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[–]Prism 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Serial killers being disproportionately white is due to it taking brains to plan and execute murder whilst simultaneously doing everything to not get caught doing so. Most black people don't have the mental prowess to be serial killers - it's in their very nature to be lesser than whites as there was no evolutionary pressure for them to smarten up like there was for the people of Europe/Asia. Does this seriously need to be spelled out for you?

Black people don't respect you for making excuses for them - they don't even respect themselves enough to stop robbing and killing each other in droves. What kind of a "man" actively whiteknights the very people who are destroying his society.

You're pathetic, fucking wake up.