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[–]fizzyj[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

A hitherto unknown cause of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak [1–3] is reported here - a bacteria from the Prevotella genus. The number of Wuhan coronavirus deaths in mainland China has overtaken the SARS epidemic in the country. The high mortality is being caused by targeting only the virus (which is also present). This is a two pronged attack, as previously noted in ‘infection with human coronavirus NL63 enhances streptococcal adherence to epithelial cells‘ [6]. Prevotella is a well known pathogen, and can induce ‘Severe Bacteremic Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Mice with Upregulated Platelet-Activating Factor Receptor Expression’ [7].The RNA-seq data from Wuhan, China (PRJNA603194) has millions of reads of Prevotella proteins, and a few thousands from 2019-nCoV (Table 1). Similarly, the DNA sequences (PRJNA601630) of 6 patients from the same family in Hong Kong [3] shows significant presence of this bacteria. These sequences can be found at SI:China.RNA-seq/SampleSequences.fa(n=480K) and SI:HongKong/ALLsequences.fa(n=50k).Finally, the expression levels (Table 2) shows that the elongation factor Tu is the most expressed. ‘Elon- gation factor Tu (Tuf) is a new virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae that binds human complement factors, aids in immune evasion and host tissue invasion’ [8].These are the only two studies I could find. Detection of the Prevotella in other samples will add more credence to this theory. Detection of the nCoV can be made very specific by looking for a 500bp in the spike protein [4], which would be a good candidate for vaccine development, protein-inhibition and diagnosis (which was non-specific for SARS in many cases, including the CDC test [5]). Anti-virals neeed to be supplemented with anti-bacterial agents to treat this disease.

[–]fizzyj[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)