aznidentity mod behavior exposed #157: tosFUCKINGRETARDFGGITKUCK is surprised users are not viewing the autistic shit he pins to the top of the sub by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Monthly Free-for-All (self.aznidentity)

submitted 15 hours ago by AutoModerator

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 7 hours ago To app users: 1) Does this new comments feed for AI work for you? 2) Do you still see this thread after it's been pinned? Been noticing pinned threads are not getting traffic so maybe it's better if I don't pin them. However, the problem with that is they don't get enough upvotes to stay near the top for more than a few days.

F&gg0t is demanding upvotes for his diarrhea now. Once again, anything involving the aiNCELs mods is guaranteed to fucking fail.

AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #77: R/ am to remain buried in poocel cowshit indefinitely thanks to arcel's BITCH INCELnem by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

‘Sophisticated’: Four men arrested after break-in string targeting South Asians in 25 Mass. towns (

submitted 10 hours ago by Igennem to r CrimesAgainstAsianity

The very fucking reason why you don't let xm-blowing eunuchs near a mod board. Cancer cell f&gg0ts like the one above always enable xm/Lu/simp infestation along with sjw subversion.

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #156: The end result of arcPOOCEL bringing in "more intelliGent posteRs" with mass-censorship by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian Diasporic Mercantilism (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 month ago by mbathrowaway_2024

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 12 hours ago I think it is absolutely valid to discuss whether or not we in the diaspora should have a preference for imports from Asia. Suppose we go to the supermarket to buy canned sardines. There are cans from Scandinavia, Spain, Morocco, and Japan. There is no diaspora owned sardine can manufacturer as far as I know. How does it serve the purposes of Asian identity to insist on between neutral among the four choices? And except when we specifically need the services or goods of a local business like a car repair shop or restaurant, we typically will not have any choice to buy from diaspora. Furthermore, should the same indifference to foreign Asians apply, by the way, when an Asian-American graduate student is making a choice after being asked out by an Asian student from Asia and a white student? And then when does a foreign Asian become part of the diaspora anyway? The CEO of TikTok is frequently discussed on this subreddit. He studied in America and he gets dragged up to Congress for ritual humiliation. He married an Asian-American. Is he one of us? We used to discuss the CFO of Huawei here as well, back when Canada detained her. She owns houses in Canada and in fact stayed in her properties during her house arrest. Does she count? Anyway, it seems to me to be quite unfair if OP was banned and punished for the post when a moderator see enough worth in it to actually approve it. If the original decision to approve is wrong, then deleting the post and giving a warning ought to be enough. And if someone had to be temporarily banned, it should be the moderator who approved it. But I really don’t see anything ban worthy in the original post.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 11 hours ago Well, one, moderators can't ban other moderators without demodding them, and two, what would be the point? To prevent them from modding for a period of time and create more work for the others? Some mods are more willing to dole out punishment for grey-area content from new users. It's not a goal to alienate intelligent posters, but also, sometimes unavoidable.

Driving away "mUh EfFoRt PosTErs" is now "UnAvoiDABlE". Exactly why listening to the aiNCELs worthless mods is a fucking waste of time. Every thing they touch turns to fucking shit proven time and time again.

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #155: No one more fucking pathetic than SCHIZOID LU BITCH AlasKKKUNT91, gotta ch1mp at Asians literally each day and each second by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

DO NOT BE WEAK by leesolovely in aznidentity

[–]Alaskan91 [score hidden] 5 hours ago Disagree . U can analyze the micro all you want, but chinas lack of imperialism is not bc of its own success. That's a subjective veiwpoint. If anything, countries who are successful should want to be even more successful. The Europeans had never ending want for control and power, enough was NEVER enough. It seems to be a psychological genetic need that isn't present in Asian mentality. What Asian spends 25k to buy hunting lessons to hunt exotic large game? Let's b real. Providing a bunch of data and historical facts makes a theory come off as intelligent, and makes for a high grading college essay, but it cannot speak to the real reason behind the lack of imperialism. Perhaps china Is a land where agression is not advocated for and rewarded? Going back to the all the rebellions that were quashed and confusican mentality of focusing on bettering their own lives within their own lands? Perhaps it's genetic and there are simply less sociopaths and pyschopaths in the population that yearn for power across foreign lands (Imperialist tendencies)? There are certainly less serial killers in china than in the USA. Regardless, it's nothing to be proud of. The ancestor of those that conquered are far better off than Asians are, spinning in place.ij their own lands and having to compete with each other without subsidy from imperialism (African minerals, Hawaiian fruit exports, subsidizing banana republic) like the USA and Europe had. It's such an asian tendency to analyze the micro to the extreme in essay format and conclude that is why XYX didn't happen. Ppl need to zoom

"agression", " place.ij". "AsIAns REsPoNsIbLE FoR FuKIn EVERYtHInG REEEEEEEeeeerEEEEEEEEeeeeee". Get this fucking retard LU bitch back on the short bus where she belongs.

