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[–]spicebutton 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

"just because poland doesnt" i had no idea gay polish people didnt want a pride parade. I had no idea that liberal polish people didnt agree with this. That seems like news to me. I had no idea that parents, friends and colleagues of gay people didnt want a pride parade.

Homophobia is an expression of cultural poverty and degeneracy. But you dont like looking at it that way. No one is saying that merely not wanting a pride parade is in itself poverty but it's a symptom of poverty and that's a reflection of poland's economy and culture.

And who asked you or anyone else whether gays have the right to their rights there? Restricting their rights is a sign of poverty there since you require 3rd world corruption to do it.

These people are inferior to gays anyway and they know it. Their greatest achievement as polish people and the crowning jewel of what they think is proof of their redemption that theyre equal to all is that Chopin was polish. All their cultural pride as polish people is invested in chopin. So much so that their historians hid the fact that chopin was gay from the rest of the world because the heterosexuals there didnt want to admit their inferiority to gay people lol. And they only let the secret out to get ahead of any historian who would eventually spill the beans.

No one cares whether you wish to see a gay pride parade. It'll march over your body if you dont get out of the way. They werent exactly "fun" in the old days. Theyre modern celebrations now but if these right wing extremists didnt feel so inferior to gay people then they wouldnt invest so much energy in trying to hide the fact that so many people they worship as examples of excellence of their country were gay. It's like the italians and leonardo da vinci, michael angelo, caravaggio or the british and alan turing.

[–]Gravi[S] 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

The homosexuals only make a small minority, Polish culture isn't gay, never was from what I know, does it matter that some people in history were gay? It doesn't really.

Thing is, these parades are ideological warfare, they want to go much further than they say. Homophobia is only natural if you look at it from natures perspective, if there was natural homosexuality to begin with. Mercury causes hormonal problems in animals, thus turning the "homosexual". That's basically rewiring their brains into making them think that they're the opposite sex, so their natural instinct is to go after the opposite sex of what they are currently.

Since when homosexuals had a culture? Their only culture was in Ancient Greece - Pedophilia - Teachers fucking their male students, very rich culture indeed. Most Polish people do not wish for homosexuality, it doesn't bring much good, haven't seen it to much good, you seen those drag queens? Very nice people.

To preserve ones culture, heritage is to move away from all that is seeking to destroy it, homosexuality is seeking to destroy it by implying everyone else change to them not the other way around.

Then why'd you bother asking about the parades? I don't really see the point then if no one cares. But from what I can tell, they're super violent if you're suggesting they trample over me, I guess we should allow them then, no? Comply till freedom is achieved.

Homosexuality does not achieve the things we need, it only divides us more, we need actual men, we need actual fathers, we need actual women, we need actual mothers, dude fucking a dude don't make a kid and nor does a gal fucking a gal, that's how cultures die out, with a homosexual moan.

[–]spicebutton 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for basically painting a picture of cave beasts and primitivity as some image to uphold as if hairy woman breeding a baby while man searches for food outside the cave is some central core of modern civilization. It isn't. But the fact that you feel you need to go that far back in some imaginary world (it's incorrect by the way) shows how low you think of yourself, that that's the best you can achieve.

"Polish culture isnt gay" Polish culture isnt straight either. It's elite achievements seem to be by gay people. That's a bit embarrassing. And you seem a bit embarrassed yourself when you ignore the fact that their greatest cultural icon that they worship is a gay man, which they had to conspire to hide and pretend he was straight.

Every single other sentence uttered out of your mouth wasnt just wrong. It's so wrong that we'd have to go into axioms and deep philosophical foundations to fix the perversions of your mind. That's how utterly wrong you are.

Ancient greece set the foundations of human civilization by the way and almost all its elite philosophers were gay. Without them, western civilization would collapse. So it seems that breeding like rats is not an actual achievement since its the culture that creates excellence within humans. Otherwise theyre nothing but naked beasts having sex with each other to breed children for these children to do nothing but breed like beasts when they grow up.

Perhaps homosexuality is natures way of making some people human. To make sure they devote themselves to the arts and culture, giving dignity and life to the ones busy breeding.

I dont think you understand how highly homosexuals think of themselves compared to you. You keep mentioning culture. Who exactly do you think gave most of it to you? Even the classical parts that you worship and cant live without.

"PoLiSh CuLTuRe IsNt GaY!" Only the most elite, best parts of it are. lol