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[–]SerpensInferna 18 insightful - 4 fun18 insightful - 3 fun19 insightful - 4 fun -  (2 children)

It does make me a bit sad, there was a lot I liked about ruqqus. It was over the minute they "pivoted", though.

[–]RuckusChan 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

A terrible pity because it had potential, Saidit has moral and principle and they have none. They at ruqqus didn't have the same Q-Anon crazy Libertarian base and Nationalism and Alt-Right posts as voat. I guess it was 'something' one time, ruqqus could have been soemthing and it was more about the memes.... but then came the censorship and bannings. 'Ruqqus is ass, they ban everyone'

The downfall of Ruqqus is well documented on saidit

Then conversations were leaked across socialmedia of Ruqqus admin hanging with transexual weirdos on discord and talking shit about their own site, hating on their own user base. Then voat went down at Christmas and the voat culture arrived...kind of.... Ruqqus refuses to change its culture with new users, nazi commie rules are enforced to fight new users and it implodes due to Voat's exodus? they did however at first mostly ban a group 'SoapBoxBanHammer' which I seen way back in the day at voat, I never understood their 'soapbox' agenda, they did have bots and they would troll, shitpost but they were also a mob or mafia and ran one of the most powerful upvoting downvoter mafias on voat and could destroy a person's karma or vote ability or post ability or they could promote their own shitty posts across the front page....I don't think many really cared that soapbox was banned the user base at voat itself mostly hated 'soapbox', I'm not sure where soapbox is now maybe at phuks?

More bug and server and technical issues Ruqqus down - "We are having account issues with our host. Ruqqus is down while we resolve these issues and/or move hosts."

QUOTE ' Nationality the Dual Citizen? "American" The internet is a terrifying place for your average normie, filled with differing opinions and neverending lulz guaranteed to redpill anyone easily susceptible to words online. Over the years, many websites have come and gone to cater to those wanting to talk about whores and niggers tonguing their anuses. But Reddit rose above the ranks, ushering in a new era of internet speech, until they didn't. In comes Ruqqus to save the day! Adam LaDine✡ had a dream in 2017, to create what Imzy once was in his own kiked vision. But he couldn't just create a Reddit clone and advertise it as Reddit with pro-Jew tendencies, he needed to figure out a way to sucker in a userbase dissatisfied with the state of Reddit at the time. Lo and behold, Adam had cracked the code! Just say it's a "freeze peach" website and you'll have your audience in no time at all!'

Ruqqus is going to embrace deletions, bannings and censorship?

A buggy website 504 and 503 errors

who is Adam LaDine?

1 Month ago they start censoring Corona propaganda or Covid questions on behalf of reddit deleting user names, banning people and erasing their entire posts

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i had thought encyclopedia dramatica was gone for good. I wish websites didn't have to always change their address like that, and you can't google it of course as that is censored. I could have searched more I guess but yeah