all 28 comments

[–]Yin 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

She's yet another anti-white globalist NWO schizo with TDS, funded by yet more globalist NWO cretins. Evidently, she thinks highly of herself and her writing. Both are bad. Her writing is particularly bad. If it was good, I'd say so. You can tell she thinks she's being clever in certain lines but it's annoying to get through one paragraph. Things like this always remind me of how leftist-globalist-Hollywood brains are short-circuit wired in a demented state that finds low IQ takes clever. Unsettling stuff. Judge for yourself.

[–]bobbobbybob 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

the part where she goes all weird:

Maybe it’s like what Eddie Murphy discovered in that old “Saturday Night Live” sketch “White Like Me.” He goes undercover in white makeup and finds that when white people are among their own, they pop free champagne and live the high life. As Murphy puts it: “Slowly I began to realize that when white people are alone, they give things to each other. For free.”

Hezbollah, the Shiite Islamist political party in Lebanon, also gives things away for free. The favors Hezbollah does for people in the cities Tyre and Sidon probably don’t involve snowplows, but, like other mafias, Hezbollah tends to its own — the Shiite sick, elderly and hungry. They offer protection and hospitality and win loyalty that way. And they also demand devotion to their brutal, us-versus-them anti-Sunni cause. Some of us are family, the favors say; the rest are infidels.

just maybe, when we are with other people we trust, then we are nice to each other. I've seen it a lot in communities or festivals when people are not criminal. Men, women, any race, all hanging out and having a good time. It actually has nothing to do with skin colour, but the content of your fucking character. It shines out of you, like a light.

She's obviously a narcissistic, bitter cunt who wouldn't do a good deed unless she got something in return.

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 4 fun -  (1 child)

Pre-covid, you knew you were in a decent part of town when they put condiments out in fast food places. If you have to ask for them, that means enough of the local population cannot be trusted not to steal condiments to simply leave them out unattended.

That's why we only break out the free champagne when it's just Whitey.

[–]bobbobbybob 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

i used to be a little brainwashed liberal, and when I came to the 'states, I went for a wander in a very black part of town, knowing no better, and amused by the street names matching my little part of the world.

I was greeted by friendliness and openness. The streets were a laid back party, and everyone was at ease. I guess I was seeing what a homogenous society looked like.

Later on I was mugged, back in a multicultural part of town, by a black dude.

[–]Questionable 8 insightful - 5 fun8 insightful - 4 fun9 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

"How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?"


[–]wristaction 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Maybe it’s like what Eddie Murphy discovered in that old "Saturday Night Live" sketch “White Like Me.” He goes undercover in white makeup and finds that when white people are among their own, they pop free champagne and live the high life. As Murphy puts it: “Slowly I began to realize that when white people are alone, they give things to each other. For free.”

The crux of the humor in that sketch was the undercover black documentarian witnessing a paranoid antiwhite fantasy as if it were real.

Heffernan was a Fact-Checker for the NY Times. She was one of the Trusted Partners empowered to certify your facts as "misinformation", outside of the "shared reality" necessary for "conversational health".

[–]Tarrock 3 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 5 fun -  (2 children)

Didn't the LA Times call Obama "Barack the magic negro"?

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]NodeIndependent 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    Those pics before he transitioned...

    "Becoming Michelle" Damn, just come right out and say it.

    [–][deleted] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    Virginia sounds like a hateful bitch.

    [–]wristaction 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    She recounts a literally shaking rn moment about German occupiers being polite.

    You might end up like the upper-middle-class family I stayed with in France as a teenager. They did not attend a citywide celebration for the 100th birthday of Charles de Gaulle, the war hero who orchestrated the liberation of his country from Nazi Germany in 1944. They did have several portraits of Philippe Pétain, Nazi collaborator, on their wall.

    When I screwed up the courage to ask how it was for them during the occupation, the lady of the house replied, “We were happy because the Nazis were very polis.” I didn’t know the word, so I excused myself to consult a French-English dictionary. I was in tears when I found the entry: "polite."

    A vacationing young member of the ruling class knows that she had been in the presence of monsters. Monsters who were not disposed to hate German occupiers who were polite to them. From four thousand miles and sixty years away, the young member of the ruling class knew better that her hosts, had they been decent people with human feelings, should have preferred to have been occupied by the Red Army, who were famously not polite to the civilian populations they crossed.

