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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Too long indeed.

Enjoying and suffering the ups and downs of a 49yo manic depressive scraaaaaaaaping by on welfare. Had a bunch of real life drama for no reason other than a perfect storm of flukey circumstances. Got threw it, after a month of no interwebs, got new monitors. I've been building a whole bunch of stuff out of cardboard, bamboo skewers, and wood glue - the latter being my "big" expense. Models of things to be used in my big Bittersweet Seeds story, and bonus: I didn't expect to find so much great "inspired by real life" content to include.

And, Canada just had a big election. I was part of my local Green Party campaign. While it's not much of anything to speak of, it was inspiring and I hope to carry on the momentum, unless some major issue(s) arises. With my new monitors I can do graphics again. Now I can get off my procrastinating ass and finish some banners, wrap up some CSS if necessary and ditch a bunch of subs, and start one that has been on my list from the beginning: /s/GreenParty, and maybe: /s/WindsorOntario. I'm confident some of these folks will participate and organize here.

I'm a little disappointed at some changes here on SaidIt. Big slump. I guess there's no chat? Seems like "reply" is not working some places. And I see a lot of bitter BrainCels around moping bout nothin. Is that the latest infestation?

After Xmas (and my bamboo gifts) I'll be spending my energy on starting 2 new websites - one for my 3 projects (Bittersweet Seeds, Trutherism 101, and Glossed And Profound) and one for the Green Party, but it would likely be called something like "Green Friends" or something. Unless one already exists. We will openly develop our local campaign, invite other regions to do likewise, observe and share each other's progress and ideas, and help specific regions that actually have a chance at a seat. Last election the Green Party won 1 seat, this time Greens won 3, next time...? It starts with the foothold. Most importantly the Green Party supporters can democratically voice what they want their region to deal with, what issues they stand for, etc etc etc - instead of being told what it's about and voting for cardboard characters. Authentic democracy. At present the Green Party of Canada and Green Party of Ontario sites are okay but they are NOT interactive and only share a tiny bit of information.

We plan on doing a podcast too. I've had Green Party promotional animation ideas for over 12 years. It could be good. I'm going to push my hardest to push open-source and skepticism (trutherism) into the platform - and if necessary down the road start another party - The Open-Green Party or even The Open Skeptics Green Party. They can reject or embrace us if we succeed, though ideally we would fold back into the Green Party proper to be stronger and help redefine and improve it. It would also be nice to embrace and promote some FLOSS crypto blockchain voting system(s).

Every winter the heater turns on and vibrates the house until I'm nauseous. I think I'm finally getting used to it. Since before Halloween I've been in my pre-SaidIt rut/habit of devouring YouTubes while seeking out more info and downloading it all, even if I'll never see it. I think I'm finally pulling out of it. Too much to do. Won't be on SaidIt too much if I can help it, besides my projects, old and hopefully new.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Yep incels and ice poseidon2 showed up and overwhelmed the site. Then we got DDOSed and we're down for like 5 days, and our web host kicked us out, so that was a mess. The root cause is someone got our real ip address, so chat is down until we can verify it's secure... Shit keeps coming up but it will come back. If you can find more missing/failing reply links I'm interested in fixing that.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Good gravy!

I know what incels are. Not a tolerant nor self-responsible lot. I don't know what Ice Poseidon2 is. A brief look on DDG doesn't explain anything other than they got banned from Reddit.

I briefly looked in the /s/SaidIt thread to look for anything I missed in the last few months. Nothing really stood out, though I saw that you were back up again.

So the Swiss guys kicked you out? That doesn't seem fair. Did you return to Houston or something?

I'm not a fan of the "faggot" and "nigger" and "fuck muh incel life and anyone who criticizes it" stuff. Also the partisan crap is stupid among people who think they know because they've been politically woke for 3 years but they haven't even begun. Aside from that, is there really much reason to attack SaidIt, besides the mostly uncensored anti-corruption truth-seeking?

I guess you can't just get a new IP address? Did you ever get the second server for the chat to bounce off? Good to hear it wasn't taken off for good. I thought maybe it was being abused and a policy change happened.

I don't know what missing/failing reply links are. I feel like you asked about that months ago. I didn't know then either.

What if any, big advances in the site have happened in the last few months?

I saw more talk of decentralization but that talk is as good as mine. I see countless pointless new subs. That one got away from you guys. Sure I participated, and it took a few months to glean how to best try to organize it all, but at least I was trying. That other Reddit-clone that DeaMae recommended controlled their topics/categories, though I have yet to try it. Metatags might seem best IMO.

During my month offline, I had some ideas I wanted to pitch you regarding software, but much of the specifics are lost in time.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Yep, Swiss guys kicked us out. It turns out that lots of hosts refuse to deal with DDOS and instead ask you to leave. Some of the big hosts kick you off on your 3rd DDOS attack. So there's a whole group of "DDOS defense" hosts that offer that protection... So eventually we need to get there.

I don't think SaidIt was the target, either the incels or Ice Posidon sub was the target... To prevent them from having a home. One of the DDOSers actually came on and was commenting with me, it was nuts. Wouldn't speak to motive or anything.

New stuff we have is sub muting, and we are using more servers in an attempt to keep our ip private. But basically we're struggling to get chat back, email back. Long term I'm trying to get the code to run on Ubuntu 18 so we can survive into the future. I wish I was working on federation, but there's no clear path to get there with this code, yet.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

What is Ice Posidon about?

That is nuts that s/he was talking with you. No motive = political / deep state, IMO.

Link to more on sub muting?

More servers? Like decentralization? Does that mean it's kinda happening in the back end?

"Email back"? You mean messaging? Didn't know you had email.

Why Ubuntu 18? I thought Linux Mint was the best thang.

I miss the chat. Would like to chat with you about software ideas. Nothing too geeky. More like broad concepts that may (should) already exist.

And maybe getting a 30,000 foot view from a newbie might even inspire you to find a direction to aim for. It seems like a monstrous territory to navigate with infinite options. A blank canvas is more daunting than a lot of limits. You can't hit the target without some focus.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's some live streamer who everyone grew to hate. I think the community here are critics. There's some docs about him on YouTube about it.. nothing too exciting.

Sub muting:

More servers like 1 proxy server that request remote content for us (thumbnails, suggest title, which is how I think our ip was discovered)

We send emails for password resets. We use a service but it needs an audit.

As for ubuntu, it's really about getting to any other modern Linux that's not Ubuntu 14. 14 is being phased out and doesn't get proper security updates anymore.

Agreed about focus.

[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Cool muting feature. That's better for community in general to retain the "all" (mostly, AND customizable).

Wish I could focus.