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[–]Tom_Bombadil 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

do you think climate scientists are different from other experts i.e. do you think they lie more than say bridge engineers?

Yes. Climate Scientists deal almost exclusively with climate models. These models have a dismal prediction record, and exaggerate the severity of every prediction.
These models do not begin to approach predicting what happens in the real world.
The 80s and 90s predictions claimed the coasts would be flooded be feet of water, with multiple degrees of temp increase. It never happened, because the models are bogus.

the climate science community inexplicably stick to their dubious models. If their it model is proposed and it fails to predict an outcome, then a new theory/model that better fits the outcome should be hypothesized.
The climate science community instead doubles down on the theory, and predicts accelerated disaster scenes.

There are a handful of dissenting voices in their community, but they are made into pariahs and shunned. It is disgraceful.
Science is never "settled", and scientific voices should not be suppressed.

Who would you trust more: someone who know nothing about climate science or someone who does?

It's not about "trust".
The overwhelming majority of people are trustworthy on some level. I believe that most people act with good intentions. The same applies to all scientists.

It is about the scientific method.
When the scientific method is properly followed then human assumptions and biases are factored out, to the greatest extent.

If a theory/model accurately predicts an outcome, then it may be useful in the specific tested context. If it falls to predict the initial prediction, then it is discarded, and a new theory/model is created to replace it.

This is the common practice in most sciences communities.

This is not a common practice in the climate science community. There are many prominent climate scientists who have publicly made absurd predictions, that couldn't be farther from reality.
This would damage one's career in most scientific communities.
For whatever reason they retain their academic prominence.