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[–]In-the-clouds[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

1:19 PM About 1/3 of the sun is now blocked by the moon. The lighting outside is changing.

1:34 PM About 80% of the sun is covered and it's still day time. The sun is that powerful that most of it can be covered and yet it still makes everything visible!

1:46 PM About 93% of the sun is blocked. It looks like an image filter is being applied to the whole world. Or it looks like it is getting darker but not like sunset. It's like wearing sunglasses. Neighbors lighting fireworks. Dog barking. Birds continue to chirp.

1:52 PM Total eclipse.... The moon looked completely black, as if had been replaced by a black hole, with no light at all reflected from it. The ring from the sun was visible with the naked eye. I saw two bright stars in the middle of the day!

2:17 PM The total eclipse lasted only about 3 minutes. The daylight has returned and it is almost back to looking normal. The air feels cooler, but is beginning to warm back up.

I felt excited watching the entire process. God is an amazing Creator. For him, it is an easy thing to make stars, planets, and moons.