Until I can make my own sub, I'll have to post things here. This is my little creative outlet on the internet.
So here is EVERYTHING contentious that you are wrong - or right - about, from an intelligent person.
Immigration (US and Europe):
Illegal immigration is bad, but legal immigrants are not bad. If you support illegal immigration and hurting your own country's people, you are an asshole. Plain and simple. Legal immigration is fine.
North Korea/nukes:
The North Korean government is bad. Fuck Kim Jong Un. Nuclear weapons are usually bad, but can be a good deterrent against bad nations that have nukes. So really, only Communists shouldn't have nukes.
Global warming/the environment:
Global warming is bad, but how much of it is man-made, is still up for debate. Most who feign worry about global warming, just want to support the green companies, so it's all about business on both ends. Oil and coal versus green energy; no one really cares about the planet, in reality. Which sucks.
Police state brutality:
No one who isn't a rich asshole or on the protected side, likes the police. But they're essential for a free, sustainable society. Some police are good people; other are abusive assholes. Law enforcement, good. Police corruption and police states, bad. It's that simple. You don't have to be Black Lives Matter OR Blue Lives Matter.
Animal rights:
Protect the animals, okay? If you abuse animals, you're a piece of shit. No need to be a chicken or pussy; just don't be an ass. (Yes, that was a pun.)
Abortion/bodily autonomy:
No one, anywhere, should have the right to tell you what you can and can't do with your own body, especially based on ideology and "feelings." The left is guilty of this all the time, but the right likes to moralfag and virtue signal with abortion, as well. The same thing involving vaccines; Pfizer shouldn't be able to control you, nor should Ron DeSantis or Greg Abbott, because they think aborting a six-week-old embryo is like shooting a two-year-old in the face. Speaking of which, you aren't "pro-life" if you'll kill an actual human being for walking up to your door to deliver your Amazon package "without permission" cause of the Castle Doctrine or some shit, but think an embryo is the same thing as an actual fully-formed baby. That's fucking retarded! We have terms like "embryo," "fetus," and "baby," for a reason. That's like calling an omelette "hot wings" because the egg would've eventually become a chicken, had it not been "aborted."
If you think politicians won't use these anti-bodily-autonomy laws against you in the future in more heinous ways, you're crazy. But regardless, no one is going to be forced into parenthood (something even people who PLAN to have children, are often shit at nowadays, as if being a parent is easy, let alone a single parent.) No one cares about your whiny "abortion is murder" horseshit and emotions when it's THEIR life that's permanently being affected here. You can't ban abortions anyway; you can only ban safe abortions. Or would you rather have bathtub drowning "accidents" of actual newborn babies, over humane embryo abortions? Cause that's what's going to happen. Along with a generation of millions of fucked-up children who become suicidal or mentally deranged, cause their parents legit never wanted them, but was forced to raise them by the state, while Pro-life Prudence sat on her ass in Texas and literally did nothing to stop this already overpopulated world from getting worse, because she wanted to control random people's lives.
I personally don't even approve of third-trimester abortions and think that shouldn't happen too often, since a fetus is developed enough to call a baby by the six-month mark. But I'm also not someone who thinks my opinions about something should permanently affect real people's actual lives, regardless how I feel about it. I don't selfishly put my own emotions over other people's bodily autonomy and freedoms. Cause I'm not a selfish asshole. If you have a PERSONAL pro-life stance, then you do you, but don't tell OTHER people how to live their lives.
If you have such a massive issue with some random mother who's too unfit and stupid to practice safe sex, not actually being forced to keep an embryo she doesn't love into developing into an actual human life, then being forced to somehow not kill it for 18+ years, YOU should be the one to raise every would-be-aborted baby in America, if you're that serious about it. What's that? Don't want to be forced into being a parent? Then shut the fuck up, then.
You can't prove God or Muhammad exists or doesn't exist; so stop worrying about it, and just live your life assuming both are right. Schrodinger's God. Who cares?
Health care:
Affordable health care should be available to all. But affordable health care should not necessarily be FREE for all (for example, citizens who don't pay taxes.) There is a nice middle-ground inbetween Obamacare and Canadian Universal Health-care; both of which are shit, by the way.
Terrorists are bad. End of story. Also, not agreeing with someone's woke ideology or not wanting to have your people wiped from existence, does not make you a "terrorist." And not wanting trannies in elementary schools or teaching 2nd graders about glory holes in Florida, also doesn't make you a "terrorist," Biden.
