QT: Do you regret any part of your medical transition? by worried19 in GCdebatesQT

[–]Gravel_Roads 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I feel like you're responding to what you've "heard TRA's say" instead of responding to what I have said. I'm not saying you can't argue with trans people if they say something stupid. You're not saying anything crazy, and there's nothing wrong with you having differing opinions about this. But every time you say "I've noticed the TRA's do _" or "All you trans people think _", it starts to feel like you're talking to someone behind me or something. Please try to remember there is no "Trans People Bible". I've met like... 2 other trans people in my life, and we didn't compare "ideological notes" to make sure we all have the same message.

(In the same way, I also assume that even though I've seen some GC people say crazy things, I don't assume you hold their worst opinions, y'know?)

The issue is that amputating body parts that are perceived as shameful or wrong etc. in a society constantly sending women these messages shouldn't be the solution, even if it seems "simple".

This is... a good example of what I'm talking about? I didn't have my breasts removed because it's socially "perceived as shameful or wrong" to have them. I'm not ashamed of having had them, and I certainly didn't remove them to "send a message to other women". For me, it is bizarre that a complete stranger would see me doing something with my own body and come away thinking "They had surgery to send a message to ME!" I didn't get surgery because I think "all women should remove their breasts and hate their bodies". I was thinking "it'd be great if these things weren't in the way anymore." And now that they aren't, I don't really think about them at all. There is no greater opinion about women at all. (If anything, I love breasts on women lol. I'm bi and have mostly dated women. Breasts are great. I just didn't personally want them).

This seems like another trend in the trans (rights) community: pretending that all those women are sooo impossible to understand and that surely said misunderstanding must be validation of one's non-womanness.

once again... noo? I didn't say "women are IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND" I said "I assume women are a diverse population who probably each have a unique relationship with their own bodies". As in "different women have different experiences". If it helps, I think men also differ in their experiences from person to person. I don't see what validation has to do with any of this, I don't think anything about me sets me apart from anyone else in this regard.

I have lost count of the women who say they don't need feminism or the women who are not like other girls, and despite their indignation, I have not once been convinced by people shoving their heads in the sand regarding their physical reality because they don't want to hear it.

Once again... none of this is in response to anything I've said, tho. I think the world very much needs feminism, and more personally my life would be a lot worse without it. So. Again. I'm fine with you wanting to argue with people who say such things, but you'll have an easier time actually taking it up with the people who actually say it. If the "physical reality" you're talking about is regarding me being female, I already know lol.

The simple reality is that these were the cards we have been dealt. The fact that women deal differently with the realities of being female, and that surgeries and drugs exist, doesn't actually change the fact that they are female.

Sure, I never said it didn't. I understand that you don't personally like that some females take drugs or have surgery to alter their bodies. But some determined females will do it all the same, and some of those who do don't regret it. Some will go on to successfully live as men in society. Whether adungitit or Gravel_Roads have opinions about it, positive or negative, is going to be irrelevant, since neither of us will likely ever interact with them or impact their lives.

Remember, no-one cared how you felt about being female, nor did they care how I felt about it, nor that woman, nor that one.

What's great is, I don't have to care whether they care :D! I'm not waiting for anyone to "care about how I feel about being female". That's for me to care about. And even if no one else cares in the entire world, I'm still going to care about myself, because I'm ultimately the one I have to face in the mirror every day.

You didn't get VIP access to a character creator any more than any of us did.

I can't change the fact that I am a genetic female, XX chromosomes. Luckily I don't have to interact with my literal chromosomes every day, so it doesn't affect my dysphoria. What I did have to deal with every day was the discomfort of having breasts. But I very obviously do have the ability to remove my breasts, so i did. So while I don't have a "VIP access to a character creator", I was able to go from being a "female with breasts" to a "female without breasts". So, factually speaking, I can change some things. And, for me, they were the most disruptive ones.

I'm not trying to be cruel here, but trans people have to understand that their wishes don't actually change reality and that self hatred or cosmetic surgeries aren't something unique to them.

I don't think you're being cruel. I just feel like you're projecting what you think about trans people onto me, instead of listening to what I'm saying. I'm not functioning on "wishes". I didn't "wish" to not have breasts, I just didn't want them so I had them removed. I don't "wish" to be a man, I've just been on T long enough that people treat me like one because I look like one. I've never once claimed anything about me was unique. People get cosmetic surgery all the time. Sometimes, it looks good enough that people assume it's natural. This applies to men and women equally, nothing special about me or trans people in general.

