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[–]merrychristmas 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can. Or rather, I can paraphrase the words of a priest who knows how to read the Bible in Greek.

As he explained it to me, Jesus's sacrifice transformed the human race. He imparted the grace of God to each and every member of the race, then and now, perpetually. You're perhaps familiar with the concept of "human nature" as it is put forth by the nonreligious? That mankind is a base animal, slaved to instincts rooted in selfish preservation? That may well have been true 2020 years ago, but it stopped being true 2019 years ago. This is why people who say the world will go to chaos without christianity are both stupid and hysterical. Christ is within all of us, literally and metaphorically. The only reason Christ took up the role of rabbi in his lifetime was to spread the good word (in Hebrew, gospel). To let us know that everything we were doing was entirely pointless. There dont need to be guardians of the faith, much less guardians of the people (The Sadducees and Pharisees respectively, today they have become the College of Cardinals and the governments of the world). There isnt anything to guard against anymore.

Are people still capable of evil? Of course. Jesus in fact told us that he had come "not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it," referring to God's "laws", the Ten Commandments. He shows here we still need some divine guidance, but only inasmuch as a robot needs some parameters no matter the miraculous wetware it's been gifted by its creators.

If this sounds incongruous with what you hear in any given Mass it's because it bloody well is. My friend the priest is angry about only one thing in this world, and that's the absolute burying of this central theological tenant amongst all the liturgy and orthodoxy of the church. Because the church as it is today is so ludicrously unecessary its laughable. To keep itself germaine it has stuck to Christ's teaching that dont impune its hierarchy. No one has to tell us how or why to be good anymore, the zytgyst has gotten too big and too accessible. An atheistic type could chalk it up to social programming and be just as satisfied, I believe.