A Chip Shortage -- How Appropriate by StillLessons in whatever

[–]Armageddons_Engineer 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

They're chugging along at good speed. Just not on automotive CANBUS accessory chips, bluetooth chips, various high volume low profit stuff. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/semiconductor-chip-shortage-60-minutes-2021-05-02/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAN_bus https://tauvicr.wordpress.com/2019/07/05/reading-car-data-from-the-can-bus/

Main thing with CANBus is, it saves on the size of the wire looms. No need to run control wires the length of the car for every little thing. Bad news is, bad implementations, poor zoning, and other silly shit, you could hook on a vampire tap onto an exposed cable, spoof the control bus and effectively own the vehicle. It's 20+ years in, and people are just finally working on how to prevent this. lol! https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8319180 https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-CAN-bus-spoofing-message-attack-model-with-ECU-nodes-in-the-vehicle_fig2_338710382

Rammstein - Amerika (beloved by flat earthers all over the globe) by Node in MusicVideos

[–]Armageddons_Engineer 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

lol! Some of it is flat earthers who like to pull the wool over their own eyes, or just troll other people. And then you got the middle ground who're like, yeah, if that's real, the test pilots who took that thing there and back got some kind of death wish. I can't really see finding people THAT fucking crazy, but talented enough to go on a suicide mission.

Those are people completely unaware of just how nuts some test pilots are. :D The X plane series, the Century series of planes, plus all the others that came before which were pretty much best guess according to the numbers, a bunch of wind tunnel test, lots of 100 mile an hour tape, bubble gum, baling wire, and best guesses.

But, if you know how insanely risky it was, how big of a propaganda win it was, then you also know why we haven't been back to the moon in 40+ years. Returning to the moon when it was no longer a death wish based on stack of bleeding edge tech and materials, that's why it's taking 4 decade or more. :D Because a longer term mission needs some purpose other than just getting there.

Mining helium 3, mining thorium, testing dangerous reactor designs or other machinery, bio-tech, and other things you want to keep isolated, THAT is a future mission and a half. You also need efficient lift capacity if you want to do it without depressing the economy for 3 decades like Russia did with their space program.

Criminal charges? The Fauci money funding Wuhan lab experiments which may have caused The Virus by salvia_d in conspiracy

[–]Armageddons_Engineer 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

lol! They'd been studying these viruses since SARS-COV-1, MERS, and other similar outbreaks. As climates changed and people from developing nations, engineers going to those developing nations, and trade goods were coming out of Africa to the rest of the world, it was just a matter of time.

Wuhan was certainly far from the ONLY lab. Problem was, Wuhan is PACKED, as in like 10 downtown Manhattans crammed in one city core. They had exotic animals running around in wet markets, and a pretty large aging population in the outskirts. It was a perfect storm for an outbreak. But...

It was not the ONLY outbreak going on. Strain A which became strain C that hit the west coast, and they were relatively tame. Unless you were over 70. Strain B, which went through Europe's extensive aging population, and super dense cities, and eventually East Coast US, was just super super brutal. The stealthy spread, and heavy impact once it took hold, that's the kind of brutal shit only nature can create.

Look at HPV or Hep C if you want an examples of something that slowly gets EVERYWHERE and just wipes people out decades later.

Weaponized pathogens, they're made to hit FAST and burn themselves out. That way your forces can occupy the area once the dieoff is over 4-6 weeks later, and it doesn't spread across the damned globe to your allies and your own people, destroying your economy and the supply chain along the way.




Also in biowarfare, you try to target the youngest and healthiest, as in the Hantavirus variants, which would be IDEAL if you wanted to knock out the 20-30 year old non smoking, athletic, peak working and soldiering populations. Sars-cov-2 went after those with chronic health conditions most related to ACE2 malformation, dysregulation, and those with regulatory pathways along Il-2/IL1-7, and the whole daisy chain of dependencies for that. But it went even deeper. Turns out those who really got ripped up, are those with defective protein encoding for mRNA to their T cells. This 0.1 -2.5% maybe be entirely unable to be vaccinated. Meaning if you don't vaccinate something upward of 95% or better, these people will eventually die in later pocket outbreaks.





So, in the end, you've got a pathogen than cuts loose those who tied up maybe 85% of public health resources with long term chronic issues, and knocked 20-30 years off the lives of a bunch of asymptomatic people who had certain ACE2 mutations, and would have eventually had chronic health issues in their last 3 decades.

The ACE2 link to chronic health conditions has been know since 2006. https://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/17/10/2637


This is certainly NOT a good design for a bioweapon. This is classic nature being a bitch, and wiping out our oldest and sickest, getting around our shot attention spans, half measures, and lack of impulse control. Get stupid, get dead, that sort of thing. The nations with poor public health infrastructure, who can't follow through, and stay on task, get to watch their loved ones and elders burn up.