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #154: More worthless tosF&GG0TKUCK excuses after user calls out ban and censorship of poster by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian Diasporic Mercantilism (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 month ago by mbathrowaway_2024 [removed]

[–]historybuff234 7 points 1 month ago This topic deserves a lot more discussion than we are having. One thing we need to realize is that, while we are politically separated from Asians in Asia, subject to different governments and even political systems, our social standing here in America is inextricably tied to the overall standing of Asian groups in the world. For example, if a particular group in Asia is suffering from poverty or war, the social standing in America of any Asian who looks like belonging to that group suffers. Conversely, the prosperity and achievements of a particular group in Asia, say, the Japanese, enhances the social standing in America of Asians who looks like a Japanese. It is important to emphasize, by the way, that this is based on looks than actual ancestral ties, and this judgment is based on American standards rather than on Asian standards. For example, Asians in America who look like Chinese to Americans were attacked by racists during and after the pandemic, even if no actual Asian would confuse such Asians with Chinese. We therefore have every incentive to root for the success of Asians in Asia who look like us to Americans. It is not just an issue of solidarity in general with Asians or with one’s ancestral group, but it is a matter of self-interest and safety. Buying Asian products is a easy way to help out.

[–]mbathrowaway_2024[S] [score hidden] 12 hours ago My post was removed and I was temporarily banned from posting in the subreddit.

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 9 hours ago Amazing they did that after first approving your post.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 9 hours ago We can disagree. Another mod thought it was too foreign themed, which, to be fair, it wasn't clear which brands OP brought up were diaspora owned.

Just goes to show why obeying aiNCELs' "RuLeS" is fucking pointless. So much for "mUH AcKTiViSMm".

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #153: TosWORTHLESSCOCKLESSSIMPFGGITKUCK predictably mashes [remove] when users rightfully shit on his autistic post by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Stop complaining about WMAF: why we should all start embracing "white adjacency" (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by toskaqe

[–]greenhornet888 [score hidden] 20 minutes ago White troll? [removed]

[–]Violet0_oRose [score hidden] an hour ago This scenario doesn't affect me. AF will never give me much attention to begin with. I'm AM ABC. I've been largely ignored my whole life by AF. I have never once seen AF show any level of interest. And into my adult years even less so. WF is the only one that has ever shown interest in my life. "My Kind" has betrayed me as far as i'm concerned. [removed]

[–]Ok_Measurement6342 [score hidden] an hour ago Sounds like it's written by an AF or a WM in a WMAF relationship. LOL [removed]

[–]toskaqe[S] -8 points 1 day ago Sounds like you didn't actually read it.

Just wouldn't be tosWORTHLESSF&GG0TKUCK without censoring shit 24 fucking 7. Gotta censor to "ImpRoVe ai's non-ExiSTeNt QUAlITY". Must "SiLEnCe anYoNE OFFeNdINg MUH gOdLy HOlY LU lADEEEeeEEEEESSssSSSS". Must censor in order to function. R/ aiNCELs' fggit mods are the most pathetic group of retards to ever exist.

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #152: Can't criticize boba leftards/pmaf because the aiNCEL mods were never fucking "pRo-AsIAN" and never fucking will be by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

John Ong now sentenced to 2 1/2 years prison (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago by Snooopineapple

[–]whymedschool 40 points 1 day ago Absolutely disgusting verdict. Thanks to all the boba liberals letting my elders and brothers and sisters get fucked by the judicial system. Equity and Justice is a joke for Asian Americans. Especially for males. Love these WMAF boba libs with 🌾 🗑️ preaching AA, BLM, and antiblackness lmao. [removed]

[–]aznidentity-ModTeam[M] [score hidden] 7 hours ago locked comment Your post was removed for violating rule 1) Relevance to AI

Of course the blks/xm, leftards, and "HoLY pmaf LAdEEEeeeEEeeeeeSs" are the priority on aiNCELs, not Asians.

