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[–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Ah, you assume.

"you feel illegal immigration is justified"

I never said that at all. It doesn't have to be for or against.

If you are for decriminalizing drugs it doesn't mean you are an addict. It doesn't mean you do those drugs. It doesn't mean you want to legalize them all.

I'm not supporting the "illegals" nor am I supporting them. Above all, I am not against them or making them suffer worse than they already have it. I'm also for diffusing the weaponized division.

I have lived in Austin, Oakland, etc where there were "those guys" who live under the bridges, etc that stand around on the corner by the Home Depot waiting for day labour. That's hardly a life worth aspiring to, nor worth picking on.

Fighting those easy targets doesn't solve any of the problems they might bring.

I'm sorry I don't have a better answer/solution for you. If I did I might have whipped that out sooner. All I know is punching down is the way Empire trickles down. Compassion is the opposite.


[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've seen plenty of leftists, rightists, and centrists talk of love, and compassion, and all that beautiful jazz; yet ask them to define either of those, and it only goes to the depths of 'as seen on tv' in regards to what those words actually encompass. Consistently I've seen the definition of love, as 'people being happy', and the definition of compassion almost exclusively uses arguments similar to yours to justify; "oh just look at them, I feel sad for them, because they live differently than I do, and I cannot imagine living that way so they must be oppressed, lord have mercy on them!!!" I wonder how you define them? I will say, that seeing how you feel pity for people in regards to how they choose to live, or work isn't love, or compassion; it falls somewhat on the 'as seen on tv'. Why?

Well let me do some assuming! You equate those living under bridges as illegals and looking for work at Home Depot? Interesting to say the least, I've never ran into many homeless illegals living under bridges. Usually they as a small group at the least will rent a room...somewhere. Who do live under bridges historically, and most times I see anymore are homeless Americans. Whether due to drug addiction, mental illness, or whatever, they still chose that lifestyle( in my rating system we should help those at home before strangers; lets start with the homeless ). I think it's telling though to mix homeless in with illegals; why not throw in a transgender, or 'save the illegal drag queens living under the bridges, they've got rights too!'.

I mean, I see how you finished your last post, '#fightelitesnoteachother', but your fight the elites is exactly what the authoritarian state wants. Let me fix your hastag to what it really means #bend-over-and-take-it.

You do realize they fix elections all the time in Mexico simply by giving the poor trinkets, and you want to bring more of that to America?