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[–]IridescentAnaconda 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

I agree with you, but there are two forces in play right now. One of them is the force you allude to: gay men failing to take responsibility for their sexual behavior and, additionally, shunning gay men who want to promote the idea of sexual responsibility in gay male culture (I have experienced this). But on the other hand you have a contingent of straight people who will blame gay people no matter what. In particular, you will find people who oppose same-sex marriage -- a generally stabilizing force (even though imperfect) -- out of pure spite. I find it particularly amusing that certain people on this platform allude to their own less-than-stellar sexual morals as straight men, yet still condemn gay men. Flaming hypocrites.

Anyway, we're all doomed. Monkeypox will lead to lockdowns for everybody (whether warranted or not) and gay men will get left holding all the blame.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]RedEyedWarrior 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I don’t interact with other gay men that much. I used to think it was wrong for me to be a virgin at 27. Now I’m actually proud of the fact that I’m a virgin at 27. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have a boyfriend, but I’m not lowering my standards. Good on you for being true to yourself, even if that means being cut off from some "community".

    [–]StillLessons[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Your comment speaks to a theme I've given a lot of thought to over the past several years. It's an unfortunate failing of "liberal democracy" that a large portion of the populations in the west (most especially, apparently among the most "educated", interestingly enough) seem unable to understand the difference between "tolerance" and "promotion". I have a couple of family members who are gay, and until a few years ago, gay/straight was a total non-issue for me. Being gay might as well have been being left handed. That's tolerance. I simply didn't care, and for the most part, I still don't care. But over the past couple of decades, we have moved to a dynamic of promotion, and this is what has totally fucked up all kinds of things. Teaching kids that it doesn't matter if they're gay is a very different message than teaching them that being anything but straight is a superior more "enlightened" sexuality. That is the message being coded into a lot of our media these days, and that is completely fucked up. And that's nothing compared to the battle that has caught us in the past few years that infants should be considered sexual beings. THAT is population-destroying kind of thought. If we treat the most vulnerable members of our society as open game for adult sexual entertainment (which is what drag IS), we are in the middle of a catastrophe. Add on transgenderism, which is a mental illness, and we're off to the races. What transgender advocates prefer to ignore is that the reason a person wants to "change" (which is in itself impossible, with only sexual mutilation as a distant consolation prize) is because they hate themselves as they are. In order to create the "new" persona, they want the old one to die. That's self-hatred, and now we are encouraging it. Talk about a symbolic trend...

    This has gotten completely out of control, and that is because the fish rots from the head. Here's looking at you, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden families...

    [–]IridescentAnaconda 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I agree with what you write. I'm a gay man and I think being homosexual is suboptimal, all other things being equal. However, no human being is perfect, everybody has some cross to bear or some failing. While I might have rather been heterosexual, the fact is that I'm not, and trying to force the issue would do more damage to myself and others than to make the best of the situation at hand and live the best and most honorable life given the constraints. Consequently, I'm a relatively happy person in a satisfying and stable same-sex marriage. I wouldn't wish homosexuality for anybody; but given that some people are gay, I'd rather have a society that allowed gay people to be happy in that state (and provided incentives towards healthy behavior) than to punish us for the fact of our existence. I feel like some people -- unfortunately a growing proportion of people on this site -- are of the punishing mindset.

    [–]JoeyJoeJoe 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    Some beautifully insightful comments on this thread. I'm reminded of a Christopher Hitchens remark, when describing the attitudes of mainstream media regarding Islamic communities in the West and the burqa. There's a flippant shorthand in our discourse where "the most extreme must be the norm", and I feel that definitely also applies to the representation of gay people, and the now-trendy insistence that gender-non-conforming kids are actually trans, roll out the surgeries...

    The trans argument has absolutely nothing to do with being gay, and the forced grouping (lgbtqiz) really ought to be opposed wherever possible. In many cases, being pro-trans equals blatant homophobia & misogyny, which 5 minutes ago was deeply unacceptable!

    [–]RedEyedWarrior 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Ten years from now, we will have a lot of gay men and lesbians with mutilated bodies because they were told they were transgender. They will have a lot to say. Hopefully the general population will be allowed to listen to them.

    [–]CreditKnifeMan 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    They'll be sympathetic, because most are vaccinated, and many of them will also be sterile.

    We already know it builds up in the ovaries, and testes. Done is done. Regrets.

    It's an ever-escalating catastrophe.

    We're still ramping up in intensity. The super crazy effects have just begun.

    Imagine all of this, in the middle of February with reduced heat for the last 6 months. Maybe a war with Russia. Dunno.

    Intensity intensifies!

    [–]RedEyedWarrior 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    Maybe monkeypox won’t lead to lockdowns. At least not globally. But I’m too optimistic. Most people are dumb, and they can vote. I can definitely see gay men on Reddit calling for Monkeypox lockdowns and vaccine mandates, and in the same breath, cry when a country criminalises homosexuality because of Monkeypox. It will be like the AIDS crisis all over again. And I won’t have any sympathy whatsoever for the gay men who die from this.

    I know it’s a horrible thing to type. But that’s how I feel. A lot of gay men are praising Fauci, the same guy who held back research on medication that would have mitigated the effects of aids and claimed that you could get aids from a toilet seat. If this is how a lot of gay people are, I cannot blame homophobic people for being homophobic. I really can’t. And I’m gay. And in case you are wondering, no, I am not one bit ashamed of being gay whatsoever. I’m happy being gay, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. But a lot of gay men are really dumb, so it’s hard for me to feel sorry for them when they bring a lot of their problems upon themselves.

    [–]IridescentAnaconda 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I can definitely see gay men on Reddit calling for Monkeypox lockdowns and vaccine mandates, and in the same breath, cry when a country criminalises homosexuality because of Monkeypox.

    Yes I see the same thing. This will never not be both funny and appalling at the same time. They want lockdowns for all but still lash out in rage if you curtail their cock-carousel for even one minute.

    If this is how a lot of gay people are, I cannot blame homophobic people for being homophobic. I really can’t. And I’m gay.

    Here's the problem: truly homo-hating people will hate you no matter how you behave. There's a lot of people who hate the promiscuity but are otherwise begrudgingly fine with gay men like you and me who understand the physical and emotional importance of chastity/monogamy, and I have no problem with them (even their begrudging tolerance as opposed to the wild enthusiasm demanded by the LGBTQ+ crowd). But there are people who have their own sexual continence issues who still hate you for being gay no matter what you do or do not do. They can't see their own hypocrisy, which is almost as bad as the gay guys you and I see on Reddit. Almost.

    [–]RedEyedWarrior 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    You’re right. Most homophobic people can never be pleased. And those irresponsible gay men are giving these homophobes ammunition.