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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

First paragraph: A+++ 100% agreed!

Second paragraph: I'm sad that you feel compelled to punch down on those "niggers" who are trying to do better for themselves, even if it means exploiting the loopholes that our so-called "leaders" have laid out for all of us with them - in order to get cheaper labour, cause division, muddy the waters and bloodlines, exploit this, exploit that, etc etc etc. The already are what they are. They don't need names and insults on them. Doesn't mean you need to hug them, but they deserve compassion too. And we need to take on the fucking corrupt ruling class exploiters and their rigged systems - with better systems. #FightElitesNotEachOther

Third paragraph: I avoid doctors, especially my Dad, and by circumstances my brother. When desperate I go to a nearby clinic to some Sikh doctor who can't speak clearly at all and that drives me nuts. But I guarantee you he knows his shit more about that Big Pharma pill-pushing shit than most Canadian-born doctors. The bar is very high. That's why you hear about a lot of doctors who come over to become cab drivers - because they can't pass the tests. Yet, obviously, the results are not the same, and ultimately the patient suffers.

Bridge to where?

[–]a_man_a_plan_pancake 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

My wife was a refugee of civil war. Her family arrived here with literally nothing more but the clothes they were wearing and some paperwork. She and her sister had jobs within a day of arriving. She's run several businesses employing more than 100 people over the years.

I worked at a company for years that was only able to succeed because of the high quality immigrant labor pool it was able to draw on: Italians, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Chinese mostly but also a few Poles, Hungarians, and Germans. The work ethic and devotion I observed daily from these individuals would put any Canadian to shame.

Later on they employed East Indians who were generally hard working but those muther fuckers stole like it was their job. I remember one pajet got caught red handed with a bunch of IP yet he turned around and sued the company for some thing I forget now. It went nowhere but christ you can bet that was the last time a curry eater was hired for a senior position.

Anyhow contrast that with the low IQ, west hating, baby machines they are currently bringing in by the boatload. Do you recall the so-called trained firefighters they brought in from Africa to help when the north was going up in flames? Not only were they not trained but they refused to learn. They demanded higher wages and ended up being paid more than the average Canadian firefighter, but they were still absolutely useless. Good job whoever it was that decided what Canada needed was to ship a bunch of niggers halfway around the world to help with the fire effort. Yeah, you're a real fucking patriot.

I disagree with you; In my experience (East) Indian doctors are low skilled (though there are exceptions). You seem to say that your father and brother are doctors, well when I talk to people that work in hospitals the Indian docs are at bottom of the list when it comes to, for instance, which doctor you'd want to perform surgery on you. "Incompetent" is the word most commonly used. A single example is not proof BUT when my mother needed emergency bowel surgery while out of province the Indian 'surgeon' assigned to her did more harm than good.

And the African doctors that are in the Medicenters are fucking useless. I go there to get scripts refilled because they are close and don't ask any questions, which isn't a good thing BTW. How they manage to get certified in Canada boggles the mind. Yet I know several highly trained Eastern European and Russian immigrants that were engineers and the like back home but could not afford to go through school again after coming to Canada. They ended up working mostly laboring jobs. These are the sorts of people that raise the standard of a country and that we should be helping, NOT some IQ 85 mud squatter whose idea of sophistication is a bone through the nose. I exaggerate for effect but my words are sincere.

Canada has clearly benefited from immigration BUT what we're seeing now is NOT THAT. And the notion that it's our duty to save the poor and disadvantaged of the world is the biggest load of claptrap there is. It's the lifeboat theory in action: If you keep pulling drowning people into the boat it eventually capsizes and everyone drowns.

The virtue signalling circle jerk woke idiots that are currently setting policy say it's for the good of the country BUT how? To shore up the labor pool? Ha! The vast majority aren't working nor do they have any plan to. Would you if you were given free money?

Bridge, as in burnt. As in you can't go back.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Working hard is something to be respected. So is taking it easy.

Life is like production - you get 2/3 on 1) quality 2) time and 3) cost.

If you want it fast it will cost you money and/or quality. If you want it good it will cost you time or money. Etc. It's a balance and you only get 2/3.

Working to live is no way to live. Unfortunately many folks don't have the imagination or IQ to not have masters, bosses, and leaders. Half of everyone is stupider than average and most of the others are very close to average. And not every brilliant person is brilliant at everything. So it doesn't mean you should forgo compassion.

Much of these problems are due to the social engineering shit. We're all programmed to be good consumers, obey the boss and authority, and fuck community for selfish reasons. Plus they now add SJW shit to the mix. Instead of importing African firefighters they should have locally trained people from their own community to defend their own community from fire - or other emergencies. IMO.

I agree with you that foreign doctors might be better at the bottom of the list if only because of their terrible accents. You want precise clarity in the operating theatre with no mixups.

Sorry to hear about your mom. Our medical establishment is a rigged system too. My dad and brother play their parts in their roles. Neither really sees the bigger picture or understands how Big Oil not only started Big Pharma but also the AMA and CMA. Surgery should always be last resort. On the plus side, my brother is a chiropractor with much emphasis on physiotherapy, sports injuries, etc. The US still has many quack chiropractics, but Canada is pretty good.

I don't share your racist views, but I do agree immigration is heavily weaponized warfare upon the extant population - and only benefits the ruling class in many exploitable ways.

IMO, we should be exporting our first world privileges and knowledge for trade with the third world for their organic products (natural food, clothing, furniture, etc) - rather than importing their best and brightest into our plastic lifestyles. That way we build and produce and trade and they build and produce and trade and we all progress.

SJWs use their woke nonsense to justify anything, including hypocrisy. That's all it's for.

I get free money. Not enough. Long story if you wanna hear it. I'm trying to use my "free" time wisely within the very unfree limits.

Back to where?