Native Americans/reparations:
They have casinos and make a fuckton of money. What happened to the Native Americans was bad, but I think we're even now. I'd love to be Native American and get some of that casino scratch, myself. Native Americans are badasses, anyway. They're fine.
Evolution is real. It isn't a mystery, nor will it not change if no one sees. Nor is it not part of our histories. Don't be an idiot and deny evolution. Now maybe 'God' planned evolution as well. Maybe not. Who knows? But it's definitely real.
Gun rights:
Without guns, you get Communist China or cucked England, right now. The people need to be armed. Fuck you if you're such a anti-gun pussy, you'd never be able to protect anyone in your entire life, to begin with. Hide at home behind your couch like a bitch when China invades, while the rest of us man-up. If you're against gun rights, you're likely a cowardly little bitch. Or a woman who'll never have to worry about being drafted in a war. Unlike all those brave, strong Ukrainian women fighting right now, right? ...Right? Usually only pussies oppose the Second Amendment. That is all.
American patriotism:
Be proud of the good things you and your country have done, while also criticizing the bad things. Think of your country as your dad or mom: They aren't perfect, but they did the best for you as they could.
Gay marriage:
Marriage is stupid in the 2020s. Don't pretend like you give a shit about marriage or that it's "sacred." Let gays and trans be as miserable and get fucked in divorce court like everyone else.
Transgenderism/trans rights:
If you seriously think in your brain, "you're a woman on the inside," you do you. No one cares. But no, I'm not going to pretend to call your six-foot-three ass a "she/her" while lying to and insulting my own eyes and brain. And you don't deserve to use the women's restrooms or compete in women's sports because you think your identity fantasy is more important than objective reality. Fuck you; you're a piece of shit if you think your delusions are more important than literally the rest of society.
Of course, not all trans people are like this, but you'll be damned to ever hear from any of the "less crazy" ones, like Blaire White. If you want acceptance, you need tolerance from people first. And if you think your delusions are more important than actual biological women (or men, or children), then no one is going to fucking tolerate you for one second. This is common sense.
If you need to piss so badly, use the really nice, handicap, private, single-person restrooms that are perfect for taking a relaxing shit in. Or, I don't know, wear a diaper or something. Not that it isn't shit-stains like Klaus Schwab and George Soros pushing for the trans-agenda anyway. Real trans-people don't have any political power in society; just like no one else does.
Non-binary identities/preferred pronouns:
It's all fucking retarded. If you play along to this, either as a believer or "ally," you are a CLOWN and waive ALL RIGHTS to be taken seriously as an adult or functioning member of society. End of story. The only pronouns I respect are "she/them," as in, "Let me she/them titties."
Feminism is and always has been a hate group full of lazy, incompetent, man-hating bitches who literally want to complain and whine their way to the top of the social and economic ladder. Look up the shit about Seneca Falls in 1848; the creation of feminism. This shit has ALWAYS been about old rich white women wanting undue power, cause pussy. And yes, second-wave feminism had its benefits despite shit-stains like Valerie Solanas, but "patriarchy, men-bad" third wave feminism (1992-2011) and "intersectional, everyone but WOC and transwomen are bad" fourth wave feminism (2012-present) are literally useless, shitty hate groups that do nothing but make the world worse.
Literally NO ONE needs feminism and it doesn't exist in most countries in the world. That's why Japan and South Korea had female world leaders before the "feminist" U.S. ever did, and feminism has never been a thing in Asia. (Granted, Geun-hye Park stole a bunch of Korean taxpayer money as president and got sentenced to life in Korean prison, essentially making her worse than Biden, but still.) Fuck misandry and misogyny. Feminism is and always will be dogshit.
Oil drilling/energy:
Until your ass has invented nuclear fission and clean nuclear energy, we still need oil and gas. It SUCKS that we do, but that's reality, bucko! But once we get that fission shit figured out, then we can let go of the past and black animal goo. Too bad America doesn't have a giant frozen state full of more oil than half of Saudi Arabia right now, just sitting there unused cause "pipelines bad" or something...
Farmers are the unsung heroes of America, cause I ain't huntin' shit! Farmers are the country's national heroes. Once you experience a food shortage and all the supermarkets closed, you'll understand. Do NOT talk shit about farmers! Cause easily available food is fuckin' AWESOME! I respect farmers as much as I do soldiers, because when the apocalypse happens, I'm not going to be one growing potatoes in the remains of the non-irritated grasslands.
These are the correct stances to hold on these political issues. You are free to disagree with them. But you're wrong. That is all.
there doesn't seem to be anything here