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #151: aiNCEL mods fucking proven to be worthless simp f&gg0ts by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

John Ong now sentenced to 2 1/2 years prison (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 day ago * by Snooopineapple

[–]Aureolater [score hidden] 12 hours ago Some lessons from the Ong case: 1) There are also a lot of Jews in NYC who are small-time landlords who also face this kind of hate. I can't think of any instances where they met violence with violence. Keep your wits about you. The prosecutor was able to pursue John Ong because they could argue there was a break in the fight. 2) If you do choose violence, know that this country does not look kindly on bladed weapons. There is a saying "The loser of a knife fight dies in the streets, the winner dies in the hospital," meaning even if you win the fight, your life is over. Pepper spray, a blunt weapon like a bat, even a gun is better. Look up Jared Ha. Another knife fight involving an Asian guy. 3) For all the crying here, I don't think anything will change. Look at the pic in OP's post. It's all old people. No one cared when it mattered. Some people saying they'll vote the DA out. Again, where you were you when Bragg was first running? No one cared. Many of y'all can't even support Asian women when they're being abused by non-Asian men. "I don't care, they're all race traitors, they're on their own" you'll say. That's your choice, but let's not have any illusions. You'll get mad at something like this, but when the time comes again, you'll make up a reason in your own mind to do nothing. Just be realistic with yourselves.

[–]ElimDegens [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Many of y'all can't even support Asian women when they're being abused by non-Asian men. "I don't care, they're all race traitors, they're on their own" you'll say.

Are you butthurt about something? This came out of nowhere. This is completely orthogonal to the subject, we're talking about defending ourselves and our "community." But I might agree, a lot of AM in a relationship with an AF can't take care of things when they get pressed in public, and sometimes if it's some XM twerp trying to flip the AF will even entertain him. It's the fault of both.

[–]CommitteeNo1010 [score hidden] 23 hours ago boba liberals arent just women and they all deserve to be criticized

[–]BringBackRoundhouse [score hidden] 3 hours ago I get it, I get annoyed too. I’m really referring to the WMAF thing there’s an entire sub for that. My point is, this is an Asian interest sub and this post is a really serious issue. It would be great to see the Asian community mobilize around this instead of pointing fingers at each other as if that’s the priority. At least that’s what I was hoping for out of this sub. Plenty of other subs for partisan and hateful rhetoric (especially to Asian women wtf). Maybe it’s cultural? Be hypercritical first and then right above everyone. I admit I react, but I won’t take it there first. That’s why we lack the solidarity other groups have. You don’t see BLM blaming Black Republicans first thing as if they’re the biggest problem. Let’s prioritize here at least and then go back to fighting each other.

[–]pinkrosies [score hidden] 14 hours ago Aren’t just women? What does that mean? What’s an AF with a WM or another race got to do with this? Always wanting to hate on Asian women for dating.

"GoTTa SAVe MUH xmaf LADEeEEEee U AM FUKk". Every single one of the aiNCEL mods aside from the poocel and KKKUNT LU are cancer cell simp FUCKING F&GG0TS. A poocel-created controlled opposition sub was never going to have mods that are actually pro-Asian.

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #150: Another cringe post from pmaf porn collector tosWORTHLESSSIMPFGGTKUCK, anything shitted out by the aiNCEL mods is guaranteed to be shit by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Stop complaining about WMAF: why we should all start embracing "white adjacency" (self.aznidentity)

submitted 3 hours ago by toskaqe

[–]Ok_Measurement6342 [score hidden] an hour ago Sounds like it's written by an AF or a WM in a WMAF relationship. LOL

[–]toskaqe[S] [score hidden] an hour ago Sounds like you didn't actually read it.

[–]Tasty-meatball [score hidden] 2 hours ago To briefly talk about WMAF. WMAF is really weird. They even go against their own male offspring whom is 'half Asian-half white'. It's an identity politics cult where they think Asian females are superior to non-Asian females, and white males are superior to non-white males. Their entire community will 'normalize' a few generations down the road. And, go extinct. Short term they are nuisances. Medium term(200 or so years). They are basically gone. In terms of white adjacency. That's also a thing. However, there are 1,000,000 different ways to define something. The root of it is this. Who sides with evil. Who sides with humanity. Whites are at the helm of a scamming caste system. Anyone that signs up with them. Sides with bad. They step into the plantation. Meaning, there is only 1 way to make a real dollar bill. You have to do things exactly how they need to be done. Don't engage with white nuisances, don't emulate their behaviour, and don't be a hired henchman for them.

You can always count on aiNCEL "moD" f&gg0ts being fucking cringe pmaf porn-collecting simps.