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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I agree with your sentiments about the corruption of the education system, among many other intentional subversions of it, like underfunding, overcrowding, the corporatization of the universities, etc.

Whether the people are legal or illegal should make little difference. North America was illegally stolen from the First Nations.

Whether or not a poor person is on welfare "mooching" off the system is utterly trivial compared to the high crimes of the ruling class. Matt Taibi explains how one small group of 2008 banksters in their little scam cost people more than all of the car thefts in America combined, yet none went to jail.

Stop worrying about the few dollars the poor people get when the billionaires get TRILLIONS in bailouts for intentionally failing.

If the immigrants are peaceful then let them be. If they are a problem, then deal with them on an individual level - then get back to the real big issue, the ruling class. In the big picture, the class war is the ONLY tribalism that really matters.

" Of course everyone here championing socialism wants to remove my freedom because of their shotty life choices or their lack of effort such that the govt can dictate and dole out bennies and who gets what in it's infinite wisdom. "

I've seen no evidence of this.

[–]jamesK_3rd 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Welfare state, open borders, or a Republican democracy, pick two, you can't have three.

It isn't about welfare, it's about incentives. If you want open borders, the simple fact is the incentives must be removed. I still think under a my libertarian system there's room for refugees, who could be given govt aid. But no, you cannot give welfare to the masses and not expect exactly what's happening in the U.S. now to be happening.

Welfare for corporations or welfare for people is theft. We should be working to end all welfare.. But we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Just because the govt shills to corporations isn't a license to excuse welfare for the poor and vice versa. The very fact that govt continues to become evermore omnipresent in giving out "aid" is the very thing displacing private institutions..

Private institutions which for many years have been the lifeline for many ppl. You could at one point walk into a moose, lions club, elks, or religious institution and chat with an actual human about your problems and walk away with money, food, shelter, or a plan to start with. Try walking in to the welfare office and asking for something not on the dole. We should be ending all welfare, for all these recipients. These private institutions are failing because they're being displaced by govt..

And no, just because you're a poor person doesn't mean you're somehow better and/or more deserving than the rich schmuck or uber wealthy corporation getting their govt payout. I'm not sure where such nonsense comes from, well i do know actually..

I'm also not sure how The illegally stolen lands thing comes into play. If that's a take you're going with, i think one argument is while that may have been true at one point, most of the tribal elders or tribes of original inhabitants of North America have been paid some form of reparations and agreed the debt for the land was settled long ago. In fact most tribes now reside on land that isn't actually under the jurisdiction of the U.S, a by-product of most of those deals..

So under such conditions, people who settled the U.S., their slaves, original natives, and any descendents of any aforementioned group actually do belong here and what's more, they're the actual rightful inhabitants.

And continuing your thought experiment of looking through the prism of who are the rightful inhabitants of the land, I'd say you're argument is very strong in favor of rounding up everyone not a current citizen and sending them back from where they came without exception because they haven't seemingly made any attempt to make or pay concessions for citizenship to any group or individual living here now.

I suppose we could cynically say that i won't see any payment firm these invaders for at least a few hundred years, with history being our guide. But I'm here now and I'd like to be paid now.. Maybe if the they really want citizenship they should look into paying every current citizen a small stipend until their citizenship is granted, i can definitely be persuaded to listen to such.

Maybe that's a bit much to ask though.. But what they could do is not take slots or funding from current citizens looking to go to university, since we all agree that credentialing at school is important.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Don't forget about the deep state. If the CIA, Mossad, and all the secret agencies, think tanks, NGOs, etc from the USA, Israel, and beyond, globally - if they weren't utterly fucking shit up around the world and oppressing folks they'd not be so inclined to leave their homelands. This included anything from drone strikes and wars to installing oppressive dictators and financial debts on unwitting states.

The "democracy" is a farce. There are over 40 ways to rig an election. Add pandemic hoax to that list.

Welfare to the masses is NOT the problem. Welfare for the ruling class IS. If they can just arbitrarily give the millitary billions or the banksters trillions then they can EASILY cover all the healthcare and education in the USA. They CHOSE not to. We don't have a say.

Private clubs are fine. Let them help. Doesn't mean the government shouldn't. If they can take your money to "protect" you with their police and military then they should also take your money to protect your health too. They would rather financially rape you with their corrupt healthcare systems scams.

" just because you're a poor person doesn't mean you're somehow better and/or more deserving than the rich schmuck "

I never said that. But I am saying the inverse. Rich fucks have been rigging and ripping off their "lessors" since time began and it's about time for some fairness.

I'm saying "illegal" is a nonsense term to trigger people as if the laws weren't rigged and the systems were actually fair. They aren't. Just because it's "legal" doesn't make it right either.

No man. The First Nations peoples have be fucked over by every government since day one, and continue to be fucked to today. They are the poorest among us and no one even sees because the MSM ignores them. No DAPL is recent proof.

My point is that who occupies the land is a citizen of the land, regardless of what bullshit paper schemes are trying to fuck them over.

I'm not for rounding anyone up, except violent criminals, scammers, and the ruling class. Send them no where but to jail and/or hell.