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[–]nso-pegasus-you 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Google trains AIs with the stolen inner speech of you and everybody. Machine Learning applied to microwave imaging done with Silicon Trojans enables unprecedented surveillance for Silicon Valley.

Google never for once cared about ethics. Eric Schmidt, the former Google chairman, told Reuters in a recent interview that high-end processors should have kill-switches.

“Knowing where the chips go is probably a very good thing. You could for example, on every chip put in essentially a public private key pair, which authenticates it and allows it to work”.


What he won’t tell is that this is already a reality, as I learned after having my air-gapped system and Pixel phone wiped remotely for researching “silent speech interfaces”, which goes against Google's interest for the public to know about. There is no security when silicon trojans are inside of every CPU.