    Like in a Dick Wolf teleplay: The culprit in the end is not the brutal rapist, whose motives we come to understand and empathize with, but the one who was polite, because we value politeness and our values are wrong. We should value what the brutal rapist values. The Red Army soldier is deeply moral in contrast to the German occupier who is superficially polite. We know from Hollywood that the German nationalist's superficial politeness is a mask for an evil which has no cause and hence no imaginable limit. We know from the doctrine taught in our institutions that the Russian communist's brutality was a limited evil in service of the creation of a better world for all. It is compulsory to despise the one and suspect to even be aware of the other. Heffernan knows this the way a worshipper knows God's will. She's seen all the Spielberg movies.

    She goes on with other examples of evil masquerading behind human graciousness. Hezbollah builds hospitals, for instance. As does the Catholic church, she held herself back from noting. She knows this has nothing to do with the social work the Black Panther Party is lauded for or the vegan food for the homeless popups at the periphery of #OWS and BLM occupations which, along with their rigorous adherence to state masking policy, demonstrates the morality underlying their violence.

    Others have noted Heffernan's admissions of ruling class membership in the piece. Childhood jaunts to the continent. Seasonal homes she jets back and forth from. Implied is that Heffernan exists in a bubble and the atmosphere in that bubble is poisonous. Inside the ruling class, the Metacult is peaking. For a scion like Heffernan to hate a thing, it's only necessary to know that evil is ascribed to it. The extent to which the ascribed evil can be substantiated is beside the point of hating the thing. Trump is not superficially polite. Rather he is superficially rude. But it's not important that a probe of Trump's alleged evil turns up only that he took an extra scoop of ice cream or that he overfed a coi fish. The superficial signifiers of the evil thing speak for themselves of the evil contained within it's evil surface. Another who is aware that Trump has tiny hands and wears long ties and yet is not consumed by hatred of Trump shares in his evil, whatever it's substance. It's not that someone like Heffernan has a compelling litany of real things which substantiate the assigned evil. She does not. She has only the two scoops thing and similar. However, someone like Heffernan not only does not need proof, for another to not be convinced for want of proof is all she needs to determine that they are also evil.

    In the end, Heffernan determines that the only acknowledgement her neighbors are owed for their apparent selflessness is a merciful suspension of punishment and an unspoken-because-you-should-know-without-me-telling-you invitation to repent and replace their worldview with her own. And this is the nucleus of the metacult: a Manechean Who-Whom dichotomy by which the ruling class measure the outgroup as deserving of extermination.

    [–]scormac1752 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    It'd be more amusing if it weren't real.

    [–]MagicMike 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    My wife would slap the shit out of this cunt.

    [–]Entropick 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    This is fucking bizarre.

    [–]jet199 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

    In GC circles we see this kind of stuff as a good thing.

    Plenty of people reading this will say "hang on, this is bad" and they'll realise the left has gone of the crazy cliff.

    The best way to undermine wokeness is just to shine a light on what it's proponents are actually saying and doing.

    [–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)


    [–]jet199 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    Gender critical

    [–]madcow-5 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (8 children)

    Not going to lie, I think she's a fox.

    [–]Questionable 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (7 children)

    You should see a doctor about your condition.

    [–]madcow-5 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

    [–]NodeIndependent 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

    Not at all. Look closely at the face.

    [–]madcow-5 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

    Yeah, she's an angel.

    [–]NodeIndependent 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

    I dunno dude. First thought that popped into my head was she looks like a pig. She's about to bloat out, and that expression on her face perfectly fits the thoughts she expresses in her writing.

    Can you get out and meet some real girls in your area? Having all the right female parts is a plus, but they hopefully bring more to the table than that. Okay, I won't beat that dead horse any more... And to be fair, she's not femcel-tier.

    [–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    I agree.

    A pig like a cop or like a swine? Better: an angry cow with mad cow.

    At best I'd hate fuck her, but I'd have to be desperate and pissed off.

    On the other hand, if she had a sister or friends and together we assembled... (I love orgies.)


    [–]Questionable 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    It doesn't matter what she looks like. She's psychotic. Don't put your dick in crazy. And for that matter, what the fuck dude. You see a thread about a crazy person, and all you can think about is, "is she fuck'able?"

    Again, see a doctor about your mental issues.

    [–]madcow-5 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I think it's extremely healthy to be able to step back from political outrage and comment on a lighter topic.

    [–]wuzizname 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    What a cunt.

    [–]ah2020 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Honestly, be a human. He did you a favour. I have friends across the political spectrum and when they do something nice for me I say thanks.