I honestly don't intend to debate whether or not you're happy. I have met people who were made happy by all sorts of things. Hell, cults and drugs have such power over people precisely because they make them happy and provide a simple alternative to a shitty reality.

I didn't transition to escape reality. I work with homeless populations, I see a lot of reality. I deal with overdoses, I break up fights, I've performed CPR on people who later died. I've seen some darkness, and I've seen some amazing, crusty beauty. My sex/gender doesn't really play a huge part in any of this, since no one gives a shit about gender when someone's bleeding from a stab wound.

I wouldn't personally compare what I do/have done with "being in a cult" or "struggling with addiction". But it's not like there's any laws saying you can't. I just disagree. It probably comes down to what you consider pro-social. If being transgender is, to you, inherently anti-social, there's not much else I can do but accept.

The simple fact is, I don't want an "easy fix" in the form of amputations, surgeries and a lifetime of an artificially induced hormonal imbalance

I mean... you're allowed to not want me to have removed my breasts, but your preferences for my body are going to obviously take second to my preferences about my own body.

My issue isn't really with how happy you as one single individual are, my concern is with how the views I keep seeing trans people/supporters espouse keep feeding into this idea that women have an easy fix to misogyny through surgeries, medication or just plain ol' pretending and denial.

Once again, I'm fine if you want to criticize people who think transition is an easy fix to escape misogyny. I don't think transition does much to escape misogyny, any more than someone in the closet is "escaping" homophobia. Anti-woman sentiment is harmful even when it's not aimed at an individual.

But the fact that you can feel shame over your female body and euphoria over superficial modifications to your female biology is an experience only a woman can have.

Disliking being born female is, indeed, something a person would have to be born female to experience. I don't consider being female shameful, though. Women are awesome. My mom was an old bra-burning hippy who loved the female body; her art was almost entirely centered around the female figure, and I still love her art to this day.

However, if by "euphoria over superficial modifications" you mean "are happy wit how the surgery turned out", I don't think that's a woman-only experience. Most people are pretty happy when they have successful surgery that accomplishes its goal.

at the end of the day, none of us were asked about how we feel any more than you were.

I never claimed otherwise. What does people "asking me" about it have to do with anything? I'm not waiting for anyone to ask me anything. Even if no one ever "asks me", they aren't obligated to. I am a creature of agency and I am responsible for solving my own problems. You said something earlier with....

No-one ever asked me if I wanted these things, no-one ever cared how I felt about them, no one cares if I cry over them or jump from joy.

And my answer is still the same: Whether or not someone "cares" if I "cry over it" is irrelevant. I don't live my life based on what other people are doing, or asking, or caring about. I base my life off what I want to do with my life and my body.

QT: Do you regret any part of your medical transition? by worried19 in GCdebatesQT

[–]Gravel_Roads 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I assume you're also on testosterone? Have you had any complications from that? Do doctors have to monitor you pretty closely?

No complications. I know GC people spread around horror stories of trans men's bones dissolving and testosterone putting them in wheelchairs, but I have not experienced any of that. I've been on T for about 10 years, and am still very active and healthy. I jog, rock climb, move furniture and building supplies at work ect. The changes I have experienced I was informed of ahead of time, and most I actively wanted (like deepening voice or facial hair.) I have a blood test to check my T levels about every 3-4 months to make sure I'm in a healthy range, and my doctor and I are both conservative on what "healthy" means (ie when my levels got higher last year, doc asked if I'd be okay dropping from .5 to .4 administered a week, but I ultimately opted to go down to .33 on my own, just to play safe.)

I struggle to understand it also as a GNC person. I just consider my body my body. It's the one I got born with. But I don't feel like I have to align my body with what society wants.

Honestly, I consider myself a GNC person as well. I also consider my body to be "my body". That's why i get to decide what to do with it (to be clear, I don't feel like you've said otherwise or anything.) I don't consider transitioning to be anything close to "what society want", it's pretty obvious that I'd be treated better and respected more if I had not transitioned (GC people would stop calling me delusional and perverted, and men would stop whining that I was "hotter as a girl" lol). I just don't care. I grew up a queer kid in the Bible Belt, so I'm used to being surrounded by people who look down on me for how I live my life. I base my life off what makes me happy, not off what makes other people happy, if that makes sense. It's made things harder in some ways, but I've tried conforming and fitting in in the past, and it's not for me. It just makes me hate myself more.

QT: Do you regret any part of your medical transition? by worried19 in GCdebatesQT

[–]Gravel_Roads 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I got used to them. There really wasn't any choice.

