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[–]FediNetizen 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Lupron hurts kids just like testosterone and estrogen do. And the evidence that for most kids it was doing so for nothing has been there all along. Surprise surprise, the same drug that we were using to chemically castrate sex offenders, and that was also already shown to cause muscoskeletal issues when given to kids to block precocious puberty, is also turning out to cause the same problems when it's given to kids to block regular puberty.

The only reason western society is going through this phase right now is because wealthy/influential autogynephilic men, with the support of the alphabet lobby that needs a new justification for their existence since Obergefell, are now pushing the "trans children" narrative to obfuscate the fetishistic roots of their motivation to "transition".

Bruce Jenner famously got caught by one of his teen daughters trying on her clothes before he was "out". When she told the family about it, he told the family he was a liar. Now he's out telling people that there is no meaningful difference between male and female athletes, and also pushing the trans child narrative.

The "trans child" narrative has always been a farce. And now, it is being exposed as such.