AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #81: Why it is a waste of time interacting with a cancer cell cringe simp f&g like owlcel by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian men are now the first choice of Asian being the second choice everytimeOC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 2 days ago by accountistempo

[–]flippy_disk 27 points 1 day ago "Bu-but not all Asian women!" Honestly, I would be glad if those Asian men who simp for Asian women died alone because they are the ones giving birth to the next round of East/Southeast girls that become like this.

[–]owlficus -12 points 1 day ago what the heck? If you parent/brother correctly, an AF daughter wouldn’t be self hating. but anyway are you saying you’d rather breed out Asian Americans by not dating AFs than risk the chance of having a self hating daughter? That’s wild.

[–]flippy_disk 5 points 18 hours ago More than half of all East/Southeast Asian women in the US date, fuck, or marry men outside of their race. You seriously think it's because Asian men aren't parenting/brothering correctly? Come on now lol. Yes, I would rather breed out Asian Americans because that's our fate already thanks to weak link Asian women. That's why we are stuck as a first/second generation people. It's only right that more Asian men do the same. Even now, the numbers aren't even close to being the same between the Asian women that do this vs. Asian men, despite more Asian men finally dating out as well. Why should we continue the East/Southeast Asian race when half of the women don't want to? I'm not going to help give birth to and raise a full Asian daughter just for her to turn out like these weak link Asian females. Fuck that.

[–]owlficus -3 points 16 hours ago Only 46% marry out- even though AFs are only 3% of the population, combined with the high prevalence of the Asian fetish. you really need to think this through. It’s unhealthy to incorrectly assume that all AFs- or even most- with WMs hate AMs or wouldn’t date one. Are there AFs like this? sure, but they are in the minority- and they always have issues with their parents, or a grew up with a brother who they thought was weird

[–]flippy_disk 2 points 7 hours ago "Only 46% marry out." Lol, do you hear yourself buddy? East/Southeast Asian women are the unhealthy ones here with their propensity to date, fuck, and marry outside their race. Something that's not observed as much with other race and gender groups, including East/Southeast Asian men. Why would I ever want to procreate with one with the high risk of spreading the WMAF/XMAF infection with any daughters I have? Look at the James S. C. Chao family. 5 out of 6 of his daughters married White men. Stop making excuses for them.

[–]owlficus 0 points 5 hours ago Again: 46%, when AMs are only 3% of the population, is an incredibly high nbr

Again, the f&gg0t who thinks "1% chance" of saving the std-ridden LU banshee is "WorTh iTt". Only the dumbest fucks alive would think owlcockroach's retardation is "iNsiGhTfUll".

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #164: TosWORTHLESSFUCKINGEUNUCHFGGITKUCK again screeches the laughable "SeRVe aSIaNs NoT PaRtiEs" by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you’re Asian and use neoliberal pro western talking points against China you’re a little bitch (self.aznidentity)

submitted 2 days ago by blueboymad

[–]toskaqe[M] [score hidden] 6 hours ago - stickied comment

Since this seems necessary, this is a reminder that this sub does not encourage pro-china or anti-china positions. As per rule 6) Serve Asians Not Parties (including other states):

Gauge support based on their direct utility to our collective, and avoid carrying water for political groups simply for being the lesser of two evils.

Also, foreign-themed content should be kept to a minimum. This is a diaspora-centric sub, after all, not a nationalist debate space. Too much cheerleading for others to fix our issues will be removed for slacktivism and self-defeatism.

[–]jackstrikesout [score hidden] 14 hours agolocked comment Unless you are from or ethnically one of the many countries that have disputes with China. Like India (Bharat), the phillipines, Vietnam, the republic of china, Japan, South Korea, nepal, and Australia (it's in the area, im counting it). Here is a counterpoint. Stop being a little faggot. China isn't asian people in general.

[–]noodlesforlife88 [score hidden] 15 hours ago look as horrible as the US is, on one hand the truth is that China is ruled by an oppressive regime and acts as an aggressive bully towards India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, or Taiwan. All of those countries have issues with China, that being said, its kinda ironic that there are a bunch of idiotic Western centric morons that accuse China of human rights violations when their ancestors and civilization is responsible for brutal colonialism, slavery, genocide, and exploitation so at the end of they have no right to claim a moral high ground

[–]TheNextGamer21 Indian [score hidden] 16 hours ago Bro China isn’t the only source of hope in the world…

Cow piss drinker poo head mod openly shills for his political parties. First thing fucking thing the short bus tard Lu mod "91" does upon waking up is ch1mp at Asian people. The aiNCEL "RuLes" are a fucking JOKE. The shit-munching poocels above just shows aiNCELs will NEVER FUCKING BE PRO-ASIAN period.

aznidentity mod behavior exposed #163: COCKLESSCOCKROACHEUNUCHFUCKINGFGGITmovement claims he "Won'T" take back a Lu! by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What would you do if your only dating option was an Asian single mother who had a child with a white man? (self.aznidentity)

submitted an hour ago by NewMobileDon

[–]asianmovement [score hidden] 31 minutes ago I'd rather be single. If it was an asian child, I'll raise it as my own. I'd also rather not date any white women with a child either.

#Members of r aznidentity what do you think of AFBM / AFIM other AFxM relationships?Relationships (self.aznidentity)

submitted 2 months ago by -AskRedditThrowaway

[–]asianmovement 3 points 2 months ago AFXM is fine in my book

Imagine believing anything an xmaf porn enthusiast spews.