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[–]starblue 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

So, I find this hilarious. You go to a public place, where things done and said are public. You pull down your shirt, expose your breast with no blanket to cover or provide privacy. You flop. It out and the kids get to their snack. You could keep something for privacy, but - no - that's no longer your concern.

Look, I'm not defending stalking or harassment - I'm not sure I like someone hunting me around with a telephoto lens. But if you run naked through the square, there will get photos of you and its your own damn fault. Why should a woman breastfeeding get any special treatment? Either wear clothed properly, keep yourself covered, or don't go to public spaces. The public square is the public square - why would we keep screwing with this???

It's just like public domain materials waiting to let out of copyright jail. Why do we keep making it harder and removing the abolity for the next generation to have an easy base upon which to be creative???