I'm glad you were able to! I never did. I think that's kind of what dysphoria is - an inability to just "get over it". Even in my 30's, they were an active distraction, for me. They felt actively in my way, it hurt when I ran, they got in the way (I almost tore off a nipple army-crawling during Tough Mudder ;_;) , they made it uncomfortable to lay on my chest or cuddle with my partner ect ect. And while I'm sure there are many women who have thoughts like this, my thoughts like this were persistent enough that it was disruptive for me. Luckily, for me, surgery was a choice, and luckily it was the right one (for me).

I'm only speaking for myself, obvs - I don't personally have a lot of personal investment in the sanctity of the "natural human body". My body is just the vehicle that I drive around and experience the world through. I've just altered my vehicle to something that I like better.

Do you think there was ever a chance you could have become reconciled to them? Like if you'd been alone on a desert island, do you think your breasts would still have been a cause for hatred?

I don't hate them "because" they're breasts, I just hate the way they feel and look on my own body. Not just because people were focusing on a very "female" feature when they focus on them, but also because they were uncomfortable and I didn't like they way the looked or felt.

I think it's possible, or even probable, that if I had been very flat-chested (instead of a heavy C cup), I probably wouldn't have felt the need for surgery, as my chest would have been flat already. That probably would have been ideal, it's not like "having surgery" was the goal. If there was a pill I could take that would shrink them in another way I'd have been happy to explore that.

QT: Do you regret any part of your medical transition? by worried19 in GCdebatesQT

[–]Gravel_Roads 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

No-one ever asked me if I wanted these things, no-one ever cared how I felt about them, no one cares if I cry over them or jump from joy.

I... don't understand what this has to do with what I said, though. I got rid of something I didn't want. Now that it's gone, I am happier than I was to have it. So for me, I was solving a very basic problem with a very basic solution. Whether or not someone "cares" if I "cry over it" is irrelevant; that wouldn't have solved the problem one way or another.

These are simply the cards I have been dealt and there hasn't been one moment ever where my wishes or feelings factored into them.

Right, but in my case, my wishes and feelings were factored for. I'm not saying my solution would resolve any issues you may have with your own body, but my wishes and feelings very much were consulted in regards for the decisions I made for my own body.

I notice that a lot of people on the trans (rights) side seem to think women love being women, that they get euphoric from having breasts, they get overjoyed from being female.

??? I... don't think any of this. I assume women are a diverse population who probably each have a unique relationship with their own bodies. I don't speak for any of them. I didn't remove my breasts based on how women feel about breasts, I had my breasts removed based on how I felt about my own breasts.

If anything, I agree that women aren't poorly represented as 3-dimensional beings.

In practice however, anxieties over one's body and a lifetime of endured objectification, self-hatred and sexual dysfunction are very common in women. In my experience, they're so common that I no longer believe any woman who tries to paint a picture of a woman overjoyed by these things. It's like asking me to believe that your average Muslim woman really did choose her subhuman god-given role. No matter how euphoric it makes her, I'm not going to buy it when we know from history how genuine this contentment with one's oppression is.

None of this has anything to do with the topic, though? Again, I don't assume anything about women. If you're just taking the moment to get this off your chest, that's fine, scream it to the heavens, cuz it's a good thing to be mad about. I'm not telling you not to care about these things, women are worth fighting for.

But I'm still happier to have had my breasts removed. It's probably hyperbolic to call it 'euphoria', in the way one might say "I'm STARVING" if they're honestly just "hungry", but the relief I feel to not have breasts is very real. I don't hate my body. I love it. I love it more now that I've changed it. So, for me, it's not a dysfunction because it improved my life. It has nothing to do with presuming the thoughts of women, or how they "should" feel about their experiences. That's a much bigger conversation for women to have with themselves.

QT: Do you regret any part of your medical transition? by worried19 in GCdebatesQT

[–]Gravel_Roads 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It sounds like that isn't a question you revisit much, if at all

I mean, it's been many years! I go most days, even weeks without thinking about my transition at all, surgery or otherwise. I thought about it a lot more when it was actively going on. Now that I'm healed, I just feel normal. I don't personally think of the procedure as a "gold standard" so much as the option that suited best what I wanted.

I'll put it this way: more recently, I had a kitchen accident and cut 3 tendons in my hand. I had to have surgery to reattach them. They were only able to reattach 2 of the 3. It took a few years of physical therapy, but I've regained full strength in the hand, and I can even rock climb again, but that hand still can't make a fist. I think way more about that surgery than I do top surgery, because it affects me more every day. I think a lot about whether I should have a follow up surgery to try and regain more use of my fist, weighed against another couple years of PT and further trauma from surgery. That 'will it be worth it, or will it make things worse' is focused on a situation that is still in (lol) "transition".

do you attend therapy currently?

