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[–]Trajan 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I think that there's broad agreement that police need to be properly vetted during hiring, properly trained, and held accountable when they act unlawfully. We have seen enough travesties of justice, where police officers damn near murder a person yet walk away with little more than a loss of employment. This has happened regardless of the race of the victim. If I have an agenda it is to combat the idiotic idea that race is the answer to all bad things ever. The statistics simply do not support you.

48 police officers were 'feloniously killed' in 2019 according to FBI statistics. Here's how that breaks down:

Male: 45 (93.7%)

Female: 3 (6.2%)

White: 40 (83%)

Black: 7 (14.55%)

Asian: 1 (2%)

Incidentally, blacks over overrepresented (around 40%) as perpetrators in these instances. Crime data would suggest, quite reasonably, that blacks are more likely to encounter these situations because they're more likely be criminals. I'm not talking about stuff where they could be brought up on bogus charges, like possessing a bit of weed or an officer sprinkling some crack around the scene; homicides and violent robberies show this trend. Most of their victims are black people, so either black people are making up claims of murder or robbery or we have a good argument for how blacks are more likely to end-up interacting with police. Even if we accept that police need to be better, it's difficult to argue that there's a need for good judgement on the part of potential victims of police shootings. To quote Jim Cary in Liar Liar, 'stop breaking the law, asshole.'

On the subject of black women, they're very unlikely to be shot by police because women in general are massively underrepresented in the kinds of behaviours that lead to interactions with police. Let's use the Washington Post database as The Post is a left-leaning newspaper. They cite numbers from 2015 to 2020.

Fatally shot by police: 5,437

Male white: 2,347 (43%)

Female white: 137 (2.5%)

Black male: 1,251 (23%)

Black female: 47 (0.8%)

Let's look at 2019 in case things have been getting worse.

Fatally shot by police: 999

Male white: 377 (37.7%)

Female white: 26 (2.6%)

Male black: 244 (24%)

Female black: 6 (0.6%)

Black women are about as low risk as it gets. Either black women are showing excellent judgement or this isn't about an issue explained by systemic racism. Why are black women so underrepresented in these shootings? Explanations for police shootings are more likely a combination of the following:

  1. People breaking the law and presenting a threat to officers. Males and black males are more likely to do this.

  2. Police officers lacking effective vetting, training, and disciplinary processes (including prosecution). Regardless of Floyd's background as an armed robber and prodigious user of illegal narcotics, the officers involved should be prosecuted. The officer who killed Daniel Shaver (white) should have served time. The officer who shot Philando Castile (black) should have served time. The officers involved in the death of Tony Tampa (white) should have at minimum never worked in law enforcement ever again.

  3. People who prevent progress to improving this by wanting to blame everything on racial prejudice on the part of police. However well intentioned you are, and I assume your intentions are good, you are part of the problem.

[–]Captzapheart 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

The Washington post is not left leaning by leaning by European and global standards, corporate centrist (neo-lib/right) is where I would place that piece of crap rag. With regard to black woman, what about Sandra Bland, Breonna Taylor and no knock warrants. Admit it you need some accountability, care to disclose which agency/ideology you represent with due respect?

[–]Trajan 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

We're talking about the US, aren't we? It's left-leaning by US standards and isn't likely to downplay police shootings of black people. If you think the Washington Post is more right than left then I don't think I have the time nor the inclination to explain everything that would be necessary before we even begin to discuss the statistics. I'm CIA. Far-right Adventist Third Masonic Lodge of Wyoming.

[–]Captzapheart 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

A left (if you insist) leaning establishment rag would indeed cover for the establishment, it's what they are there for. Perhaps its time to acknowledge the views outside the US bubble... You know the rest of planet earth, where we all happen to reside, it is there where the US is losing influence over such barbaric/savage acts....poor leadership.... phoney capital...general arrogance. We are all looking on in dismay and shame as influence ebb's towards China.

[–]Trajan 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This is a post concerning the NFL (US-based), where I responded to a post that said nothing of discussing this on a global level. The two examples you mentioned in our discussion (Bland and Taylor) are drawn from the US, and no-knock warrants, in the context of police shootings, are overwhelmingly a US phenomenon.

For your own good I'd suggest you step away from the keyboard and talk to normal people about mundane things. You are exhibiting conspiratorial thinking, disjointed thinking, and your responses seem geared towards preserving your viewpoints as opposed to explaining them coherently or considering how facts affect them.

[–]Captzapheart 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I'd be a bit sore as well if I got intellectualy smashed. Why don't you go to Parlor, isn't that where you pissy rightists are supposed to go for your little "safe space"?