Those who buy into easy answers and conspiracy theories of the uneducated, nature will come up to bite them in the ass. Like these guys. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/08/the-strange-phenomenon-of-pentecostals-who-decline-hiv-treatment/278860/

It's fun to believe that SOMEONE out there is behind some tragedy, that there's a plan, and eventual conclusion to it all. Rather than someone stumbling around Mr Bean style triggering one disaster after another at random. ;) Of course, that someone is nature. Heat up the planet, it'll compensate by moving that heat into vapor masses, and pushing them to cooler spots. If the storms rip up everything in their path, oh well. Don't live so close to the shore, or build out in tornado alley. :D Dump garbage into the ocean, oh well, hope you didn't need to eat all those fish. And didn't need the birds to control insect swarms like locusts. ;) Leak a bunch of oil and methane into the ocean, no problem, ancient rot microbes from the ocean floor will bloom, degrade it all into CO2, and wipe out pretty much everything the oil didn't.

For those gulf fishermen, they're now out of business. It'll be 3-4 decades before the ocean floor biology is back to normal. Not even a blink of an eye for nature. And not even much of an event if you consider the impact event 66 million years ago. Or the Deccan traps eruptions that belched smog and toxic gases for well over 10,000 years. Odds are the Deccan traps weakened everything, and the impact(s) finished everything off. But not to worry about that if you're a young earth creationist. ;) Never mind that the human genome alone shows 60,000 generations of incremental mutations and branching. Or that certain religions would not have existed had the Sea People from the 1170BC bronze age collapse adapted not tried to piece together the writings of half a dozen religions, and mythical traditions of 9000 years before them. They of course knew most of the writing and tales were metaphors, morality tales, very long epic poems compacted into a few paragraphs, not literal truth like people from the last 150 years seem to believe. lol! Chalk that up to the novel trend of the marginally educated starting religions.

Why did this happen to this site? by marni1234 in WatchRedditDie

[–]Armageddons_Engineer 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I hopped onto reddit after digg rotted out and slashdot had turned into a corporate owned hot mess.

It was fun for quite a few years, then once they got a taste of serious money and fame, it all started going to hell.

That's just the way it goes. Like back in 88-92 Rush Limbaugh was mostly fun to listen to, bullshit, but entertaining bullshit. Then he started to take himself seriously, cranking out books, doing shameless political shilling, etc. From there it went from suck to blow pretty quickly and was unlistenable.

But, I was busy with the whole college thing back then, so I didn't worry about it too much. While learning how to twiddle electrons at a university off the Dead Cedar, a writer of subversive books for loompanics and technical manuals for Mitsubishi introduced me to the whole libertarian party thing. But it turns out he wasn't the only libertarian or anarchist in my circle of friends.

So down the rabbit hole of fringe politics I went, as well as real world politics when I got my first technical job. My boss had been one of the key campaign people for a certain infamous Michigan senator in her younger days. Her daughter was pretty hardcore libertarian, my co-workers, sorta right leaning, anarchist, one I think was a religious nihilist, so political discussions were fairly amusing around there.

Of course the USENET early IRC, you could chat with every fringe religion, fringe political beliefs, every flavor of outcast and weirdo, they were all finding each other around the world.

Then USENET got choked to death with spam, and various internet connected BBSs started to pop up. Then at some point you didn't need to telnet into a BBS. You could hook up via a web forum, and it was off to the races. Slashdot, Digg, Fark, TOTSE, all sorts of fun stuff. The golden age of libertarian code geeks pioneering a new world.

And then the AOL crowd discovered it, and ran it into the fucking ground. :D Well, not really. There was every kind of dot.bomb, crazy assed blue sky projects pissing away investment cash at crazy burn rates, it was fun, but if you liked a site, it was probably doomed in 3-4 years when the money ran out and the ad spam started choking everything to death.

Late 2001 came, and over the cliff all of it went. Sort of. Lots of people twiddling on lots of forums, lots of crazy games, myspace was heating up, and "free internet" services were popping up, choking with ad spam, and then dying.

Then came the golden age of DISHNET emulation hacks. Helping mobs of Canadians horn in on our sweet sweet USian satellite TV services. Mostly though, it was something to do for all the people twiddling because the economy crashed and burned. Engineers and coders need something to do to keep amused. And it's not like cracking C band KU band, and older satellite services was much of a challenge. Or much reward if it was only so many channels on one bird. But 250 channels per bird, more if they were primestar crap resolution. What's on all those hidden channels?

The horror! The Horror! thousands of rebroadcast TV stations from all across the US. Inaccessible due to stalled legislation, etc, etc. Unless you had the master keys to the whole works. :D Was it worth the hours of effort put in? Meh, probably not. Still, I was not aware of all the boring clone TV stations across the US. thousands of channels, all spewing the same TV news programs, the same ads with different localizations. But it was a foreshadowing of things to come on the interwebs.

Tens of thousands of BBSs, local internet groups, all were merging onto bigger and bigger platforms on the world wide web. Which meant, the various political pressure groups started pushing harder and hard to horn in on these things.

Can't have all that unchecked libertarianism, anarchism, what have you going on out there. Especially not after all the free staters actually started making their moves to new hampshire. And then the fringe groups who had various western states enclaves going.

Then came, the golden age of podcasting. Pretty much anything goes. Until it didn't. First the pirate sites got knocked out, and some of the more out there racial politics groups got bumped from one place to the next. Then the porn sites. More and more forums for "thoughtcrimes" and perversions went unindexed, then encrypted.

But not to worry, there was now webcasting! 240p and millions and millions of people to try and influence. I think this gets us close enough to current day for people to see the trend lines. ;)