Not at the moment, but I have a very robust support network. My coworkers and I tend to check in with each other and proactively offer help to one another, and I have a long-term partner who've I've known for over 20 years. I like my life, and I'm happy. If that changed, I'm not opposed to seeing a shrink or anything. But like I said, I'm pretty even keeled.

QT: Do you regret any part of your medical transition? by worried19 in GCdebatesQT

[–]Gravel_Roads 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think this is probably one of those YMMV situations. I, as an individual, am not inclined to I guess what you'd loosely call "trauma". I have a high pain tolerance, I work in a fast paced and kind of dangerous job (I'm a night shift counselor at a homeless shelter), and I can deal with over-doses and fires and mental breaks, and still laugh with my coworkers over coffee at the end of the day. So I don't feel a lot of regret or trauma in general.

But I think there's something to be said about the toll surgery is at all. I think surgery is inherently traumatic, and more people probably experience PTSD from it than people really talk about. Humans are hard-wired to want to avoid doing things that will permanently make a problem worse, so it's not unreasonable to revisit this question "was it worth it, or did I make things worse?" Sadly, we can only answer this for ourselves. It was for me. It sounds like you're doing a good job of trying to digest what you've been through, which is all we can do, really. This stuff is complicated.I wish you all the luck.

QT: Do you regret any part of your medical transition? by worried19 in GCdebatesQT

[–]Gravel_Roads 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hmm, for me this is like saying "I understand you like oranges, but if you didn't like oranges, how would you feel about eating one?"

Transition/surgery is a solution to a specific problem I had. If that problem did not exist, I would not need the solution? For me, there is no "reconciliation", there is no time I wanted my breasts. I remember wanting to scrape them off with a wood rasp from the moment they grew in 20+ years ago. So I benefited from having them removed.

If having breasts felt "right", I would absolutely have kept them, for sure. Is that what you're asking?

If you're asking "What if you woke up tomorrow and suddenly wished you had breasts?" I guess... if that happened, I would regret not having them. Luckily, it hasn't happened and it's been almost a decade, so I don't think it's likely in my case.

QT: Do you regret any part of your medical transition? by worried19 in GCdebatesQT

[–]Gravel_Roads 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I had top surgery. I don't regret it, so I'm not sure if my sort of answer would help.

Weirdly, as soon as it was done it was hard to remember what it felt like to not have a flat chest. I don't know if it's just a natural body mapping since we don't really have a lot of articulation/use of that area, so there isn't much sensory change to adjust to, but I didn't experience any "phantom tits" or experience any obstacles in recovery. I don't even have them in my dreams.

I transitioned later in life, around 30, and for me the changes have all been for the better. I don't think dysphoria is very well represented, as it's not an "emotional instability", it doesn't on its own cause suicidal ideation. It just makes it hard to look down at your body and understand why it is socially/culturally defined by terms that, (for me) literally don't make sense. So I felt like I'd just been issued the wrong rental car, but it could still drive and I had places to be, so I treated my life/existence as one might play a randomly generated RPG character assigned to them. And I did "okay"? I found body mods helped me feel connected to and in control of my body, and I was always extremely GNC and bisexual (it felt, for me, all connected - I didn't know why bodies had to be man/woman, why sexuality had to be oriented to man/woman, why my clothes and hair and presentation had to be man/woman ect. The more "pick and mix" I could be, the happier I was.)

But it SUCKED, because I still didn't feel right. Dating was impossible because I resented people being attracted to my female features; no matter how sweet or kind or attractive or fun or confident or how much I liked my partners, it would take me out of it immediately if they wanted to caress my hip or touch my breasts. I had a hard time seeing doctors because my body always seemed wrong, and when it was sick or injured it felt like it was natural to be sick or injured, because I didn't feel healthy in it.

Transitioning was the first time in my adult life I began to take my health care seriously. I don't know if it was specific transition to male, or just departure from rigidly being "female", but it's been easier to love my body now that it's shaped this way. I see dentists and I get vaccinations, I have a primary care physician. I'm able to focus on work more and be more productive. I also have been able to get more out of my own head and develop more empathy for others, because I'm not just angry at how I'm being seeing by others. Because I changed it.

So for me, it was an absolute improvement. But I will say very clearly that it was only part of the process, and the surgery in and of itself would not likely have done anything for me if I hadn't already spent a lot of time thinking about it and processing my other issues alongside it.

Transition isn't the destination. It's just a route one takes to change their life. Ideally, once it's changed you don't think about it much, because the change has become the new reality. But for me, that new reality is much easier to navigate than the old one.