, so I would rather just not confine myself to them" became "Anyone who feels like they are X are X, in every way shape and form." and ANY opposition to that, no matter how small, became tantamount to a personal hate crime.

I have friends in the LGB community. Talking with them especially has opened my eyes as to how harmful TRA rhetoric can be, and how backwards parts of this movement are. Suddenly a man with a dick can be a "lesbian" just because he feels like he's a woman, and nobody can question that without being a "transphobe" or worse. Suddenly "anyone can menstruate" and "girls can have dicks" and I'm being cruel and "gatekeeping" for insisting that a vagina is a female sex organ and my lesbian friend's attraction to them is not a CHOICE or a PREFERENCE and that "lesbian" means SAME SEX attraction to NATAL FEMALE characteristics.

I was implied to be a TERF and a hurtful bigot for defending my lesbian friend's right to exclude dicks from her dating pool, because TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN and apparently what's between your legs has nothing to do with your gender. (Nevermind that I was talking about SEX, but apparently that word doesn't exist anymore.) I was apparently supposed to be content with that circular, bullshit non-definition, because pressing the issue and asking for clarification on what a "woman" even is anymore just resulted in TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN being repeated incessantly at me, like it was God's fucking judgement and nothing but full and unquestioning acceptance was tolerable.

My friends now either completely lack self awareness or are somehow oblivious to how stupid that non-argument is and how little sense it makes. I will go as far as to agree that Gender can largely be a social construct and refers largely to how you present yourself, but by no means can you use it to replace biological sex in either definition or importance. The "woke" section of my friend group evidently thinks that it is "closed minded", "hurtful," "transphobic," and "devastating" to identify someone based on their biological sex/gentials AND to acknowledge that homosexuality means SAME SEX attraction and has fuck all to do with gender identity.

Nonetheless, I actually attempted again to have legitimate, good faith discussion on this, and honest to god innocently and delicately as I could ask questions to try to fucking understand this shit, (I have in the past as well) and EVERY TIME I get either flat out ignored (as in the subject is instantly changed) or get snubbed and everyone pretends I never said anything and that I no longer exist for some hours/days.

I came to realize over time, and especially after the last incident, that this is not how healthy and normal people act, much less people who are supposed to be my friends. No, we're so culty and TRA-brainwashed now that even asking QUESTIONS is offensive and is somehow "invalidating" someone. We can't even talk about it now, at all. Fuck that. Apparently it is entirely possible to be a lady some days and a dude other days despite having no dick, BUT ONLY SOMETIMES when a person FEELS LIKE A MAN. This shit has gone balls off the walls insane and I'm done. My god, the entitled narcissism coming off some of these people. I was trying to be respectful, I was legitimately trying to understand their viewpoint and ideology, but every attempt was either ignored or met with spiteful ACKSHUALLY UR WRONG AND STILL A BIGOT BASED ON THIS TINY TECHNICALITY THAT YOU MISSED like I was being an intentional asshole and obstinate idiot.

I was never a normal female growing up. I was the biggest damn Tomboy, but nobody c a r e d. My parents didn't care, my family didn't care, my friends didn't care. It wasn't a big deal. I still don't fit in the gender binary. Probably. (I don't even know what the hell that is supposed to mean anymore??) My parents and family subscribed to the belief that boy-stuff and girl-stuff were really just stereotypes anyway, and what did it matter in the end because a girl could do just about anything a boy could do! Obviously sex played some role in how things play out, but it's you underneath that matters. I am sure some idiot would try to ID me as trans-something, but A.) I don't give a FUCK what society thinks and what random blowhards think of me / identify me as? and B.) I don't need constant validation from everyone around me in order to not self destruct, and C.) I don't care about labels. How would I have turned out, I wonder, if I was being raised today in hyper TRA culture?

Of course I had moments where I hated my body, loathed menstruation and wanted to chop off my boobs, wanted my non-huge hips back, and hated that my stupid body changed itself because BAYBEEZ and THATS WHAT WOMEN BODIES DO. As a teenager, I may have wished more than a few times that I was a male instead, and that I wouldn't have to be stuck with a monthly subscription to crotch bleeding forever and all the societal bullshit that comes with being female, but I got over it and accepted reality and learned to accept myself. I think that is a far more healthy outcome than living in some delusion that I was never really a girl and am secretly a boy somehow.

I'm disappointed in my friends, who are both smarter than this and should fucking know better than to buy into such stupidity, and in the entire fucking attitude surrounding TRAs and the trans movement. Erasing sex is stupid and dangerous to women and homosexuals. I'm done being gaslighted, ignored, and attacked and treated like garbage for asking a fucking question and living in reality where biology exists and is relevant. I'm sick of my lesbian friend having "girldick" forced on her constantly and being an automatic TERF!111 and bigot for wanting nothing to do with a fucking penis. Most of all, I'm disgusted by the demonization of homosexuality that a vast majority of TRAs refuse to see or acknowledge. Society should not be catering to this. People with actual Gender Dysphoria need therapy and proper medical care to learn to accept their bodies, not mutilating surgeries that promise shit they can never deliver and constant validation of their delusions. And god DAMN, being "trans" is not fucking trendy, and the sooner people can figure this out the better.

Not to mention the hypocrisy and misogyny. "DON'T REDUCE PEOPLE TO THEIR GENITALS!!" meanwhile, we can't say Mother's Day anymore, it has to be "Birthing People's Day" and I should be called a "Menstruating Person" because calling myself a Woman excludes trans people. I have to accept dicks in my women safe spaces now, and let natal men ONCE AGAIN barge into my spaces, business, legal protections, and reproductive rights, because who fucking cares about us, can't invalidate a trans person!! Fuck off.

...like I said. P E A K E D.