How do you see the trans movement in the next 5 years? by joy1090 in LGBDropTheT

[–]DoverBeige 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

This is my tin foil hat theory but I'm calling it now. In typical Progressive fashion, by the year 2025 the idea that sex and gender are malleable will have progressed into racial territory. Possessed by their hatred of the race they were cursed to be born with, white liberals will renounce their skin color and all the privileges that come with it and begin to chemically dye their skin and thus the Transracial movement is born! But how does one go along with this ideology without contradicting their past condemnation of cultural appropriation? Black face, after all, is a sin on par with human trafficking! Nay, they will not confine themselves to shades of cream, white, tans, nor browns, but rather will choose to cover themselves head to toe in the bright and vivid color of their choosing. I'm red because I'm passionate! Well I'm yellow because my personality shines like the sun! I'm Green because I love the environment! And not just one race will have been created but many, all shiny and new, unsullied by any previous history of violence or oppression. Brothers and sisters, we are finally free to let our #Truecolors show!

But unforeseen problems begin to form within our newfound master race. With an infinite spectrum of colors to choose from comes infinite races, each one of them claiming to be more oppressed than the other. Why are primary colors so privileged? Why should secondary colors be looked down upon as second class citizens?! Who cares about Black Lives Matters when Teal voices are struggling to be heard? Group and political ideology are blindly assumed based on choice of skin tone, even towards the apolitical, unaffiliated, or apathetic. And what with Donald Trump nearing the end of his second term, all #Truecolor races agree that those who consciously choose to dye their skin in orange hues are consciously supporting a system of sexism, raycism, and bigotry and are an obvious dogwhistle for white supremacists. Our once united and enlightened race is now more divided than ever as colorful mobs wage battle on the streets of large liberal cities in an incestuous tie dye explosion of hate and anger.

Entertained at first, the Cis-races will eventually grow bored and resentful of the loud noises coming from "the stained" and vote Republican.