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[–]SoCo 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Our food is poison, full of pollution, plastic, dangerous manufacturing byproducts, and herbicides/pesticides.

Some of these we have known are extremely dangerous to the public for nearly 100 years, such as BPA's. Others, we continued having our entire food supply poisoned by them for decades after finally exhaustively proving them to be a huge danger, such as glyphosate (RoundUp).

The vast majority of these are hormone disrupting chemicals. We learned BPAs disrupt male genital development and totally screw up their sex hormone development, as well as cause mental development problems, back in the 1920's.

...but the same thing always happens. The manufacture partners with the USDA and FDA, then they work together to hide the health problems to prevent market disruption. Our regulators have largely done the opposite of protecting us, in the majority of big problem issues.

We knew that glyphosate was a hormone disrupting due to a multitude of studies. Yet, the original manufacture, Monsanto, spent decades hiding the massive health problems of its product. It used patent litigation to squash studies showing their product's dangers. It flooded the scientific community with very bad studies, showing the product to be safe. The FDA, EPA, and USDA went to bat for them, like obedient lap-dogs, doing all they good to play interference. The team, not only exerted decades, destroying the careers of any researcher publishing proof of the dangers, but also spending decades censoring American citizens on the topic and relentlessly attacking those they couldn't censor, using an online troll army, an army of litigating lawyers, and the government's forceful hand against media platforms demanding their censorship.

This is the same story for most US regulations, as this same strategy is very common across all industries.

A couple of very common strategy from the corrupt regulators is to start by ignoring all studies except a couple cherry picked corporate ran studies, frequently with non-public proprietary data. The many studies showing glyphosate to be cancer causing, genotoxic, and extremely disrupting to hormones are ignored and they point towards other studies instead; alternative-facts, bro. They do this while the USDA, EPA, FDA, WHO, and FOA currently declare glyphosate not even probably carcinogenic and not hormone disrupting. The US regulators have even forced some states to remove warnings, calling them disinformation.

Dishonestly downplaying and hiding dangers with studies has a whole market of matured techniques and strategies. One can see this with the government regulator strategy for hiding that glyphosate had been in all our food. Their cherry picked study declared that glyphonate naturally decomposes after a few days to a week and binds to dirt/soil molecules so it can significantly create run off in fields. They violently defended this one-week tops and then it naturally is gone position for decades, censoring, suing, and attacking those that said otherwise.

Yet, since the patent expired, the litigation attack teams lost a lot of their danger to researchers. We've since proven that glyphosate is in run-off, contaminates much of large areas around fields, including nearby fields of other crops. This infamously led to nearby cotton fields being contaminated. We also know that the dishonest regulators chose a study saying glyphosate is unlikely to create run-off, by studying just glyphonate, despite most commercial versions of RoundUp, containing surfacants (such as POEA), which obviously add to the ability for a chemical to move in water. This handy trick of only checking one part, but not the whole, and the opposite, when desirable, is a common trick.

We also learned that glyphonate doesn't decompose for months, despite the years of screaming less than a week. This is a huge problem, which regulators still simply ignore. The worst part of this revelation, is that glyphonate based chemicals are the most common crop desiccant used on crops. This is the chemical you spray on your crop to dry it out, just before harvest. This is very common for beans, cereals, and grains, which conveniently test positive for significant glyphonate contamination in consumer end product foods since at least 2000. This is also used in cotton many times.

When the huge amount of scientific proof that glyphonate persists months before decomposition, finally broke through the regulators stone-walling, there was a mad scramble to hide how we douse most of our crops just before harvesting them, for crop desiccation. Many countries had already detected the contaminant in much of their food supply, especially those that use it for a crop desiccant in the area. The scramble was to pretend that farmers used this as a desiccant, to pretend they wait several weeks or more after application before harvesting, and that they only apply it when the crop has 30% or lest moisture level. Much of the information has been erased from history to facilitate that. Monsanto's own RoundUp desiccant instruction sheet suggests application to crops under a week, suggesting just a few days, before harvesting. These can't be found readily anymore, but many of us have them archived (you should archive everything you read, because the entire world history has been methodically rewritten).

Government regulations are meant to review the safety of glyphonate every 15 years. They did one, found it perfectly safe for people and the environment, despite an overwhelming multitude of contradicting evidence. Since then, they screwed up the regulatory process against it, after finding massive environment impact to thousands of species and preparing serious human dangers. They submitted part before the vast human dangers were completed, causing a vulnerability, which was then legal attack dogs. The lawsuit caused the 2020 EPA interim report to be forced withdrawn by the courts at the end of 2022. They seemed to try to recommend some labeling and restrictions, without preforming or finishing many evaluations and without saying a specific target of why regulation was need. It is like they knew this stuff was dangerous, that they needed to do something, but didn't want to scare the public or disrupt the markets, by plainly telling them the direct truth about its dangers. This is a common abuse of the public those who feel themselves the anointed ones, in charge of telling dumb citizens how to live, but who regards them to dumb to understand why. This blatant screw up, complete lacking evaluations of hormone disruption and human health risk, by this, one the Biden administration EPA's first actions, put a serious struggle on the ability to publish any found problems, sabotaging the public's information access and further delaying this very long wait, for the public to find out that all of their food is poisoned. Maybe they were too busy ensuring diversity.

The next regulatory stonewalling trick is safe levels. We've saw this with BPAs. The FDA picks a crazy-high safe level, despite their being a massive pile of studies showing that BPAs are massively dangerous in tiny amounts. Later, blasting through FDA stonewalling, they were eventually forced to acknowledge the dangers, and set the safe levels of BPAs for human exposure, to the 30-years-ago known danger level, they refused to acknowledge for those previous decades. This after we had already found that this value is like 200 times too high and found tons more danger in much much tinier amounts. If the regulators can't deny a dangerous product is safe, they slow-walk, by decades and exponential amounts, the safety levels.

The massive and persistent collection of these efforts by regulators, even with cooperative colluding between US and EU, to downplay, stonewall, and misinform the public about massive safety issues seems to have a central theme. Maybe it is coincidence, but it seems focused on protecting the mass poisoning of the public hormone disrupting chemicals. The century of powerful groups, frequently made up of world leaders and officials, exposing open and publicly the need for mass depopulation and striving for < 1Billion world population, sure sticks out a suspicious. Yet, don't forget that hormone disruption doesn't only make people want to cut their junk off and super glue it into gross fake sex organs. It also disrupts mood, causing violence, emotional disregulation, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, learning problems, and inability to form relationships with the opposite sex. It also cause a multitude of serious health problems, as hormones regulate much of the body. It can easily cause obesity, lack of energy, immune disorders, a multitude of digestive problems, cancers, and a ton of possible other deadly problems. One might wonder how much of the worlds problems are directly related to the constant poisoning our hormone systems that all of our water and food supply, our cloths, furniture, carpets, floors, and nearly every product we surround our selves with.

[–]hfxB0oyAPirate Party 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Food is third on a list of 4 priorities for the Department of Agriculture.

[–]HiddenFox 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Half surprised it even made the list.

More amazing, allowing large corporation to put poisonous chemical in the food so it looks good wasn't on the list... Kind of seems like the list is false advertising.

[–]hfxB0oyAPirate Party 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nothing is real or true anymore.