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[–]Brent_Kaskel_Pussy_F🛕 Castle Made of Sand 🛕[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Makes massive post attacking women Claims women pretend to be oppressed

You, sir, are a sexist, misogynistic asshole. No wonder women don't like you! I hope when you grow up you're nicer, for your sake as well as everyone else's.

You are wrong. And I'll tell you why.

Women control Western society. They have complete domination. This is not why you are wrong, but let's set the stage. Women just killed all the men in back to back wars. They destroyed the family. Removed the father. A child doesn't get any male influences anywhere. Women have complete domination from start to finish.

We'll get to how you are wrong in a second. You are not wrong YET. I will show you.

Now, women only prefer a narrow margin of men. The top 5% of men. Unless you are in the 1/20 men who she prefers she doesn't want you. You achieve this by being over 6 feet tall, defined jaw, low body fat, wide shoulders and v shape with narrow waist.

A great thing that can help you get her panties wet is by treating her like an absolute piece of shit. Because women secretly know this, that they are walking pieces of shit. I found this out myself. The horniest I ever got a woman (a complete stranger) was when I treated her like a piece of shit. While treating women like the scumbags they are won't automatically put you in the top 5%, it's a great step.

So how are you wrong?

This is what you claim.

That by "saving women" by being an incel / white knight / beta cuck, this makes women attracted to you. That just as long as I fall in line right behind you, then we are in line to receive some pussy.

That's absolutely not how this world, and how women work.

You are better off hitting the gym, treating women like shit, getting facial surgery, and wearing shoes that artificially increases your height.

So your claim that as long as I become a cuckold the same way you are. Put on the cape. Go around saving women on the internet, then this will put me right behind you in line to receive some pussy. Women will finally be attracted to us! Hurray!

This is why you're wrong. Your world view is completely fucked, and likely fed to you by your obese single mom.

You went the completely wrong way and you'll likely have to rape women (which you likely do, male feminists like you are usually rapists)

for your sake as well as everyone else's.

I don't know how you could possibly be talking about "everybody else," since you showed you have no idea about women. You have no idea about 50% of the population. and the other half, men, you spend your time pissing them off by being a beta incel convincing them you're captain pussy slayer Womens rights hurray! What the fuck?

You have no idea how this world works, so that's a bit of a leap to suddenly be handing out life advice

As far as my sake, (and yours) stop saving women homie. Do exactly what I said. Get hobbies, lift, eat properly, and enjoy your life. Avoid women. This is what this sub is about. I'm doing what you claim to be doing. I'm doing through action helping men out.

[–]ReasonableHuman 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I just scanned your reply. I couldn't read the whole thing without losing brain cells. You're obviously young and inexperienced, so I will taper my response. Women like nice guys - I am one, and women really like me. Sure, young women make bad choices, but so do young men. I'll let you in on a secret - when girls say "I want a nice guy" then date a wanker, what's really happening is low self worth is driving them to make bad choices. Being horrible to girls is a dick move. Saying stuff like "be with me instead, I'm nice, and if you don't you're a bitch" only further makes them feel devalued.

I assure you, if you are a strong, considerate and empathetic male, you won't have any problems finding and keeping women. Just don't think being placid and gentle is enough, girls don't want to be dating Captain Boring.

And don't base your success on being able to say "I've fucked 3,000 girls" either - that's weak as fuck. You need to base your success on how strong your relationship is, now how many girls you've disappointed.

I feel really sorry for you. You're spectacularly out of touch with reality, and the saddest thing is, you'll blame anyone but you.

[–]Brent_Kaskel_Pussy_F🛕 Castle Made of Sand 🛕[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You are permanently banned for retard calling.

[–]Brent_Kaskel_Pussy_F🛕 Castle Made of Sand 🛕[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I just scanned your reply. I couldn't read the whole thing without losing brain cells.

?????? Youre going to internet fight me for 5 days cause im exposing women LOL