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[–]369 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I just wish that these kinds of videos could deviate more from being a mere reflection of what feminists spew in their pouting sprees.
Just complaining about them complaining doesn't seem all that productive.

Personally, I find it makes more sense to show men how to be competent. Sure, in the dating world, but more so in other areas like finance or general skills. I have this lingering feeling, actually, that if men just forget about woes with dating and find ways to gather competencies, that the success they're looking for would quicker find them.

If there wasn't so much exposure to men in their teens, this wouldn't be so difficult. That's generally the best time to gain social experience, but the feminists have ensured the only ones that can be valuable are girls who follow the rules strictly. It's awful that we have to more or less sacrifice a generation or two of young men (at least in terms of their lives being relatively stable in comparison to other generations) all just to fix the glaring faults with dogmatic women and the younger women they're affecting.