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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

and now there is that little issue of my being locked down unnecessarily and being coerced into getting injected with an unknown substance, etc, etc, etc..

and now there is the issue that the governement will seize my home and my property because they fired me from my government job.

and now there is the issue that the child protective services will seize my children because of ...

and now there ...

bottom line, i would choose living in osho's community instead of living in the richest penthouse and driving bentleys.

the "machine gun squads" were simply osho's private security for the community, and our government does not take kindly to your handling your own security issues.. WE RUN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THAT IS FINAL.

and hey, evil always hates that which is good...

video: ruthless killer biker gangs

[–]Node 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you drove a bike and you wore a patch you went down. We hit everything.

Not the ruthless bikers, that was the ruthless Canadians.

I seem to recall her name being 'Ma'-something, the leader of the "private security" who went off the rails with the regulated guns, and the attack on the townspeople. Even without a government at all, the poisoning attack on the town would call for a counterattack to wipe out that community.

When you're running a cult, you need to keep your security forces under control for the safety of all your members, and that didn't happen. She went a little nuts and brought the whole thing down.

video and text: who conquered this planet and why things suck so badly now

If this 2 part documentary is true, my past claims that "they're farming humans" on this planet is as correct as I imagined. It was more inference from the glimpses of control we've seen for all our lives, but this provides some detail.

Life begins where fear ends.